Sunday, September 27, 2015

Feeling No Sympathy For Homeless People

The city. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. It just depends on the mood I'm in I guess. I've adjusted to Dallas and all it has to offer now and I'm enjoying it, even though I'll always be the country, small town Montana boy at heart.

 There's one thing I dislike when hanging out in the city(well Dallas to be specific), and that's the sad faces of the homeless, or the hobos that you see walking around, desperately asking for food, rides, money, etc. Who likes seeing people struggling and moping around with sad faces? Definitely not me. I remember last year, during my first year of college a couple friends decided to treat me, and take me out to Dallas for the first time. Downtown Dallas near the subway/trains.

"Alright one thing you have to remember Cheyenne is that some people may come up to you and ask you for money. JUST IGNORE THEM and they will go away, a lot of people try to trick you and use you, don't let that happen." There were tons of homeless people every day that day. No way it's crowded like that all the time right?

Back in Montana homeless people were a rare thing, well at least seeing them was rare lol. Every time my friends and I would see a homeless person, we would scrape up around at least $5 to hand to them, usually on the way out from the local Wal-Mart in Butte or Bozeman. I'm a huge believer that location and environment may change you a little bit, because ever since I moved to Texas, I've been more stingy with my money, a little more stuck-up and judgemental. Making assumptions instead of actually getting to know the person. I was much more nicer and out-going in Montana no doubt. I don't know what happened.

"Hey guys please, please, I just need $5 for a bus ticket, please can any of you help me out? "Nope sorry." my friends said walking away. "Come on Cheyenne let's go." they said grabbing my arm pulling me away. "Nah wait guys." I said. "Did you listen to anything I just freakin told you?" said my friend, a little irritated. "Hey man here's a $5 bill." I said to the hobo, handing it to him. "Ohhhh God Bless you son, thank you so much." he said as he walked away. My friends and I watched him for a good 2 minutes, and right before he headed inside the liquor store, we saw him take his wallet out and pull out some money, he was too far away for us to see how much.

"AHHHHH DUUUDDDEEEE what did I tell you!?? You had to be the good guy huh!? Your ass just got punked dawwwg!!" my friend said to me, jumping up and down like crazy. I don't care if it was just $5. I was angry, I got used, but we happily continued on with our day. Well at least I tried too.

"I don't feel sympathy for the homeless, I'm sorry but I just don't. The only person who can help your struggling ass is yourself and if all you can do to help yourself out is beg people for money, then you're not just a homeless person, you're a helpless person. It's about not being lazy and trying in life. You think these people living out here in the streets and begging people for money every day actually want to make a difference in their life? Begging for money is the easiest thing they've probably ever done in their life. They're trying to use us man, don't let that happen again." said my friend. "I won't, I won't." I said, feeling kinda guilty for saying that.

Every other week or month, we'd be in the city. I was used to hobos coming up to me or my friends. It happened to everyone. It didn't bother me, but it made me feel guilty because ever since I got fooled by the last guy, I started acting like a jerk. I started acting like a person who didn't care. A jerk. I wouldn't even stop to think about it. Just automatic no. No sympathy.

"Aye maaaaan I need $5 dollas to dat bus stop, ya'll help me out??" said a man who seemed in his late 50s to us. "Nope sorry, I don't have any money." I lied. "C'moooo maaaannn, I just askin fo $5 dollas. Please maaaaaan help me out here." he said, following us as we tried to ignore him. "No go away please, we're not going to help you." I said. Daaaannnng did I just say that? Cheyenne Fuller said that? "God Bless ya'll, thanks anyway maaaaaan." he said walking away.

"Can we please stop hanging around this area?" said my other friend. She was a pretty skeptical and judgemental person, kind though. "You're going to meet people struggling everywhere you go." I said. "Yeah, but this area is not good, these people are not trying to make a difference in their life whatsoever. Beg beg beg is all they do, if they have the confidence and initiative to beg people for money constantly, than they should have the confidence and initiative to ask for a damn job!"

