Sunday, June 12, 2016

Are Philosophers And Deep Thinkers Depressed?

Thinking. It's a love/hate thing I have.

Like purposely thinking ya know?

Sometimes I like it simply because it makes me "feel" smarter and because some thoughts and choices may have influenced a positive impact on my life or prevented me from doing something I would've regretted later on. I dunno, either way we all "think."

But then sometimes I ask myself. Well why am I thinking about doing this? Why don't I just do it? If I hesitate then I won't want to do it anymore? Why am I thinking about thinking? Just stop thinking.

Aristotle, Plano, Socrates, yeah, yeah, yeah, all the famous philosophers we know. Sure, their opinions and work, it's some interesting stuff we should know but I'm not writing this to do research or give a works cited philosophy lesson.

I've just always thought to myself, well why would someone want to spend their whole life thinking about what or what not something could've been and how they could've changed it even though the past has already happened. Does that make sense?

Quotes from philosophers:

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” 
― Plato

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
― Lao TzuTao Teh Ching

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” 
― Confucius

Something I don't understand about people who think and act like the philosopher Lao Tzu, is why does it matter? Who cares if you're right? Especially if you're not going to say anything you fool. Aren't you the foolish one if you're not going to open your mouth? So what you're going to spend your whole life thinking about what could be wrong and what could be right, and how you're right but nobody knows? And who says it or who doesn't say it? Doesn't that sound pathetic? Like a waste of time and thought?

But are thoughts wasted?

This is me. All me and my analysis to this, no research. But I'm starting to have this kind of insane assumption of mine, this labeling theory if you will, that MOST deep thinkers, introverts, and philosophers are depressed. Especially the deep thinkers and philosophers. Introvert doesn't have to be in the same discussion.

What is life? Because isn't this what philosophy questions? The questions and assumptions that the rest of the world cannot answer?

The way I see it, is that when you think deeply, or philosophically QUESTION the REASON to why you have something, or to why something happened, you're just bringing yourself down into a heap full of failure, depression, and wasting your time in thoughts of unnecessary assumptions.

I don't really know what I mean by this but i'll try to make a simple example.

Some people are single. Some people don't have a nice job. Some people didn't go to college. Some people had a relative pass away. So what did they do most of the time? Just continued on with life right? While with everyone there is always a short time relevance of emotion and mental hurt due to a problem they have faced, but over a week, 2 week span, they continued on with life and lived in the moment. The past is the past, you can't turn back. Almost everyone says that now.

But now with deep thinkers and philosophers, they're going to think and question why. "Well why am I single?" "Why did my brother pass away?" "Why don't I have a nice job?" And then what happens is that we go into a train of thought, whether it's a hypnotic thought on what could be happening if we did this or that differently. Or it could be a nostalgic thought on the past of what we could've done to make things better. Either way, it's absolutely useless thinking and isn't going to get us anywhere. Why? Because thinking about the past or something we're not even going to do isn't going to change our lives.

But we can't just stop thinking hypnotically can we?

Many different things can trigger the reason to why we get into deep thought. Comparing ourselves to other people, religion, and obviously a negative past experience are some that may.

The reason I think religion plays a big part in this is because if you believe in God, chances are you're going to live your life much differently than someone who doesn't believe in God. But struggling to believe in God or change your negative standards and actions could trigger deep thought into how to do this? Or why this is happening?

I have no evidence, but I do recall most philosophers(NOT DEEP THINKERS, JUST PHILOSOPHERS) being atheist because arguments for God in their opinion "fail" and because they can't see a "invisible man." Therefore in their opinions everything that happens in life is just due to ourselves and nature, and God had nothing to do with it.

What I still don't understand is that if the objective of philosophers is to INSPIRE the idea and human standards on life, then why does it backfire on most of the philosophers.

The way I see it is that, motivational, inspirational, positive socializing quotes all started with the psychological and philosophical thoughts of philosophers and deep thinkers. So what they're doing is trying to highly motivate others and convince them that this life is all we have. That we only have one chance and shouldn't live in the past. That we're going to regret taking these chances.

But as they tell the world this, they are the ones sitting down, thinking about what to think about, or thinking about what to change, or why this happened, and so on.

I just don't understand the logic in this at all. Maybe they enjoy thinking all the time? Nahhhhhhh because if life is spent trying to figure out why life is the way it is, then are you really living life?

Woahhhhhh I'll have to tweet that one later, that was good. I'm so impressed with myself.

I just feel like there is logic thinking and there is deep thinking. And I'm trying to convince myself not to post this as I write it because at the same time, without the help of SOME philosophers and their quotes, studies, etc. Many lives could've been much different than they are now, and not as much positive influence would've been brought upon these particular people, whoever they may be.

