Saturday, October 24, 2015

Getting Caught Stealing At Target And Confronting A Lady For Stealing At Kroger

It's been 5 months now since my night shift job at Kroger, I'm not going to get deep into that because I mentioned the details on a blog post a couple weeks back, but anyways it's easy, boring, tiring, etc. The fact that I work from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and then have college classes beginning at 8:00 a.m. doesn't make me a very upbeat person either hahaha.

Blah blah blah, ok sorry enough boring crap, let's get to the point. Nothing exciting goes on at this job. my motive is, "Ok finish your pallets of grocery as fast as you can and get the hell outta here so you can get some sleep before class." I'm not worrying about what others do. The store closes at 1:00 a.m. so I still have to deal with customers the first 2 hours. So now it all starts.

OK EVERYONE! STORY TIME!(: Grab your hot chocolate, your pillow, your candy, your alcohol, whatever it is, cuddle in bed, and get comfortable because this is gonna be a good one.

October 13th, 2015. Around 12:00 a.m. here at Kroger. It was just me and 3 other workers tonight and there was TONS to do. "Hey Cheyenne do you think that lady over there can use your phone? She locked herself of her car, her phone is in there and I forgot mine." said the tall kid who works at the desk. I've seen him for 5 months now and I still don't know his damn name. "Yeah sure thing." I said, not trying to sound annoyed. I took my headphones off, dropped what I was doing and we walked over to her. She was actually quite pretty, looked like she was in her mid 30s and was dressed very well.

"Hey he's gonna let you use his phone." said the tall dude pointing at me. "Hey here you go." I said handing her my phone. "Ugh thank you so much, I just don't have time for this shit, I need to call a locksmith because I locked myself out of my car. I don't even have the money for this. I just recently got out of jail and I just can't do this..." As she called the locksmith, tall dude and I just stood there in silence and awkwardness. "No need to add the extra info." I thought to myself disgustedly. I was in a bad, nasty mood.  I slowly walked away, until she was done talking to the locksmith.

"Hey the locksmith will be here in 15 minutes, here's your phone back!" she yelled to me. I jogged towards her. "Ok awesome thanks! I hope everything goes well." As I took the phone from her and started back to work. "No wait come back." she said. "Yes?" I said. "Well you see I don't have enough money for the locksmith." "Ahhhh geez I'm really sorry, I wish I could help you." I said. "I just don't know what I'm going to do." "I'm sure he will be kind to you and you guys will figure something out." I said, slowly trying to get back to my pallet of cereal. "Ok...well. Thanks for letting me use your phone." she said.

Tall dude left home, I went back to work and the old lady took over the front desk. She irritated me sometimes, she never did anything lol. I happened to look up, and I saw the lady waiting for the locksmith just walking around the store. Usually employees would be skeptical of this, but honestly I wasn't in the mood to know if she was up to anything or not, so I just went back to work.

I went to go get another pallet jack since some jerk came and took mine, and boom, there she was on the soap/bathroom/cosmetics aisle stealing what seemed to look like makeup and facial products. The expensive kind. She put multiple things in her large purse bag. Honestly looked like it could've been up to $100. "Whaaaaaat no wayyyy." I thought to myself. I stayed out of sight from her. She went back to the front to wait for the locksmith. Surprisingly the door didn't ring or alert about anything being stolen as she walked past it. "I don't have time for this." I sighed. I just went back to work. Whatever. It's not a big deal. I don't care. I'm a bad employee, whatever lol.

3 days later.

She came in again, this time it was just me, the old lady again, and Carlos, my manager. It was an easy day, so I wasn't going fast and stuff. I was stocking the cereal aisle and she came over and put some granola bars in her cart. "Hey how are you?" she said to me. "Oh I'm doing fine yourself?" I said, geez she looked really good. "Eh I'm alright, could be better." "Well hope all goes well." I said. I always say that, I sound like a robot. Sometimes I should actually care and think when I talk. "Well have a nice night." she said.seriously. She was never smiling. She went to aisle 5, the spices, vinegar, pancake, etc aisle. I slowly followed but made sure she didn't see me. I was skeptical ever since the cosmetic theft incident.

I couldn't believe it. She put a bunch of those small spices in her purse, very quickly. I couldn't see what specific. "Hahaha you've got to be kidding." I said quietly. She still didn't see me. She quickly went to aisle 17. I followed behind again. This time she put two small sweet teas in her purse. "Really? Those cost like a $1.00." I laughed to myself. She turned and made eye contact with me, I quickly looked at the shelf like I was changing the price tag or something. "Have a nice night." she said again. And left to cash her items in the cart. Which was only cereal, milk, and a couple other food products.