Long story short, my friends refuse to give the homeless money, which is totally fine and it's kind of starting to rub off on me, but I'm trying to think outside of the box though. That doesn't make us bad people, no one has an OBLIGATION to help each other out and give them money. We just reject them in a kind, dishonest way lol. "Oh oh shit, I'm so sorry, I left my wallet out in my car." "Ah I'm sorry man I ain't got no change, not today." EVERY homeless person knows you're lying when you say that, they may be homeless but they're not stupid, so I don't say it anymore. I look at them, and study them, try to put myself in their shoes. The whole "not feeling sympathy for the homeless is not what America should be right?. What have we come to? Why aren't we helping each other when we can? What if you were in that position? My friends and I are jerks maybe? I think back to all the times I lied, and rejected the homeless, and I feel so guilty. Wouldn't you? Maybe not?

The funny thing is that sometimes we reject the homeless, but help others with money? "Awww bro I'm short $2 for this subway sandwich, help me out?" A stranger actually, no joke, turned around and asked me that one time, and I helped him out gladly, no big deal. I helped him out without thinking, but I had to think about it to help a homeless person on the street? Duuudddeeee.

I've come to my own conclusion and opinion for this. I feel sympathy for the homeless, and I always will, whether they choose to be that way or not. Trying to ignore the fact that someone is struggling is something I tried to do, and I fail at it. It'll bother me either way, whether I help or not. No one deserves to live like that. There are many reasons people become homeless. Many homeless are the very people who fight for our country who cannot reconnect with the world. Money is always a big problem for people. Traumatic events, and disabilities may lead some people to lose their homes. Some homeless like being homeless like some of the guys in Dallas and they always have fun and hang out and they're cool people. Some homeless want help and some do not. It really depends but helping is always a kind thing.

Every time I'm asked for some money or help, I'll take a little of my time to get to know them a little bit, maybe ask why they're in the position they are. I'll give them some money, but not always. I feel sympathy for them, but I can't really help them because I'm not in fantastic financial shape myself. Most people are on the streets simply because of an unfortunate event.

I decided that sometimes money is what we want, but sometimes love and a friend is something we need. We're not obligated to help hobos and give them money, that is a fact. But dang, can you have such a guilty conscious on you like that? Or maybe you don't have one because you're so used to ignoring and blocking them? Who knows? What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Making Friends In College When You're Awkward And Weird

I highly believe that there is such a thing as an "awkward extrovert" or if you want to say it another way, an "outgoing introvert." It's how my friends describe me. Except I myself, don't think I'm thaaaaaaat awkward. If so, I thrive on it because it's just who I am, it makes things awkward and weird, but in a funnier way. It actually makes things more enjoyable. Makes me different, makes me stand out a bit. I'm just me.

"I've met plenty of people who are much more weird than me, so I'm just fine." I tell myself that almost every morning before I get ready to start my day. It sounds kinda mean, but it's also a self-confidence booster for myself to try to "convince" myself I'm doing just fine.

Hmmmm "Making Friends In College." Lol. We all have different strategies for when it comes to making friends right? Or is that stupid? A strategy to making a friend? Nahhhhh dawwggg no one does that, whatever happens happens right?

You guys don't care what I think, but I'm gonna tell you anyways.

 You have the "Extreme Extroverts": the ones who love to be loud, have the center of attention, the ones everyone knows and talks about, some people are even shocked if you don't know them. Sometimes a little over-confident in my opinion. They KNOW they'e attractive too. You have, what I like to call, "The Regulars.": I know stupid right? I call them that because I think of them as the students who just set the example as a "regular college student", you know, the students who may or may not join a sorority or frat, but either way, they're in a club, living life, active on social media, have their friends, have their goals. Taking starbucks photos, hipster photos in front of cities, and pics showing how much they love their friend. Yet not too caught up on popularity, but they have their real friends. They're a bit more on the out-going side. Sometimes keep to themselves, sometimes don't. Definition of normal. You know what I'm talking about. Then, you have what I like to call, "The Awkward Introverts." I know, not all introverts are awkward....but still I just like calling them that haha. You know, the ones who are so awkward at making friends and talking to the opposite sex that it makes you want to cringe. The over-the-top netflix, bed, and ice cream eaters. The ones who are always up to make some friends, but just don't have the guts to do so or the ones who don't have friends for obvious reasons...

