Sunday, July 19, 2015

My Car And Freedom

FINALLY! June 27, 2015 was the freakin date lol. I got my car. A white 1998 Hyundai. It was actually Alex's old car, but now mine since he bought a new one. You can actually tell I'm not a picky person because I absolutely love this thing...but it's actually not that great and not exactly a "chick magnet" lol. But hey? I have a vehicle! No more walking to work, no more assholes with their handed down Mustangs from their parents revving their engines past me, gawking at me, and now I can actually pick up girls for the dates instead of convincing them to drive to see me. I especially hated that. Made me look like a chump.

It was a big deal for me back in High School. Freshman and Sophomore year I continued to ride the bus which sucked, but what sucked more is when my mom would pick me up in front of school with my siblings, that was the worst part. While everyone else would drive away in their Chevy truck and wink at me with a grin on their face. Some of them were getting the buns lol. I wasn't and even when I was it wasn't in the good ways. "Well just come up and see me, please please, I'm only 30 minutes away!!" I would convince them. "Really Cheyenne?"

Senior year was FANTASTIC! Alex got a vehicle from his girlfriend's family and now I had his 1998 Ford Explorer and I LOVED that thing. So much memories. With my best friend Raf, girls, places, exploring, it was the best. It's amazing how much more fun life is when you have your own vehicle. I was totally free. I would blast my music, drive fast, put my head out the window and scream "AHHHH YEAHHHHHH!" as whoever the passenger was would just laugh hard. Instead of revving my engine like a douchebag I would stop and ask, "hey you wanna ride?" With a huge grin on my face. "You can always have fun without being a jerk." I would always tell myself.

Later my senior year my mom sold the vehicle without even telling me. I just came home and boom it wasn't even there. My mom and I had our usual hour argument. I almost cried actually no joke lol. I loved that thing. No more freedom. I wasn't able to go on drives to clear mind, wasn't able to take Olivia to prom(a girl I liked at the time), wasn't able to do any of the plans I had before my family and I was forced to move to Texas. I was very upset.

First year of college without a vehicle wasn't too bad. I had friends who had vehicles and thankfully they liked doing fun stuff like I did too. Parties, campus visits, late night food runs, and much more. The only one thing that sucked is that I didn't ask one girl out at DBU my first year because 90% of guys there had a VERY NICE VEHICLE, I even saw a couple Corvettes. And of course, because my name is Cheyenne Fuller I was the 10%. Getting revved at again, the usual. If I asked a girl out and they found out I didn't have a car, I would get turned down. Of course I assumed this and I always tried to go after girls who didn't seem like this but I was just being realistic.

Now I have my own car again and I have to say. I don't feel a thing. Nothing. I'm happy and thankful sure. But nothing. I drive to work 11:00 p.m. drive back home around 9:00 a.m. to get sleep. I don't feel the freedom I did before. I drove a girl around and took her on a date a couple days ago, eh it was ok but I didn't feel anything either. I blasted the music the other day and it felt good, but not good enough. I don't have enough time or money to be wasting to go on drives to clear my mind. None of my good friends live in Keller, Texas, none of the girls I used to like live in Keller, Texas, all the things I found fun back in Montana isn't in Keller, Texas. Just a bunch of stuck up high school kids.

You see I'm a second year college student now. I'm getting older and I hate it. More things are important now. It was never the vehicle that made me happy in the past, it was the experiences and the people. The freedom. And with my own vehicle now, I have none of that, besides my own freedom and decisions. Just working away I guess. Maybe I'm too picky? Maybe I want too much?

But hey I'm still thankful, I'm happy. Every time I get in the car I smile and think about when I didn't have one. I'll drive by people and teens who are walking and offer them a ride, because I remembered when I didn't have a vehicle. It sucked. For some people it's not a big deal, but for me it was. At least every once in a while I can chill with buddies and stuff,

Hey thanks for reading!

Cheyenne Fuller
Check out my blog and read my other posts!

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