Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 Fantastic Female Music Singers/Bands You Probably Don't Know.

Heeeeeyyyyyy wazzzup my dawwwgsss??

It's no surprise the amount of amazing female music artists and female vocal bands there are. Some more known than others, that doesn't mean they're "better" they're just more popular, more known. Artists such as Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Adele are some of the top right now.

Here are 10 artists I've been listening to for a long time now and feel deserve more recognition, a pat on the back to you if you know some of them.

1. Phoebe Ryan

I found out about her last year because of the EDM artist "Tritonal." Her voice is amazing, feel free to look up the song "Now or Never" featuring her.

2. Betty Who

She is one of the few artists where I actually like EVERY song from the album. This is her most popular one, check out "Runaways" that's my fave from her.

3. Kerli

I know, I know. I've mentioned her like 100 times in my blog already, she's probably my favorite female vocalist without a doubt. I love every single one of her songs.

4. Blondfire

Blondfire is very underrated. Although this song may sound familiar, it's been played in a couple commercials and is the most popular. Check out their other songs, just doesn't disappoint.

5. Ryn Weaver

I found Ryn Weaver on twitter actually, one of her followers followed me or something like that, I'm glad they did though. She is very attractive too, so that's also a plus.

6. Kitten

First impression I didn't think I was going to like this band, but right when this song started, I knew I would. I found out about the band Kitten because of the Fifa 13 soundtrack three years ago. Their song "G#" was featured in it and this band grew on me.

7. Sky Ferreira

Ok you might know her. She is probably the most popular out of all the artists in this list. I'm proud to say I've been listening to her for years now.

8. Misterwives

A very catchy, indie, and upbeat band, that I found last year because of other bands like Smallpools, The Royal Concept, Parade Of Lights, blah blah blah. How can you not like this song?

9. Ingrid Michaelson

Her voice is just fantastic, very underrated, and I love her lyrics too. This song is featuring the band "A Great Big World", who is famous for their song "Say Something."

10. We Are The In Crowd

First song I heard from them, loved it immediately, kinda reminds me of a more alternative "Paramore."

So when people ask you, "Woah dude where did you hear this from!?" probably won't say "Oh Cheyenne Fuller's blog!" Hahaha that's alright though, hope you enjoyed, feel free to thank me(; thanks for reading my dawgs.
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