Actually what I just said may not be true, because I'm taking my opinions and experiences from my first year of college, at Dallas Baptist University. It's not like most colleges I guess, it is a private school.

Cheyenne Fuller
"So you wanna learn how to make friends huh?" The first year of college I wasn't "scared", "excited", or any of that, just neutral. 3 months ago I left my best friends back home in Montana, not knowing when 'll ever see them again. "Making friends" is something that just happens naturally, I would try to tell myself. I'm just going to be myself, the kid who doesn't look like everyone, the kid who doesn't care what others say, 100% true to yourself. You'll make friends if you're true to yourself. Whether you're a druggy, a stuck-up hottie, or an awkward introvert, someone is right with ya.

The very first day of college. I moved in 3 days earlier with a couple other kids because I had an "Advanced Reading Class." After that I was usually in my dorm room or outside playing basketball.

People always ask me, "Dude how can you just go up to strangers and just start talking to them randomly, or do that awkward stuff you do? How can you not care what they say or when they reject you?" Haha one thing you need to know, especially if you're an introvert or moving to a new area with new people or starting college, is that everyone is in the same boat. Everyone doesn't know everyone on the same day. Everyone is new. Fresh start. A lot of people are afraid to make the first move, but want to. You lose absolutely nothing talking to a soul.

Cheyenne Fuller
So I dunno, I just talk to people, normally, awkwardly, or sarcastically. Depends how I'm feeling and my mood I guess.

"Heeeeyyyy what's up my dawwwwgggsss." I said walking to a group of guys sitting down eating their food at the cafeteria. I actually got a couple of weird looks at first. "Ha not much dude you?" "Just eating my food......" I said, still standing up. "Cool." they said looking at me. It was pretty silent now, kinda ya know, awkward. "Alright, well....see ya later." I said. "Haha aight bro see ya." they said. "Whatever, there wasn't enough seats anyway" I told myself. I ate alone that day. I'll try again tomorrow.

When it comes to, "forcing yourself" to make friends, I'll usually study all the people in the room. I'm about to tell you guys my own little personal "strategy." Know who you are. I'm not really an introvert in all honesty, but I've just never gotten along with the people who constantly have to be the center-of-attention all the time. I'll study the room, look at all the people, how they act, their body language. I'm real cocky and think I know how and who a person really is when I look at them. I almost kind of automatically judge them without talking to them, don't we all do that?

It was "Swat Week" a week where people get in colored groups, do activities, and get to know each other kinda. It was a break right now. "Ok that person seems really kind." I'll tell myself, and then I'll go talk to them. She was a cute brunette named Michelle, just sitting in the grass. I went up to her, but didn't say hi. I purposely just stood there and stared at her. I like to meet people in abnormal ways, but not exactly on purpose, sometimes I just act without thinking, it's not on purpose. Which can be funny or just straight up weird and creepy lol.

She looked up and stared back. "Uhhh hi." she said. "Hey." I said, I then sat next to her. "We're going to be friends now." I said. "Hahaha oh are we?" "Yeah, what's your name? I'm Cheyenne Fuller." "I'm Michelle." she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine. We're still friends today and keep in touch, she doesn't have ANY social media, besides a Tumblr and Pinterest haha. That's what made her so interesting. She left after 1 semester. I think she's going to UT Austin now though.

Every time I talk to a person I gain confidence, and become more extroverted. You can be a weird extrovert. I have my own theory that nowadays it's easier to become friends with the opposite sex for some reason. I find it much easier to become friends with girls(not hitting on them) instead of becoming friends with guys. I have more girlfriends than guy friends, but my guy friends are my TRUE, die-fo-a-brotha friends.

