Sunday, January 24, 2016

Having Friends Who Are Much More Attractive Than You

Wow this post is gonna be dumb. There is always someone more attractive than you, but ehhhh who cares, I like to write and post junk that make me look stupid anyway.

Alright Alright Alright how do I say this? Let's be straight forward here. I'm not gay, but I'm not gonna lie, I have some pretty darn attractive friends hahaha and trust me they know it too.
C'maaan boys you know what I mean, we all have those bros who take a damn 45 minutes to blow dry and comb their hair and another 5 minutes just gazing into the mirror touching up their hair with their finger tips. I'm serious.

And my other friends(I guess you could say who aren't as attractive) and I will always joke around and make fun of them for taking longer than a girl to get ready to go out. Sometimes they'll take that long and we won't even be going out!

It was all fun and games until the tables turned on me one time and had me just wondering and wondering..

Ok I'm a firm believer that looks and attractiveness can have a huge factor on where you are from, location, etc. Noooooo I'm not saying that people from Montana(where I'm from) are ugly, I'm just saying that it SEEMS as if Texas has wayyyyyy more attractive people. Attractive people everywhere, many more than Montana for sure. Men and Women. Yeah yeah it's an opinion, but an opinion that can easily be seen as a fact.

Anyway back in high school I never really worried about how attractive I was. It was always 50/50 with girls I had crushes on. They either liked me or didn't like me. They either thought I was attractive or not attractive. Everyone has different preferences right? Lol I had my fair share of action that make me realize and not worry about how "attractive I am."

It's only when you realize your OWN FRIENDS or people around you are competition, that you start worrying about your looks and complexion and if you're "good enough." You start comparing yourself to your peers. But luckily my best friends and I were too good of friends to do that and sometimes took it as a light joke.

I remember one time back in middle school my best friends Kollin, Rafael, and I went around asking girls to rate us on our looks. We usually got around the same rate, until one time a cute girl told me I was a 10 and I just couldn't stop smiling, it made me so happy. It made me happy that my friends and I were around the "same attractiveness" if that makes any sense? Maybe not? C'maaaan you know what I'm talking about. 

You never had to worry about your friends being too attractive, or sometimes even too unattractive as well. With us we were around the same level

Don't play dumb. Be real. You KNOW if someone is more attractive then you. Use your eyes lol.

Ok ok, what I'm trying to say is that back in High School and Montana I never had to worry about my friends(or even people I didn't like) stealing a girl from me or making a girl like them instead of me. I had no "competition" because there was less people there compared to Texas. Trust me, there were guys in my class who were more attractive than me, but they weren't "over the top, crazy attractive." You know what I mean? If a girl liked me, it was because she liked me and was attracted. If she didn't like me, it was simply because she didn't like me, or wasn't attracted to me and I was absolutely fine with that. I got the success by approaching first and just making the move before the other guys.

Until I moved to Texas.

Competition everywhere! Pretty girls everywhere! Pretty boy + Pretty girl = Pretty couple. If you're attractive you deserve to be with someone attractive correct!? Just plenty to choose from! Never ending beauty.

I'm not saying my high school friends weren't attractive, haha of course they were. But I'm speaking real, REAL, STRAIGHT UP talk here. They simply weren't as attractive as some of the friends I made here in the south. I'm serious. But I just have to be honest. Texas is a wide variety, and Montana is with not many people.

I just don't know how to write and explain this post without looking like a jerk, GAHHHHH this is so hard!

Ok, real stuff here. It's wrong to do this, but do it with me anyways. Look yourself in the mirror. Now think of 5 friends of yours. Now rate each of you on a scale 1-10, I know so immature and wrong right? You're correct.

What I'm saying here, is that I have a variety of friends. Friends that are attractive and friends that may, I dunno, need some work perhaps? Lol, I dunno! 

They were either more or less attractive than me, but it wasn't a huge difference. One particular high school friend of mine, Brauk, who was a grade below me, was always turning ladies heads. Good looking guy, he knew it too, but never boasted. In fact he would introduce me and take me under his wing sometimes. See this is the kind of friends you want hahaha.

Ok here's an example so I don't sound like an idiot jerk who doesn't know what he's talking about. Back in high school I was more confident with girls and people because I wasn't around a guy who was wayyyyy more attractive then me. I was confident in my looks. And if I happened to be around a guy much better looking than me(like Brauk) it was because I simply got along with him and was a good guy.

