Sunday, July 19, 2015

Night Shift

Things are actually going pretty well right now I guess. 2 months ago I got a job stocking shelves at Kroger and I've adjusted pretty well. Mom wasn't happy to hear that I was put on the night shift every night though. 4 or 5 days a week. 11:00 p.m. to usually 8:00 a.m. The funny thing is that I don't mind it actually even though it's only $8 an hour. It's an introvert job and I'm content with it. Gotta start from the bottom anyway right? Well I guess I always do lol.

DEALING WITH NO CUSTOMERS. It's the best thing ever. All I do is stock food for the same 4 aisles, usually the candy, cereal aisle, etc. every night and then that's it. The first week they had me working during the day. I'm totally fine talking to people but I hate being FORCED to talk to people. "Remember to always smile and ask the customer if they need any help Cheyenne!!" Which is what a real store worker should do, but soon it becomes so robotic and zombie like that it doesn't even mean anything, kinda like Chick Fil-A. "My pleasure serving you." mumbled this kid with a frown one time when my brothers and I were ordering there. They're forced to say that, they didn't "have pleasure" serving us. Lol liars.

Sometimes the customers are absolute idiots. I remember one time, THREE grown men who looked to be in their late 20s during the same day asked me to lead them to the "milk aisle." because they couldn't find it.

9 hours of stocking gets real tiring though and soon you feel like a zombie just repeating the same motions over and over. I usually have a process I do when I start my 9 hour shift at work. The first 1 hour and 30 minutes I think about my blog, my life, situations people face, new posts or titles I can put up. Sometimes I even go on Twitter and tweet thoughts I have while working. Ever since I got the idea to make this blog I've been thinking even deeper before. The next 1 hour and a half I would think about the past, bad times, good times, friends, enemies, girls, definitely girls. I would then think back to the past and pretend as if I were a different person, or if I acted differently, looked differently. Then I would "create" or "daydream" up my own "episode" and kind of just play it through my mind as if it were a TV show. Different outcomes. Pretty deep huh? I can't be the only person who does that right?

Anyway that's 3 hours right there and you'd be surprised how fast the time goes by when you do this! The next 5 hours I just listen to music, pretend I'm in a band playing for a bunch of people I know, or pretend as if my friends and I are partying or something whatever like that lol. Every day I'll purposely try to find 20 I've never heard of and really like and download them on to my phone. When I listen to music I've never heard before I can usually replay each song in a cycle over and over for a good 8 hours until I get sick of it. The last hour I'll just stock and act like a regular worker because it's during the day and customers are coming in now. Gosh this job is alright. This job is alright.

On my 30 min break sometimes I'll start blogging or I'll just sit there blankly and stare at the wall. One time I accidentally fell asleep.

It is tiring, my sleep schedule is screwed, totally weird. Everyday I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep, that's not healthy I guess. Something I need to fix.

I love how Kroger pays each week. I usually make around $260 each week. Eh that's ok, not that great, but hey money! I know my brother Alex makes $24 an hour. Exactly triple what I make. I'm happy for him though. I'm currently saving my money up. If I attend TCC I don't exactly have to worry about paying costs cause financial aid might pay for all of it! I have my car so it's gas money I'm only paying for right now. Other than that I'm making money and I don't know what to do with it! Maybe a concert or road trip with friends sometime or something lol. I'm saving up for the long run though for sure.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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