Cheyenne Fuller
"Hey man you want some ketchup on your sandwich?" I randomly went up to a guy and said that one time. "Uhhh what? Haha nah I'm good man." he said half-smiling. "Alright well I'm sitting next to you." I said. "Hahaha ok bruh." He had a tall, but skinny build. "Do you think the girls here are hot? I do." I said to him. He just started laughing. Good convo, good guy. We're still friends today.

When I meet someone for the first time I just say what's on my mind, otherwise it's going to be an awkward silence, which does happen to me all the time. But unfortunately, I've had my fair share of "making friends fails" in college. Just too awkward, and it's worst when you see them again and just pass each other with silence and no eye contact at all.

My friends and I were there just goofing off and I decided to talk to people as they walked by our dorm hall outside. I was in an extroverted mood. "Hey whats up my bros?" I said, approaching a group of 4 guys outside. "What's up dude?" they said. "Nothing...." I just stood there, kinda froze. They just looked at me. "You guys wanna play some basketball with me and my friends?" I asked. "Nah man not our game haha." one of them said. "Alright......well....... catch ya later my, my, my brothaaaaazzz." I said, giving them fist bumps. I could here a couple of "what the f%$&@" as I walked away lol.

I went up to a group of frats and sorority girls in the cafeteria with Jonathon. My poor friends, I was king of putting them in awkward situations. "Hey do you guys like my friends shirt?" I asked, pointing at Jonathon's shirt, with a serious expression on my face. "Ummm suuurrree." said one girl. It got silent. Like the whole damn cafeteria did. I didn't mean to make a scene for everyone to see haha. "Do you guys like my shirt?" I asked. Silence. "Ha sure dude." said one guy. Silence again.

"So.....I guess we're sitting with you" Huge awkward pause. "Uhhhh sureeee, if you want you can." said the girl. Another awkward silence. "No it's okay, I think this situation just got pretty weird and awkward ya know?" I said. Jonathon stood there shaking his head in disgust, looking at me as if I were an idiot. "Um ok, but you can sit there if you want!" she said. Silence after that. "Ok well.....I guess....I'll shiiiiiiiiit." I said, jogging outta there. "See ya I guesssss?" said one of the girls. Jonathon just stood there embarrassed. It felt like a paparazzi was watching us. It just kinda happened. "Bro that was freakin weird."

I did that one on purpose though. I like to see reactions. Sometimes you're confident, sometimes you're not? Sometimes you're best shutting your mouth(:

"Any of you ladies want to play basketball....with me?" I said, I remember my voice kinda squeaked when I said that. They started laughing, "Haha sorry but no we really don't want to." "Alright well..... are we all friends now?" I asked sarcastically. "Hahaha uh sure we can be friends." "But friends hangout, and you guys don't want to hang with me." I said laughing. "We'll hangout sometime, I promise." one of the girls said. And she did stay true to her promise. Still friends with them today too.

A lot of people make friends mutually, ya know, your friend knows this person, that person knows this person, and so on. It's how it always works. Like a cycle. It's why we're all friends with people on Facebook that we don't even know, but we have mutual friends with them.

Remember a lot of people aren't for you. I would definitely know that. "Hey is alright if I sit with you guys here." I said to a group of guys in the cafeteria. "Sure bro." said one member. I already had my true friends by now, but they always went home during the weekend, and I always stayed in the dorm. This is college! Who goes home every weekend?

"What's your name?" "I'm Cheyenne....Fuller. You?" I asked. "I'm Erik." he introduced his other friends. "Cool." I said. Lol. They were talking about baseball, some television show, and about some girls they knew. None which interested me. You ever meet someone for the first time and you can automatically tell from the first 5 minutes whether you will connect with them or not? Because I can. I just sat there silently. Like you know someone isn't the person for you, but you just can't explain why? This was a great example. I never talked to those guys again. It just happens.