Words still can change lives.

It's just confusing. Because no one really likes to "think deeply right?" Do philosophers become philosophers because they want to? Or is it something they choose simply because it's a natural addiction to thought that they consistently have?

It's like the quote from the philosopher Confucius above. Life is really easier than we make it. Haha hey, I didn't say it was easy. It's just EASIER than we make it. Makes sense?

Life is just what happens. Someone's death didn't happen because you were thinking about something particularly. It just happened because that's what happens in life. We on a regular basis, some unfortunately more than others, face trials that will bring us down. But in truth the only thing making it worse is our thoughts and consistently wondering why or what could've triggered this. And even worse, trying to think of a possible solution although, 99% of the time, even if the solution is found, there will be absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Oh by the way, don't get deep thinking and religion/praying mixed up with each other because they are two completely different things. Praying and religion is seeking guidance from God everyday to lead yourself to a life of eternity with him. Thinking deeply is just the questions of what, how, and why this is happening. Thinking deeply is the philosopher route. Praying is the religious route.

My conclusion is that I think SOME philosophers are actually psychotic and mentally unstable because they're wasting their lives trying to influence others about having a positive life. What the hell? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And I know many people are going to disagree with me saying that.

BUTTTT a part of me also thinks well hey sometimes we were born to make a difference in other peoples lives and lead others, even if that means making sacrifices upon ourselves. Good point maybe?

In the end the way I see it is that. Thinking about life and death is going to make you depressed because instead of living your life during your time. You're thinking about life, while not living it, during your time. You're not seeking any guidance while thinking consistently about something you can't change, rather you're pretty much wasting time.

"We're all going to die someday." Yeah not shit Sherlock, so just live your life in the moment and quit thinking about it. Why are we thinking about death?

Sometimes I think I might be the insane one for even writing these blog posts ya know?

"If life is spent trying to figure out why life is the way it is, then are you really living life?"

Thanks for reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Friday, June 10, 2016

10 Huge Keys To A Happy/Stress Free Life

It's safe to say that many people in this world are struggling. It doesn't even have to be financially. It could be socially, mentally, or physically.

Whether it be Middle School, High School, College, being a parent, work, relationships, money, divorce, death, etc, it all matter because either way their situation is making them unhappy, stressed out, and uncomfortable about life.

Here's me for a minor example. I say minor because it's not as drastic as being divorced or currently dealing with a death, or no job, absolutely broke, no money, etc. You get the point.

For me, this whole full-time night shift job I've had for 10 months now, along with full-time at college has finally hit me with the consequences. Lack of sleep(3 hours a day) has ruined my thought process and mental skills, along with my diet of constant on-the-go gas station food. Arguing, stressing, and worrying about the future, money, career, goals, and all of that is something I do DAILY, which is absolutely unhealthy, and I know it, but yet the worrying continues. Surprisingly it seems to be the biggest issue for me, and the same could  apply towards you as well.

Despite all the negatives in life, I have found some stress-relieving keys I've set up for myself to constantly remember and use daily in my life every day to influence positive behaviors and happy interactions.

So here are somethings I've learned and incorporated in my life which have made positive changes and have left me less stressed out about life.

1. Organization

Like I said, you can be any age and stressed out, but for me being a third year college student, I have college papers, work papers, medical papers, college fee papers everywhere, along with some of us unfortunate ones who may have added stress of tickets, extra finance, etc. to pay off. So I took a literal 4 hours organizing everything, throwing out the unimportant junk, and scheduling out when to complete these tasks. Things became much easier and less stressful. You're able to actually remember what to do and not to miss any deadlines. Surprisingly(to me), being organized is actually very urgent, and can make drastic changes in our lives.

2. Focus On The Present

My #1 issue that starts all the stress. It's funny how thinking about the future and things that are yet to happen or we don't even know will happen  yet is causing us anger and frustration. One thing leads to another, and the other leads to the other, and so on. If you focus on now, now will lead to later. Thinking about later won't help you complete now. You see what I'm saying? We're living in the moment, that is what life is all about. So think about now and think about later once it becomes later.

“Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live.” - Steve Goodier.

3. Fitness/Working Out

Back in High School my best friend Rafael and I used to workout after school all the time, and I loved the feeling afterwards, going home, and just feeling accomplished. Due to all of our busy lives, an excuse of our is that we're too busy to find time to workout and exercise daily. For me personally I have realized how big of a difference this makes in my life. Whatever job or schedule you may have, it may leave you exhausted at the end of the day. Because of my schedule, what I like to do is workout in the mornings because it loosens and wakes me up to start my day. I feel more lively and awake. Basketball and lifting weights in particular are my go to workouts, they energize me. The best part about physical activity, is that it keeps you away from the stress and other things you're constantly worrying about. If you include physical activity in your life every day, you will be a happier person. Just trust me ok?

