Friday, July 22, 2016

Blogging Is Stupid.

Having this blog is so annoying sometimes. It nags on you if you haven't been writing on it for awhile. "C'mon c'mon, quit being lazy, why do you have it?" Write something. "Nah nah, who's gonna read this crap?"

Then you always have to re-word things and make sure you don't come off as self-absorbed. It's crazy how often you think of random people in your life when you write too.

"Hmmmm but Brett won't like it if I say this....but dang Kelsey definitely won't agree with me on this statement......But you ignore it anyway and keep writing. Blogs aren't made for the people around you to shape and change the way you want to say things that way it satisfies all your followers, nahhhhhh it don't work like that. It SHOULDN'T work like that.

It's funny too. Like the way a normal, average person will write and act when they own their own blog or when they're giving their opinion.

It's kinda like you act like you're soooo popular and you're sooooo famous and you have this big following where you have fans. But it's funny cause it's nothing like that. Sure you have a good amount of readers, but it's like....what am I doing this for again?

I have so many creative ideas to still write on. Things I will believe can get tons of reads, hopefully. I still can't believe my sorority/frat post blew up with reads, it's kinda funny. You gotta deal with negativity too that comes with it.

 I'ts been a year since I've had this thing and I like the way it looks so far. The way it represents me and how it has brought other people who are like me, closer to me and into my life. That is dope no doubt.

It's weird though. You have your mind and ego trying to tell yourself, "Ohhhhhh welllll then huh Mr. Badass? You just think you're better than everyone else huh? Cause you have a blog n stuff huh?"

I contemplate deleting it all the time. Just like Twitter, Insta, Snapchat, etc. it's kinda like an added extra, except blogs explain and show more true meaning. Who you really are, what are your thoughts and what are you are really trying to say.....but deep in your mind you still feel having all this, is just a way of telling yourself, oh yep I'm important, mhmmmmm, look at me, I got a blog.

That's my problem, I keep telling myself I don't care what others think, but maybe I really do? Cause what's deleting my blog going to solve? Nothing really.

It's an imaginary, pathetically unrealistic, yet peaceful place, where you are the star and you have all the attention on you, yet no one is looking at you, and this makes it so much easier to explain what you want to say.

We learn from each other, I have a lot of internet famous vloggers/bloggers and YouTubers who I've watched and actually looked up to. And they kinda shape the way you think, act, and say things.

I had my friend Matthew a couple of days ago message me on Facebook asking how I started my blog and that he wanted to do a blog on sports because he's full of information, expertise, and has a good all-around analysis on it.

He started his blog about a month ago and it looks absolutely great, he's getting tons of reads too.

It made me feel good. It makes you feel like you somewhat influenced the person's thinking. Maybe that's what it's all about. It's all about helping pick each other up from negative stand points, realizing the truth, and just influencing each other.

But hey just because something seems not worth doing, or seems stupid, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it? Not if it kinda feels good right? I mean pointless sex is stupid right? But almost everyone does it/did it all the time.

I just re-read this post and I have no clue where I'm going with this. But I think I made some good points.

But I've made my mind up, I'm not deleting anything, I'm no quitter. And I want my wife and kids to read my blogs with me when I get older.

Yeah haha.

I think that'd be cool.

As Always, Thanks For Reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

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