Your mood and the moment really depends too. One time I went up to a table of random girls and guys and started rapping randomly. "Yo yo yo I be doin my thang, realest in da game, I be winnin every time cause I spittin and I rhyme....Just a bunch of laughs everywhere, why did I do that? I forgot. I'm glad I did though, because I'm still friends with them too, well actually some of them.
Cheyenne Fuller
The first couple of people you approach, get "paired" up in groups with, or are forced to meet in orientation are probably not going to be your best friend or even friend in the end. I'm always getting fortunate with great friends early in the beginning. I've been blessed socially my whole life in all honesty.

I'm a huge believer that the people you WERE'NT forced to be friends with are going to be your good friends. I also believe that the location and environment of your college will have a factor on how people act.

Cheyenne Fuller
It's currently September 12th, 2015 as I write this. I'm a second year college student, transferred to Tarrant County College from Dallas Baptist University. I can tell you right now, that community college students definitely keep to themselves more. "The only way you'll make friends here is if you take the initiative I guess." I told myself. So far I have like 4 friends. It's been a roller coaster trying to meet new people here. Some people act like you're a murderer when you approach them.

"Hey whats up man?" I said to a balck guy sitting down eating his food outside. "AUOWSHIT! You scare the hell outta me man, damn bro, Can I just not, all I doin just sittin here eatin dog. I, I, I got class maaaan, I got class maaaan!" he then got up and left. "What the fuuuu...." I thought. I laughed though, I couldn't understand half of what he said.

I approached a girl walking on the sidewalk. "Hey what's up?" "Walking to class, you?" "Not much, just hanging out, looking for friends, literally." I said sarcastically. "Well good luck!" she said walking away, faster this time. Ouch.

It got better, well kinda.

I tried another dude, this time a guy who looked more on the athletic side. "Hey whats up dude? You play ball at all?" I said, making a "follow through shot form" with my hands. "Nah man, nah man, sports ain't really me, but eh you know where I can get any coke?" Dammit. One of these guys. I decided to play stupid though lol. Oh yeah, there's a soda machine over there dude." I said. He roared with laughter. "Hahahaha shiiiiiiit dawg, I talkin bout dat good stuff dawwgg, come on now, come on now!" "Ha sorry man, can't find any of that for you." I mean he's into cocaine, ecstasy, you name it. He doesn't have social media so thankfully he won't know I'm talking about him. Lol. But hey, he's a nice dude. I'm his friend.

"Helllloooooo" I said to a girl eating her subway sandwich alone. "Hi" she said with a weak smile. "No need to call your boyfriend, I'm just here to eat with you and be your friend. It's the first week here and we're both insecure people with no friends." I said jokingly, winking at the same time. "Hahaha ok awesome sounds good then!" she said laughing.

So maybe people just have to realize that talking to a person, isn't "hard" or "easy." You just do it, or you don't. And the person is either, cool, or a jerk. Life is life and it goes on. So you're only gaining something from talking to a new person, you lose nothing. That's what keeps me going and motivated. Mutual friends, ya know the usual, are a good thing too.

Whatever happens, happens. Never FORCE yourself to talk to someone, let things happen naturally and have your heart tell you what it wants to do. Hahaha I know so corny right?

Not everyone is going to like yooooouuuuu......but........there is always someone who will like yooooouuuuu.

The whole introvert/extrovert thing doesn't matter. What matters is just having a friend to do things with and to keep you occupied, not bored. I'm still more of an introvert, than extrovert. Although I'm talking to new people almost every day. I actually make it my goal to make a new friend every day and I'm doing pretty good with it actually.

I say this all the time, but it's only awkward and weird when you say it is. The two words are becoming overused now and I've really only met maybe 3 people my whole life who are the definition of "weird" and sometimes most of those people, choose to be that way, or just don't care. And if they don't care then does it really matter? Nah. Be yourself....

"Hey guys, wanna chill later?" I said to a random group of guys and girls sitting outside. "Umm well I mean....I guess....what do you want to do?" said one of the guys. "Let's go see a movie." I said. They all sat there in silence. "Never mind, never mind, never mind...." I mumbled, walking away, but then laughing. Laughing hard. I could then hear them laughing. I walked their way again and we all started laughing together. "Are you serious?" said one of the girls. "I'm up for a movie. What's your name man?" We're all great friends right now.