4. Eating Healthy

So get this, have you ever eaten like a fantastic meal, such as a fantastic salad, or a fruit bowl with all your favorite foods? And you just feel so clean and wonderful after eating it? This is so much different then the feeling after eating candy, gas station food, or fast-food, you just feel "heavy." It's hard to explain. Sorry I'm bad at describing ha.

This could be personal, but I don't see why not it could be general. I've honestly found myself feeling "cleaner" and oddly just much happier after I eat something healthy and non-fattening and greasy. I used to eat a lot of McDonald's, Taco Bell, and those 7-eleven sandwiches, and although it could be argued those places are "healthy." I've changed up my whole routine. I try to eat home as much as possible, but with my schedule which doesn't allow me to eat with my family, or make something by myself. The answers to my problems lately have been the restaurants Chipotle, Subway, Corner Bakery, and this Thai Cuisine place. I know, I know, more expensive and it could get old quick, but trust me, finding yourself a healthy diet is definitely worth the great feeling, especially after a great workout.

5. Acceptance

This is the hardest one to accomplish probably. You've been rejected a job, or declined to a college, or turned down by that guy you like, etc. So obviously you're upset by it and it is frustrating you. But you have to accept the fact that it has already happened and you have to move on right away. Getting mad at something we can't change is a huge part of life, but it's something that triggers the stress and anger in our lives. It's easy to say "get over it, there is nothing you can do about it." but it's not easy to actually do it. But the only thing you can do and have to realize is that being worried over something that has already happened and you can't change will not help you in life and will in fact hinder you. Accept that EVERYONE's life is not 100% happiness. Accept that you aren't perfect and you were never meant to be, Accept that challenges are in fact what make life interesting and the way it is.

6. Laughing And Friends

This one is simple. Do I really have to explain? High School was the BEST time for me when it came to socializing and friends. My best friends and I always stuck with each other. My first year of college at Dallas Baptist University was good too, I had a number of great friends, and at TCC I have a number of four ACTUAL friends I am with on a regular basis. However busy you may be ALWAYS make time for friends and family. They are what make your life a happy life. Even for those struggling with socializing, trust me, there is always going to a number of people in this world who you will be comfortable with and get along with, it's all about initiative and not worrying about rejection. Rejection is just finding out that you and that particular person don't get along.

7. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It's pretty evident this is a huge flaw of mine in the past, if you read my "Sorority Girls" or "Having Friends Who Are More Attractive Than You" blog posts then you will know what I mean, but those got a lot of reads, so I'm not deleting them haha.

When you compare yourself to another person, it's almost like you're creating your own little contest to see who is "better" at that particular thing you're comparing about. You see, you have to realize that you and that person may be mutual, but are still two different people, from different people, from different places. You have dealt with different things as well. When you just focus on yourself and improving your well-being you're happier. It's your life. Don't let the people around you influence how you think, especially since they technically aren't doing anything, you're the one doing the comparing. Comparing doesn't change anything. Except a happy mood into a negative one. It does nothing. And is doing something that results in nothing very smart? Nahhhh not really.

8. Music And Alone Time

Another simple key. Music has saved lives. I'm serious. Look up "Sia - Breathe Me" or "Kodaline - The Answer" on YouTube, read the comments and you will see exactly what I mean. Something that relaxes me big time whenever I'm stressed out. Is getting in my car and playing some relaxing music, clearing my mind, as well as mentioned above, basketball, working out, etc. Calming music just eases me mentally and physically. You know what I mean by "calming music", "Coldplay - Clocks", "The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony", "Porter Robinson - Language", etc, Music like that. Yeah I like that shit lol.

Alone time is important because it settles you down and helps you think deeper about your problem and perhaps if you handled it the correct way or even if you should be angry. Or heck! It just helps you forget the problem. Either way, alone time is an obvious way to feeling stress free for a temporary moment.



I know people hate hearing that but seriously.

Anger, frustration, sadness, depression, and stress.

What is life? I remember to ask myself that every time I get upset because it helps me to remember why I'm on this earth. Not necessarily to make tons of money? Or to have a huge house? Or a really nice car? I think we were all put on this earth to live, to enjoy the moment of life we were given, and then to die. 

We are all stressing over what is going to happen instead of what is happening right now.

We are worrying about the future. The only thing about the future we all know is that death will sometime come upon us and it will all be over, this is why it's important to appreciate have you have, to be happy in the moment, and to love those around you, because you only get one chance.

Life is all about happiness, not what is going to happen.

And isn't this song just incredible?

Thanks For Reading, 

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!