Sunday, February 21, 2016

10 Extremely Catchy Songs You've Never Heard

I've been on a tear lately. I haven't been going out or anything, I've been staying home and discovering so many music artists and being the annoying hipster who boasts to others about how I heard it first, or I know more artists than them. Lol sorry.

These songs will have you playing them on repeat and dancing like crazy!

Ok in all seriousness though, everyone has different tastes, etc. These feature genres ranging from rock to experimental, so tell me what you think.

Anyway here are some songs I doubt you all have heard, but thanks to yours truly Cheyenne Fuller....

1. De Lux - Oh Man The Future

This band De Lux has the catchiest music! I found this song last year, it never fails to make me dance, plus I love the guys moves on this song hahaha

2. Body Language - Really Love

It wouldn't let me load the music video for some reason. Anyway, this song is sooooo catchy, and it's not even as popular as it should be. I found it a couple months back.

3. My Chemical Romance - Vampire Money

Dude. This has to be the catchiest one on this list. My Chemical Romance is a very known band, but this song is overshadowed by their more popular ones. Their most underrated song no doubt, and when the guitar solo hits I go absolutely insane. I once listened to this song 15 times in a row while at work, no joke.

4. Powers - Hot

This song should have over a million views, it barely has 20,000. I already know all of you will love this one. I absolutely love this artist. This song is gold.

5. Miami Horror - Out Of Sight

I bet NONE of you can listen to this whole song without dancing, tapping your feet, or any movement. I catch myself dancing to this all the time. Can you believe this only has 2,000 views!? I'm so awesome for finding this!

6. Coleman Hell - Thumbalina

Just like "Vampire Money" I ended up listening to this song multiple times in a row when I first found it last year. Coleman Hell has a great voice. It's one of those songs that I can't explain why I like it. It's catchy and lovely.

7. The Shoes - Time To Dance

This is the song that made me want to write this blog post in the first. The video also makes it all the better because it has Jake Gyllenhaal. 1:40 when the actual song starts gets me bouncing in my seat hahaha. It makes me want to exercise. This song does have 5,000,000 views though, but nonetheless I had to post it.

8. The Maine - Love And Drugs

Another underrated rock song. Once the chorus hits I can't help but sing along.

Last night I did things
My mother told me not to with the people I shouldn't see,
In the places that I should not go
And it felt just like, and it felt just like,
And it felt just like, and it felt just like,
And it felt just like, and it felt just like
It felt just like love and drugs.

Absolutely fantastic song.

9. MO- Kamikaze

Ok I lied, of all the songs, this one is probably one you may have heard. It came out 4 months ago and has 11,000,000 views. My friends praise me for showing it to them, one time we were coming home from a good night and had it on repeat ALL NIGHT. I can't stop listening to it, it never gets old. I even came up with my own stupid dance I do with it. MO became popular because of her collaborations with Major Lazer, a popular artist who isn't really my cup of tea, but nonetheless MO's music is really good. And this is by far my fave song from her along with "Glass" and "Waste Of Time."

10. RAC - 405

This song is my "Go on a drive and just think about life" song. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Nonetheless a very catchy one. RAC is one of my favorite music artists FYI.

The GPS will tell us we've arrived, but all I want to do today is drive, drive, drive."

It's ok I understand, when you're playing these songs with your friends, you're not gonna be all like "Oh yeah dawg, I got this from Cheyenne's Fuller blog, that guy is a genius!!"(;

Anyway, you're welcome.

Thanks for reading and listening

Cheyenne Fuller

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