"You're awkward, not a bad awkward, but a good awkward, a funny awkward. You're funny and different and that's why I like you."

Thanks for reading,

Cheyenne Fuller,
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

An Awkward Life Currently(Part 1)

A lot of you still don't see the point in this whole blog thing. Trust me I don't either. I don't even know what I'm doing this for. I'm just writing without thinking at the same time I'm writing everything that comes to mind. Weird. Blogging is stupid, what's the point right? But what if no one wrote anything? Or expressed feelings on the media? Wouldn't this world be boring? Less expressing, less things to think and ponder about.

I keep saying over and over that it's not about me. Seriously, it isn't. Trust me, I'm not a center of attention seeker, but I'm still finding it hard to understand why I'm even doing this. I still don't know.

Maybe it's just to show everyone the truth. The truth about how everyone really thinks. What's really on their mind. Everyone is afraid to show 100% of themselves, afraid to do what they want because people will "talk about them." Afraid to say what they truly want or feel. Who they love. What they really want in life. What they really want to do. Who they really want to be.

Or maybe life is simple. You live and you die. What's the point of philosophy and psychology right?

So right now? Currently? It's weird. I don't know. Everyday is just being taken for granted by me right now I guess, but everything isn't great all the time ma dawwwwggz ya feel me?

Hmm ok, well, I got a damn speeding ticket a week ago, going 33 mph on a 20 mph speed limit in a school zone. I didn't pay it yet, but I'm guessing it'll be over $100. Great, gotta use my whole paycheck to pay off that dumb thing. Work and college are more stressful than it should be. I was late paying off DBU, from my first year of college, but was able to get my credits transferred finally. I transferred to TCC and applied for classes super late. Mondays and Wednesday I have classes at 8 a.m., 1.p.m, and 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday I have classes at 11 a.m., and, 6:00 p.m., Friday is just a class at 8. This is what happens when you sign up late, but hey it wasn't my fault. I'm stingy with my gas money so I stay at the college all day, either sleeping, working out, blogging, or studying.

I miss staying in a dorm with my friends, and going out everyday. Well I guess I am out every day, cause I'm constantly driving places. But commuting just isn't the same as ACTUAL college life.

On top of that I work five days a week from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. at Kroger. I don't mind it, all I'm doing is putting boxes on shelves haha, but the problem is that I don't get like any sleep. I'll sleep from 4:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. and then boom time to drive to college. I've lost weight. 12 pounds in the last 2 months to be exact. I barely have time to eat anymore, and when I do it's fast food. I hate spending money on lunch every day, so some days I just don't eat. It's killing me.

Friends? I miss my friends from High School, Montana. Gosh I miss them so bad, I want to go back, I can't, Impossible. I miss my friends from DBU too, I visited some of them a couple days ago, at least I can see them once in a while. Making friends at TCC? It's been 3 weeks so far and I've been spending most of my time in class, studying, or on the couch in the library sleeping. I have 2 friends from there so far, so I guess it's a slow start. Some of the people I considered friends from before have unfollowed or unfriended me. "Well damn  I guess it was bound to happen." People come and go in this life. Thank God my real friends have stuck with me the whole way. That's all that matters and it makes me happy I still got em.

What I want? What you want? Maaaannnn I don't even know what I'm doin, I'm a second year college student studying for a degree, but  don't have a clue what I'm even doing. I picture it every time in my head. Success? Life? The point? A beautiful wife, kids, a fantastic job, happiness, love. It's all I want, It's all  ever wanted. It's going to happen, I can't wait for the day. I don't know how, when, or what will happen but it just has to happen. Whenever something bad or disappointing happens to me, I'll tell myself. "Haha don't worry, soon, just soon, you're gonna be on a cruise, with your beautiful wife, looking out at the sea, just the two of you. Planning your lives together, dying together, loving forever. You've waited your whole life for this moment, just wait you'll see....."