Now it's a different story.

I have a friend named Jay(he's ok with me writing this, I asked permission). But this kid, is the most SELF ABSORBED PRETTY BOY you'll ever meet. He's attractive don't get me wrong, and he KNOWS he's attractive. He'll let you know he's attractive too lol. That's how good looking he is, he doesn't even care I'm writing this. He's the guy who'll be on snapchat daily taking tons of selfies and taking 30 minutes to choose the right Instagram filter. "Yoooo you should tell the girls who read your blog and follow you on IG to hit me up yoooo." he would tell me.

The difference between him and my other attractive friends here in Texas is that my other friends are surprisingly pretty insecure even though they're attractive! Or perhaps they're just living life and not worrying about it, but yet they don't boast or realize the fact that they were born good looking. But hey, that's why I'm friends with them in the first place, not looks, but just because of who they are and we get along well.

Ok sorry, off topic.

You want to know something funny? The first time I met Jay was at the library my second year of college. There was this extremely cute girl sitting alone. "Ok ok ok, just talk to her. You have nothing to lose." I was literally having a 3 minute debate with myself about whether if I should talk to her or not lol. Texas definitely made me more insecure, not gonna lie. Too many good looking guys who will beat me to the "prize" lol.

Right as I suck it up and stand up to talk to her, she gets up and walks towards JAY. She APPROACHED and INTRODUCED herself to Jay, who was a couple tables away from her. My jaw just dropped opened for a good minute. I saw and heard the whole thing. "Yeah well maybe we'll see each other around sometime Jay" she said smiling. "Yeah yeah sure thing, hey you got an Instagram?" he asked. "Yeah! But here, I'll give you my number too." she said smiling. 

My heart just dropped at that. I just stood there dumbfounded. How rare is it that you see a HOT white chick, go up to an attractive Indian dude? Dude I dunno, I'm asking you guys hahaha.

She left and I just stood there, I think my mouth was still open. Obviously he saw me, so Jay stood up and talked to me, "Yooooo you see that bro? Hell yeah!" We became friends after a while of chitchat. He was a cocky boy, but I like the guy haha.

We would hangout every once in a while. Mall, around the college, just simple stuff. Jay was such a flirt too and always THRIVED on looking good. Every. Single. Damn. Day. His motive was ALWAYS picking up girls. That's all he ever wanted to do. "Yooooo boy give me a shoutout on your IG, I want cute chicks to follow me yoooo." Everywhere we'd go he would get cute girls, and I would just watch from the side. And when I would try, which was at very rare times, it would be so awkward. I'll explain on another blog post I'm working on lol.

Cheyenne Fuller
"Girls like a man who can clean up." said Jay gazing into his selfie camera fixing his hair. I just rolled my eyes, geez he looked like an Indian king or something. 

It depends on the day I wanna have confidence or not. This one particular day I was feeling good, hair combed, nice clothing, smelled fantastic, I felt good. Pretty girl at the mall. I was with Jay. "Ok ok, I'm going to talk to her." It's been a while since I talked to a random girl. "You want me to come with you?" he asked. "Nooooo I'll be fine" I said. No way he was gonna ruin my chances, because it was obvious she would find him more attractive than me.

I approached her and started a conversation. It was going great until.... "Yeah so maybe we can hangout sometime it'll be fun" I said, monotone as ever. "Yeah sure thing, let me get your number." she said. Jay was a couple feet away, just watching the whole time. "Hey is that your friend over there?" she asked me. I really, really, really, REALLY wanted to say no. "Uh yeah, yeah that's him." I said, my confidence dropping. "Well tell him to come over here! He can hang with us too!" she said all happy and stuff. She waved her hands to him and motioned him over. 

In fact he ended up getting her number too.

Reasons like this is why I don't talk to random girls hahaha. And the fact that Jay is only 18 and around two years younger than me and the girl made me feel funny for some reason.

It really hit me when one evening he got REAL dressed up and wanted to take a load of selfies and pictures, and I looked like crap, but did it anyway. He sent them to a girl he was texting(could of been multiple.) "Dammmnnn babe, you're a 10." she would respond to him. "Yeah? What do you think of my friend?" he asked, smiling at me all weirdly as he texted it. "Uhhhh I a 4?" she responded.


