Sunday, April 10, 2016

Dating In Elementary School

I never really got into girls until I reached the 7th grade, which still today, I believe 13 years old is the "appropriate" age for some specific "dating" or "more than friends" activities or whatever, of course depending on the specifics of what you're actually doing...

But geeeezzzz when I was 9, 10, 11, years old I was totally content on just laughing and having fun. I was never afraid to approach or talk to girls or whatever back in elementary school because I was never attracted to them! You just thought of them as another friend and nothing more. I simply wasn't interested in any of that, which I believe is completely more than normal.

I wouldn't say the "generation is changing" or whatever and make it seem like we need to make a stand and unite or whatever, but holy smokes where are some of the parents nowadays?

Every day I make an effort to go to the local community center and play basketball, and a week ago as I came in and approached the gym, I saw two kids, a girl and a boy, sitting on the bench. The girl was sitting on the boy's lap and he had his arm around her as he caressed her hair and kept whispering in her ear. He had a Monster labeled hat on backwards and those way-too-long for him blue jean shorts on. One of those kids haha.

"Wooooooowwww ok." I muttered. I ignored it, threw on my headphones and starting shooting some hoops. But I couldn't believe my eyes when they started making out. I kid you not. No lie. They didn't even care that I was right there.

As I took my headphones off to eavesdrop on them, his exact words to this girl:

"Damn baby girl, you just don't understand how much you mean to me, I just don't know where I'd be without you." he said, giving her the most corniest look I've ever seen.

"Damn baby girl?!" "I don't know where I'd be without you?!" Kid you're not even in middle school yet! What the heck!? No one that young NEEDS a "relationship" and in fact no one that young should WANT a relationship.

So the first thing I thought is, "Yep this is going on my blog."

"Hey how old are you guys?" I said over at them, not giving one care in the world. "I'm 11." answered the boy. "Im 10 and why you asking?" asked the girl. They were both surprisingly polite with smiles though. I continued playing ball without an answer back.

Finally after a couple of minutes, the guy at the front desk came into the gym. "Ok no, not at all. You guys can't be doing that in here. Are you serious? Please leave, no tolerance for that here." he said.

I just don't get it! Things I liked to do when I was 11 years old was play sports, eat food, watch television, video games, water fights, mess with my siblings, and just come up with creative ideas. But making out with a girl? Taking her to the movies? BUYING her popcorn?  HECK NO. Nope. I mean that's normal right?

The most funniest part about seeing a elementary school kid "dating" someone is when you get a look at their social media profile. Some kid back in Montana always asked to play basketball with me, and kinda looked up to me. He ended up finding my instagram account and following me a couple of weeks later, so I followed him back.

His account was just picture after picture of his "girlfriend" and captions with some overly-corny but yet caring things ever that just made me smile looking at it. Here's an example of one of his:

#sexysunday. But what is so sexy about being 10 years old? Someone please explain.

What is even worse is that social media such as Instagram(the main one) allows these kids to follow mutual people they don't even know and add them and talk to them. They then "fall in love" with some stranger after a freakin 10 minutes of talking and announce that they are in love and start posting their way-to-close-up selfie of their significant other. This happens more than you people think and it's a wonder to why the adults don't even know about this.

So anyway,  SOME of these little boys have no mercy and are able to make out with these easily persuaded little girls being like 10 years old. And don't get this post wrong, because I'm assuming most parents still know how to actually parent their kids, but I'm just seeing more and more of this as time progresses in my life.

So what happens is that these elementary kids see all these things on social media/television/online and their definition of dating is now considered accurate to what they see, which is sexual content/making out and things like that and they don't consider or know that their age is....I dunno? Applicable to it?

The way I saw it, is that in Elementary School and Middle School you were never actually "dating." You just liked each other, even if that meant kissing every once in awhile or holding hands. But the ACTUAL dating part doesn't start until after puberty. Like age 14 or 15. When you're more mature. Making the next step, making out, yeah yeah yeah, all that stuff. When you're actually physically and mentally starting to grow and expand your knowledge in such things. There is no rule about this, but isn't that usually how it works? Isn't that fair?

Kids have guts nowadays is all I have to say. Because even if I did have an Iphone or a smartphone back when I was 10 years old and had access to all the junk that everyone has access to now, I STILL wouldn't even have the guts to HOLD a girl's hand. Half these elementary kids are smoother than ME!

The first time I ever kissed a girl I was 12 years old and it felt awesome. We were holding hands, it was the last day of school, time for summer. We were about to part ways, my friends were waiting for me. "Ok well bye" I said. "Bye." she said back. "No no no, you'll regret ending it like this you coward. Make the move." I thought to myself. "Wait, is it ok if I kiss you?" I asked walking towards her again. I thought I was going to have a heart attack."It's about time you asked." she said. It lasted like two seconds. "Haha that was cool." I said with an awkward grin. "Yeah." she said. Then we stood there in silence. CRINGE.

I still believe moments like that are more special than what kids are experiencing now. Now elementary kids are dating for like a week and "breaking up" and "getting back together" and having their hearts "torn apart." Acting like the world is coming to an end. Their faces glued to their phones, some don't even know what childhood is because they're too engrossed in having the cool clothes, trying to impress others, and having "relationships" in my opinion ruining true happiness and the fun of childhood and making it all a competition at way too early of a stage, save that crap for high school. This is just pathetic, they don't know what they want yet.

"I broke up with him, it just wasn't working out. I need some space." says some elementary school girl. LOL ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SOME SPACE!?

I'm sorry but every time I hear about some little kids "breaking up" I think it's a little funny, and I know that is mean because even though they're so young, they still have feelings.

I personally feel that liking someone in elementary school is completely normal and fine, but dating? Like what is the point? There is absolutely no point. You're going to see this person in school every day, so why do you need a phone? Or their number? Or need to take them out on a movie? Some elementary kids go on movie dates, like they'll literally buy the popcorn and drink for the girl. Pshhhh heck no, I'd never do that if I were 10 years old, get your own popcorn, this is my money. 

My point is that, it's ok to like someone no matter what age, but now these kids have been introduced to the media they see on their devices, and now it has been pressed into their brains that it is a huge deal to kiss a girl, or take her out, or always be texting her, when it is not a huge deal at all. Especially at their age.

The only thing it will lead to is what I like to call "fake heartbreak", and kids "thinking their sad." I say this because being a kid is just supposed to be learning in school, laughing, and having fun. And it is very foolish to be 10 years old and sad because a girl "broke up" with you. They never knew if they actually wanted them in the first place, because they're still at the age where they don't know what their future holds and what they're actual life plan is. The feelings were never emotionally and mentally stable in the first place due to lack of development in these silly brains of these children.

School dances and attractions usually start in middle school(12 &13 years old), that's the way I thought it always was. When the first kisses start happening and the texting starts happening. And realistically, I thought actual physical contact started at age 14 or 15 after puberty and that this would be a necessary age to start actually taking dating seriously and knowing if you actually like the way this person makes you feel, but it's me talking here, I don't know much.

I know, I know this isn't a big deal people. But what are your thoughts on little 11 year olds making out? Is that normal? Huh Dad? Huh Mom? Do you like that your kid is making out with another kid? Let me know parents. Let me know what age you'd let your kids start "dating" haha. Let me know what you think about this post and enjoy this picture of me back in elementary school.

Ok bye now, rant over.

Cheyenne Fuller

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