Fun!? Netflix baby, I've been watching a lot of horror movies lately. I'm such a bipolar person when it comes to being social. Some days I'm so outgoing, makin friends baby! And the other day, it's a oreo, movie, Youtube, kinda day. Reading psychological books, clubbing with friends, walking around malls, basketball and working out, exploring new music, netflix and movies. Oh and Barnes and Noble, I love that place. That's all the "fun" I've been having lately I guess.

Cheyenne Fuller
Girls? I went on a date a couple days ago, it was ok, not really, I just wasn't feeling it, who knows maybe she wasn't either. I'm always screwing up with girls, it was so much easier back in high school. I still keep in touch though, well with some. Gosh I love girls. I really liked this girl from DBU, I don't think she ever knew though, but it's too late now. I guess TCC and transferring was just a fresh start. Pretty girls every where I go. I've been so busy, I haven't been talking to much girls, I really want to, sometimes I do, we don't really get anywhere or it's just awkward. 10% out of 100% of the time it'll go perfect, but other than that. "Oh ok, well see ya later I guess." Whenever I don't it's just my loss I guess. I saw the most beautiful and prettiest blondie sitting alone at the cafeteria a couple days ago. "Ok ok I just have to talk to her." I would tell myself, and then just walk over to her. "Hey you're really pretty" I would say. "Aww thanks" she said looking up from her book, her blue eyes just beaming. She was beautiful, just perfect. "You're welcome." I said. I walked away. "You dumb idiot! You stupid moron! Why did you walk away!? Go back! Go back!" "Nahh it's too late, she'll think I'm weird." "She'll think it's cute, just go back!" I would argue with myself, I didn't go back though. Think it'll be a while till I find a beautiful legit romance unfortunately, someone I know I'll love, someone I know I'll want to spend the rest of my life with. Corny but so true fellas. You ever think like that? For now, I'm not going to try as hard as I did the first year of college, I'm gonna let whatever happen happen this year, and focus more on work and college.

Family? I dunno yo, my family been wack lately(sorry I've just always wanted to say "wack" in one of my posts lol) Alex, my older bro moved in with us last month, so it's back to five people. We went to a Kevin Hart show a couple weeks ago and it was fantastic. My mom has been dating this guy we've known for a year now, the first guy we met in Texas. He has two children and my siblings and I will play basketball with them quite a bit. How did time go by so fast? I can tell they really like each other. My mom told me the other day that they went on a date and talked about "the future." I have no clue what to think. I literally just don't think anything. Every time I see them together my head just goes blank. No emotion. Not happy, not angry. I don't even think about Dad passing away, like a real son would. We aren't like a family you see on television ya know? You would know right?  We don't show any emotions for each other, we never talk about personal things, and everyone is always doing the same damn thing every day. All of us actually had a big argument a couple of days ago. I try to stay positive, the day is going to come when we all split up and end up on our own, the day when we all barely see each other anymore. It'll get better.

Cheyenne Fuller

Life in general? Ask yourself. "How do you really feel?" I'm happy some days because I'm convincing myself to naturally be happy.  "Ok ok, let's talk to this guy." I would tell myself at the college, as I'm on the sidewalk about to pass ways with a college student. "Hey man whats up?" I would say. "Not much dude you?" *fist bump* Good conversation, ok ok that's enough talking for today. I'll get on my phone, Facebook, Instagram, etc. "Dannnnngggg why everyone in a relatonship????" "Whaaaaaaa??? They got married!?" NO way!?" Everyone is moving along so fast, damn I feel lazy. Let's do something, get our mind off those people, they making me jealous.

I went to the club with my friend Robert a couple days ago. It was alright, I just went their to forget about life a little, noisy places, good music, alcohol, and cute girls seem to do the trick I guess. Nahhhh just depends on who you are right? It was ok though. I talked to some people and made a couple friends. It was just a neutral feeling though. I went crazy for a little though, but something just didn't feel right.