I just stood there dumbfounded. Yeah yeah yeah it's the right thing to tell on her, I just don't have the motivation for this. Work, class, studying, and 3 hours of sleep every day is what's doing this to me. I let her go. I went back to work. "Ugh pleasssseeee don't come back here and steal again." I thought to myself.

1 freakin day later.

This time the whole night crew was here, 5 of us, it was a huge truck of groceries and all of us was needed. I was working cereal again and I saw her walk by. "You've got to be kidding." I said to myself. I followed behind her again. She was in the cosmetics again, taking the small, yet expensive shampoos, eye/facial products, etc. She went all out this time. Stuffed tons into her bag. And went for the other aisle. "Nahhhh man not this time." I thought to myself.

She didn't see me come behind her, I lightly put my hand on her shoulder. "Please come with me." I said. "Oh my gosh you scared me." she said, this time smiling. "Why are you doing this?" I said. "What do you mean?" she said, her face getting stern real quick. I looked at her purse and looked back up to her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." "No I don't, and I don't have time for this." she said, starting to go to the register.

"Listen to me lady, get your ass back here or I'm going to get you in huge trouble, that's up to $100 in your purse, there's footage upstairs with you stealing it, and if you don't cooperate you're going to be in huge trouble." I whispered angrily. She quickly walked back, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't get in trouble anymore, please, I'm on probation. This is just the first time I've done this." "Do you think I'm freakin stupid? I saw you do it yesterday and a week ago. I'm tired and don't have time for this crap. Don't lie to me." I said. "Please please please don't get me in trouble, you're a very kind and nice guy, please don't do this to me." she said coming closer to me and putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Cheyenne you over there??" I heard Carlos yell from afar. She looked at me with fear in her eyes, she started crying. "Quit crying, quit crying." I whispered in a annoyed voice to her. "Ahhh yeah just helping a customer, I'll be there in a sec!" I yelled back. "Aight!" he yelled in his Mexican voice.

She looked at me, "Oh my God. Oh my God." she said. "No more stealing." I said. "Put back those products and please leave." I said. "Thank you so much, thank you so much, thank you so much." she said multiple times. She hugged me, it was extremely awkward. "You're lucky it was me." I said. "The others would've done their job correctly." I said. "Thank you so much Cheyenne." she said looking at my name tag. I walked away.

No. I didn't let her go because she was an attractive lady. No. I didn't let her go because I'm a "nice guy" or because I'm "chill", I'm actually a jerk in real life hahaha. I let her go because just a couple of months ago I GOT CAUGHT FOR STEALING.

Ok now for my part of the story, the part that'll make you think different of me, the cingeworthy, heart pumping part. The part that makes you ask questions like "Y U SO STUPIDZ CHEYENNE???"

We all sin. It happens. It's so hard not to do it. I was so disappointed at myself for this. I have a theory that stealing is the sin that should be the easiest to NOT DO. You just don't do it. It's easy. Don't take something that isn't yours. It's simple. It's the sin that I've struggled the least with throughout life. I've rarely done it at all throughout my life, before this incident, the last time I stole was probably when I was 14. I took a bag of quarters from my father's desk drawer.

It was mid May 2015. My first year of college was about to end, it was finals going on and testing. My friend Robert and I were in the Cedar Hill/Duncanville part of Texas, near Dallas. I had to pick up a couple of things, Ramen noodles, some more pens, and some more soap and face wash. We were in Super Target. The store was practically empty. He left and waited for me in his car. I went for the cashier to cash my things but walked by a hat. It was pretty cool, it was a Nike one with the colors white and green. I looked at the price tag. "Damn it." It was $30. My heart started racing.

"Don't do it, you're a good guy, you don't steal. You're Cheyenne Fuller, you never steal, you can't even remember when the last time was when you stole." "Just do it real quick. No one will see, you'll have a new hat" You're gonna get caught." "Quick being a pussy and take the damn hat." "No don't do it!" Yes do it!" I took the hat and slowly went around to the corner with the pants and shirts, it seemed to have less cameras around there. I quickly, fast as lighting, stuffed it into my gym bag, which had my wallet and phone in it. I had the money to pay for my items in my pocket.

I walked up to the register to pay for my things. My heart was beating very fast. Last time I did something like this I was in 3rd grade. I took a snickers bar and got caught, but they gave me a warning. I wasn't upset because I got caught, I was upset because they made me put the snickers bar back and told me to never come back to the store.