You wanna know what's a confidence killer? When a girl rates you a 4 or under. Yeah, it's brutal.

"Daaaaammmmnnn boy she only think you a 4!" he started joking. "Hey! Some girls think I'm attractive too ya know!" I said, trying to protect myself. "Psssshhhhh." said Jay. Guess at the time I didn't really have any evidence to back that up lol.

"Boy I am a 10 though. Girls say it all the time. What do most girls think about you?" he asked all pompous like. Real stuff here. It was always windshield wiper rates from girls throughout middle school, high school, and college. I never cared, unless I had a cute girl haha. I wouldn't know for sure. I'm a second year college student. I don't ask girls to rate me lol. But I've had enough experience with girls to not worry about this stuff. Like I said, preferences, preferences, preferences.

It's not just Jay.

One time my friends Jonathon and Isaac were hanging out in Starbucks and, this girl across from us at a table kept staring and smiling at Isaac. Finally, as she is about to leave the coffee shop, she approaches us.....but only starts a convo with Isaac, as Jonathon and I just look at each other. They ended up exchanging numbers.

"Sure pays to look like Channing Tatum huh?" I said. We both laughed it off. Even Isaac laughed. "I didn't even know she was smiling at me! I thought she was smiling at you!" he said to me. "Surrrrreeee." I joked.

Cheyenne Fuller
There's no lesson to this post, I just thought it was funny and something some people could relate too. Always used to being the guy who is getting the action and your friend being the one watching from the sideline, or it could be the other way around.

It's hard. Obviously first impressions are key, but once you take the initiative to talk it could change the person's opinion about you. I'm a firm believer that my past success with girls is because of my personality, NOT my looks. Not gonna lie though, as long as I'm with a good looking bro hanging out, guess I'll just have to stand and watch him get the action lol.

But in all seriousness, life too short to even worry about little stuff like this. It's all just fun memories to look back on.

Haha! After I write all this I realize how silly this post is! What's even sillier is that I also think it's never the girls fault that she isn't attracted to you. I blame it on all attractive guys that they compare you too and realize they can be with them instead of you. All you men gotta quit being good looking and give us 4 out of 10 boys a chance lol. Am i right? Or amirite?

Lol thanks for reading fam. Just kidding, quit saying fam.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Penny Collection Savings

I've always loved money and hated spending it. I'd get a $20 bill for my birthday and I'd just stare at it. Just looking at money makes me happy.

When I was 12 years old I started my own penny savings. Every time I'd find a penny it would go into a 24 oz jar of mine. Once it seemed as if there were more than $2.00 worth of pennies in the jar, I would count up 200 pennies and then throw them into a huge empty water gallon jug. I've  been doing this for almost 8 years now and I have 3 huge gallon jugs of pennies, all pennies.

The quest to this uncompleted accomplishment has been a funny one.

One time I went to the gas station and bought a burrito. My change was 2 pennies. There happened to be no pennies in the cash register, unless the cashier opened up one of those rolls of change.

It took her a while to find it AND open it. "Haha geez these 2 pennies must be a pretty big deal to you huh?" she said sarcastically, and slightly in an irritated tone. "Hell yes they are." I said holding my ground. There were 4 people behind me just muttering, stuttering, and sighing because she was taking too long with the rolls. Geez it was like 30 seconds.

"Dammn boy c'maw naw, ya'll don't need deez 2 ass pennies, ya'll be spendin on what now?" I forgot to mention that this was down in Downtown Dallas, the less high class area. I couldn't understand half the words he was saying.  "Change is change, I'm gonna get my change alright?" I shot back. "Psshhhhh ya'll flippin. Pennies nigga. Pennies nigga." "I need to get out of here." I said to myself, I was close to laughing actually.

Back in high school my classmates knew about my penny collection and found joy in throwing pennies out the window of the track bus, just to watch me leap out and pick up multiple ones with joy and a good laugh

The motive is hopefully an ancestor kind of thing. When I'm a father I'll give it down to one of my children. There is always that one child that will be more interested in this kind of thing than the other child. And when they have kids, it'll be passed down to them as well and so on. It'll be a LOT of pennies, but I think it would be cool. It would be special for me. To know that I started something like this. I'm gonna make it happen. It'll be fantastic. I know it's a little ridiculous and childish but I think it's cool.

Thank you. Thank you for reading lol.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!