Hmmm what are you feeling? I'm just feeling like change is always good. Right? Just change stuff up sometimes. Be original, I'm always trying to be different or trying to stand out. I feel so neutral, just so "grown up." Seriously, for those younger than me reading this right now, TAKE YOUR FREAKIN CHANCES AND QUIT BEIN A LITTLE BABY. Cause you're gonna grow up and it's going to suck.

Geez this post is all over the place. Ok ok ok ok guys, guys, guys, we're all a team here right? What do you want? What do I want? I want success. I want money, to look attractive, nice accessories, I want a good soul. I want to be remembered as "that guy" when I'm dead and gone. The guy people will remember. The guy people learned stuff from. The guy who changed lives. What do you want?

Ok to get what you want, maybe you should change things up right? Do your own thing.

Social media, I already talked about that stuff. I just went a week without all social media, I disabled all my apps, and it honestly felt fantastic. Only when I'm sharing a blog to Twitter and Facebook will I use it, on the computer. But that's it. Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tinder, blah  blah blah, I'm getting sick and tired of it. Just a week without NO SOCIAL MEDIA, it made me happier and realize there is more important things to life instead of looking at yourself and hot girls on your phone every day.

Working out and eating healthier. I'm gonna get bigger again and eat healthier, no more fast food. Let's look healthy and hot fellas lol. Ya know, weight room, basketball, veggies, protein. Changing my diet up.

Just focusing on work and school right now. Nothing else. Let's do this. Life will do it's own thing and people will come and go. I somewhat take the initiative though. Still talking to random people, smiling, always smile ladies and gentlemen. Keeping in touch with the important peeps. Just trying to be happy. Just be happy. Good things will happen if you're happy. I mean I'm happy. Are you?

Cheyenne Fuller
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Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 Fantastic Female Music Singers/Bands You Probably Don't Know.

Heeeeeyyyyyy wazzzup my dawwwgsss??

It's no surprise the amount of amazing female music artists and female vocal bands there are. Some more known than others, that doesn't mean they're "better" they're just more popular, more known. Artists such as Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Adele are some of the top right now.

Here are 10 artists I've been listening to for a long time now and feel deserve more recognition, a pat on the back to you if you know some of them.

1. Phoebe Ryan

I found out about her last year because of the EDM artist "Tritonal." Her voice is amazing, feel free to look up the song "Now or Never" featuring her.

2. Betty Who

She is one of the few artists where I actually like EVERY song from the album. This is her most popular one, check out "Runaways" that's my fave from her.

3. Kerli

I know, I know. I've mentioned her like 100 times in my blog already, she's probably my favorite female vocalist without a doubt. I love every single one of her songs.

4. Blondfire

Blondfire is very underrated. Although this song may sound familiar, it's been played in a couple commercials and is the most popular. Check out their other songs, just doesn't disappoint.

5. Ryn Weaver

I found Ryn Weaver on twitter actually, one of her followers followed me or something like that, I'm glad they did though. She is very attractive too, so that's also a plus.

6. Kitten

First impression I didn't think I was going to like this band, but right when this song started, I knew I would. I found out about the band Kitten because of the Fifa 13 soundtrack three years ago. Their song "G#" was featured in it and this band grew on me.

7. Sky Ferreira

Ok you might know her. She is probably the most popular out of all the artists in this list. I'm proud to say I've been listening to her for years now.

8. Misterwives

A very catchy, indie, and upbeat band, that I found last year because of other bands like Smallpools, The Royal Concept, Parade Of Lights, blah blah blah. How can you not like this song?

9. Ingrid Michaelson

Her voice is just fantastic, very underrated, and I love her lyrics too. This song is featuring the band "A Great Big World", who is famous for their song "Say Something."

10. We Are The In Crowd

First song I heard from them, loved it immediately, kinda reminds me of a more alternative "Paramore."

So when people ask you, "Woah dude where did you hear this from!?" probably won't say "Oh Cheyenne Fuller's blog!" Hahaha that's alright though, hope you enjoyed, feel free to thank me(; thanks for reading my dawgs.
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