I quickly tried walking to Robert's car and a super short, skinny, man opened up the employee door really fast. "Hey you stop there!" he said in a very squeaky voice, doing a super fast walk towards me. I thought about running, they can't do anything you once you're out of the store and out of there, besides call the police of course. I'm not running though, I'm not a criminal.

I stopped. "Is there something wrong?" I asked like a dumbass. "Could I see what's in your bag please?" he said. A HUGE black guy came from the door and stood right behind me as well. Now I really got scared lol. And of course people suddenly wanted to shop in Target now, there were people coming in, giving weird looks. I felt like I was in a movie. "Awww shit, nigga got caught shoplifting ya'll, look dat nigga got caught shoplifting." I heard a black high school teen say as he passed by laughing with his friends. Duncanville is more of an "Black" community I guess.

I handed skinny man my bag and he pulled out the hat. "Alright kid come with me. You're in huge trouble. I just don't understand what motivates you people to do this crap." The cashier who cashed me my items looked at me with a shocked expression. He was a cool dude. I didn't say anything. I didn't even think. My heart just dropped. They brought me downstairs into this room, with three other employees, each on a computer with tons of cameras looking down on the store. "Sit your ass right here," said the skinny man. He was very disappointed. "Why the hell are you stealing?" he asked. I answered honestly, but stupidly. "I don't know, I-I I've never really done this before." I said. "Obviously, it was so damn obvious you were stealing kid. Look at what you've done. Shit like this ruins people's lives ya know. A stupid ass hat. You risking jail bars because of a stupid ass hat." he said. I just looked at the floor.

"Give me your license kid. I need identification." he said. I handed him my license. He looked at me real weirdly. "Cheyenne? You from Montana? What the hell you doing down here?" he asked. "Well I live here permanently now, I just haven't had the time to change my Montana license to a Texas one." "Don't gimme that bullshit, you've had plenty of time. Wait here kid." he said.

He went into the other room. The huge black guy came and sat across from me and just looked at me. This literally had to be the scariest part. I just looked at the ground. He came towards me and picked up the hat I stole. He looked at it for a couple seconds and looked back up at me. "This is one ugly ass hat boy." I kept looking at the ground. I was very scared lol, but I kinda wanted to laugh because the way he said it was extremely funny. I'm glad I didn't.

Skinny man came back. "We just called the police and they will be here shortly." My heart dropped again. I'm screwed. "You go to college?" "Yeah." I said, hoping they wouldn't ask where. "Where?" he asked. "Dallas Baptist University." "Pshhhh kid, why the hell you stealing? What's your problem? Why the hell you gotta come in here and steal like that? Shit, you dumbass college kids. When will you people just learn to do the right thing." he said shaking his head. "You just wait here." he said, as he and black muscle man walked back into the other room.

I just sat there and looked at the wall. I started talking to myself out loud. "Well congratulations, you once again managed to f#@& up your life with your stupidity. Everyone's going to think you're an idiot. You don't have the money to pay for these tickets. Are you kidding me? Stealing? What's wrong with me? This isn't who I am. Why did I do this? You're a failure. You really are. You're pathetic. You idiot. Ok whatever, just shut up. Just freakin shut up you idiot. You deserve this, your life was never meant to be perfect, in fact I hope you go to jail, you fool." My phone vibrated many times, it was Robert pestering me. "Where are you?" "Where are you?" "What happened?"

The police showed up 10 minutes later. It was two of them. "Let me see his license." said one of them to skinny man. The other one stayed in the room with me. "Why?" he said to me as he held up that hat. "I just don't know." I said, feeling humiliated. He started laughing, "Kid this is one ugly ass hat." he said. I almost chuckled at that. Geez, maybe it's a good thing I didn't end up getting it.

"I looked at the footage, you don't seem like the kind of guy to do this. You looked more scared than ever." he said at me. I looked up at him finally. "That's because I'm not. I'm not a bad person. I don't steal. Sometimes officer, you just do things without even thinking. Right before you do it, you keep telling yourself not to do it, but you just quickly do it anyway without thinking, blocking out the thoughts. You block your conscious out. You don't even have a purpose for doing what you're doing." I said.

He just kept looking at me, slightly grinning. It was silent for a couple of minutes. "You should've just left with your cheap ramen. You shouldn't be here right now kid. You're better than this. I've seen some pretty huge dummies in the past stealing from here, and none of them come close to as educated, well-behaved, and polite as you." he said.

Silent again. My worst fear was going to jail. My mom can't drive in traffic, Alex is working in Dallas constantly, and I'm not asking ANY friends to bail me out. Too embarrassing.

"So. I guess I'm going to jail then huh?" I looked up at him. "We'll see." he said.

Skinny man, huge black man, and the other officer came from the room. All 4 of them now looked at me. The police officer I was talking to was the first to talk. "You're not going to jail. The theft was under $50, so it's a Class C offense. Here's your ticket. You go to the court and pay this off. You are forbidden from this store. If you are seen in here again you will go to jail. Do you understand?" he said. "Yes." I said.

"Get your dumbass outta here." said skinny man. "I can't believe you risk your future over a dumb hat." Ugly ass hat." said the black guy one last time. "Be smart." said the officer. I walked out of the store as they walked behind me. I called Robert but he wouldn't pick up. There were more police officers outside. Geez they were acting as if I murdered someone or something.

Robert finally came. I got in the car. "You owe me. You dumbass. Now tell me what happened. I was gonna leave your ass. Thief." He was good at guessing. "Never trust a black guy alone in a store." he laughed jokingly. I tried not to chuckle. "Just drive and get me outta here."

It's currently October 23, 2015 as I write this. My family ended up finding out because court papers got mailed home as I was still at the college dorms. Never seen them this disappointed. Mom still brings it up whenever she's in a bad mood with me. Now you guys know. As you can tell from my past posts, I'm just not afraid to post this. I'm not the only who's ever been in trouble for something stupid. We've all done stupid things blah, blah, blah. Although this one was pretty over the top pathetic. So there's really not a better person than me to tell you a story like this hahaha.

I know my true my friends won't think different of me. It takes guts to write and post things like this and post it on social media. I have a pretty good following now. Up to 1,000 people reading it. Just because I choose to tell you guys my flaws doesn't mean you're "better" than me.

I got deferred and have till November 11th to pay off $500. I still haven't because I've spent my money on car repairs, speeding tickets, clubs, parties, and obviously college. I know. I'm an idiot. If I don't pay the fine by November 11th, I then go to court December 1st. If I don't show up and have the money. It's a warrant and I get arrested. But nahhhhh I'll have it payed off. That ain't happening. I'm Cheyenne Fuller, I don't go to jail.

Hopefully none of the workers see this at Kroger, or I could get into some trouble too for letting the lady go hahaha but heyyyy I highly doubt it, none of them have social media. And they won't fire me, no one is dumb enough to take on a job like this one, we're having trouble trying to even find employees for the job.

Ok so the point of the story? Make sure the hat you're buying is actually pretty decent looking.

I'm just kidding. Don't steal. It's simple. Just don't. And if you're an idiot and are gonna do it anyway, at least don't steal at Super Target. 99.9% chance they will catch you.

Ugh this was brutal to write hahaha, thanks for reading guys, appreciate it. Be good, obey the law. Little things like a hat can ruin you. Yeah yeah yeah, alright alright alright bye now.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Music Mondays #2 (Pop Mix) September 2015

Hello there, this is Music Mondays #2 featuring a playlist of Pop music. Like before it's going to feature 20 songs, hopefully some you've never heard of but will really like. Obviously, there's going to be some artists in there such as Avril Lavigne, Christina Perri, and Owl City because throwing some artists in there that you DO KNOW will balance the playlist out. So enjoy! This playlist features some other pop artists such as Kerli, The Pierces, and Sinclair.

Avril Lavigne- Wish You Were Here
Betty Who- Runaways
Calvin ft. Elysee Carreno- Motion
Charity Vance- It's Alright
Christina Perri- I Believe
Coleman Hell- Thumbalina
Colette Carr- We Do It Primo
Hot Chelle Rae- Hung Up
Icona Pop- On A Roll
Ingrid Michaelson ft. A Great Big World- Over You
Kerli- Love Me Or Leave Me
Kylie Minogue- Better Than Today
Lovestarrs- Get Your Sexy On
Michelle Branch- Goodbye To You
Owl City ft. Aloe Blacc- Verge
Phoebe Ryan- Mine
Rachel Diggs- Hands Of Time
Sinclair- The World Is Ours
The Pierces- Believe In Me
We Are The In Crowd- Manners

Thanks for reading! Feel free to thank me too(; I personally feel like artists such as Calvin, Coleman Hell, and Sinclair don't get  as much attention as they should. Next month, October, will be a Experimental/Chillstep/Indietronic sort of playlist so stay tuned folks it'll be a good one haha.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!