Tuesday, June 30, 2015

An Easy Way To Deal With Racism, Bullying, and Suicide

Suicides every day, kids hurting themselves, kids hurting other kids, blah blah. Bullies are assholes. I don't want to get into that. I hate talking about that stuff. It's just depressing ya know? Who wants to talk about depressing stuff. Well I guess sometimes you have too. How else are you going to stop it? Either way or whatever you do, it'll never stop. People will always hate you. They will hate you because you're not black, because you're not white, because you're more attractive than them, you're more athletic, you're more liked by people. You get the idea. Deal with it. That's their problem right?

 I've never been bullied before. Surprising to you? Maybe not? Remember, my school was a Class C school. 65 kids in high school. I was actually one of the few strongest guys during high school my junior year(you know it's bad when I'm near the top). Anyway, that's not the point. It doesn't matter how tough, strong or whatever you are. There's different types of bullying. Physical, Emotional, Online, Racism, much more.

Racism was the big one in my school. Did you know Montana is actually one of the top states for racism? Not Texas haha. I've been through racism before, maybe twice, but it was behind my back or "jokingly". Not during high school, but during elementary school. They were too scared to say anything to face. I had my friends too. We would kick their ass if they said anything lol. I spent some of my elementary and middle school years getting into some fights and arguments though. Some ending me in suspensions. Not because I was being bullied, but because my friends Kollin and Rafael were. Rafael is Mexican, Kollin is part Mexican. They knew how to defend themselves, Raf is a big guy and Kollin wanted to join the Marines, but I always butted in and got involved. I'm a leader. It's my personality. I hate assholes. "Go back to Mexico." "Learn how to speak English correctly." "Go pick some cotton." Haha I've never been told that but my little brother has one time, my friends have too. Why was I never told that?

Violence gets old, it doesn't solve anything, but mental solutions do. It all stopped my 7th grade year when my friends and I decided to "mentally" attack these guys. Racism? Bullying? I'm Cheyenne Fuller. I don't get bullied haha. So what did I mean by dealing with racism "jokingly?" The kids in my class picked and chose on Rafael mostly because they simply didn't like him. They knew me before and I was "friends" with them already. I came up with a stupid, yet creative idea that would stop all of this.

It was lunch. The class was always split 4 ways when the 7th graders ate. The "cool" kids, usually consisted of 5 guys, The "underdogs" me and my 6 other friends(multicultural group haha), the ladies, and the kids who liked partying and stuff. Yep 7th grade.

"Hey man I have some tacos, do you want some? Since you're Mexican." I told Rafael. I said it loud so the other guys would hear. "Yeah sure man, I have some watermelon and chicken if you want some too hahaha." said Rafael. We both busted out laughing. The other clique was watching us, literally scratching their heads. "Hey dude do you wanna go to my house and pick some cotton after school with me?" We kept laughing and laughing. "Sure after we go make some burritos at my place!" busted out Rafael. "Hell yeah my nigga!" I exclaimed! "But don't say N-I-G-G-E-R or that would be racist!!" laughed Raf. "Dude should I dress up as a member of the KKK for Halloween!?" I said. If you do, then I'll dress up as a Pinata!" We kept going at it, surprisingly, we were having a joy doing this, especially the fact that it seemed to anger the other guys. Their faces were red and they weren't saying a word! Ever since then they didn't say a word to Raf's face about anything racist towards Mexicans.  Did you see what we did?

Listen. I'm not telling you to do this, because this is still a risky and pathetic way to deal with your problems. Haha making fun of yourself and your past ancestors? It's messed up. It's horrible, you might be mad at me. I know, but sometimes you need a creative and original way to get out of your solutions without a huge conflict. I'm sorry, you gotta do what you gotta do. I don't know if you would call it reverse psychology, but we simply showed everyone that we don't care what they think or say. We're laughing either way. Just laugh it off when people make fun of you. LAUGH at the bullies! They're so stupid! Gosh I love my friends.

The problem is that Raf and I solved the "bullying" issue against him, but now everyone thought it was funny to joke around about the whole Mexican and black, watermelon, taco stuff hahaha. They thought it was ok to be "jokingly" racist but not "seriously" racist. Does that kinda make sense? There's different ways to be racist you know. It's weird I don't know how to explain it. I guess we didn't really solve anything, but it let us realize that racism honestly didn't bother us at all. Not one bit. Call me a nigger and it won't hurt me one bit. I'm dead serious haha, I dunno it just doesn't bother me. It never really has. I don't even look black lol. Nowadays it's not really hurting any black guys. They even call each other that word! Sorry I got off topic.

Did Raf still get bullied during high school? Nope. Did he still get racist remarks behind his back? Yes. It never ends guys, this world will always be full of never ending jerks and jealous bitches. It's up to YOU if you're gonna let it bother you or not. People don't like you, people don't like those people, and so on. It's a chain. I can't stress this enough. KNOW WHO YOUR REAL FRIENDS ARE AND STICK WITH THEM. Talk to people. We are all going through troubles. You have nothing to lose.

You're getting bullied for how you look, how you act, what you wear, how you speak, many many many things. There are steps to end this.

Step 1: Realize they hate you because they're jealous. They're HATERS.

Step 2: Realize you're not the only one. There are TONS of people going through what you are.

Step 3: Everyone is not against you, obviously everyone isn't on the bullies sides. People either hate them, or love them(because they're followers and don't have a life.) Talk to someone, make friends, tell people what you're feeling. It's a great way to make close friends and to definitely end it.

Step 4: IT DOESN'T BOTHER YOU. If they're pushing you around, calling you names, being racist etc. SMILE. You have your friends, you have your life, you have your duties. YOU WERE PUT ON THIS EARTH TO BE HAPPY AND LIVE LIFE. Smile and show them that you are happy. It'll make them confused and angry. They will become more and more angry with themselves.

Why? Because they're not angry with you. They're being assholes to you because they're jealous that you're living a life of happiness while something in their life is going wrong, they're hurting. Some part of them is hurting, They're taking it out on you because you have something that they don't. Bullies don't have true friends. They never have. I know tons of idiots who used to go to my school who thought they were so cool making fun of people and such. Where are they now? They're losers, no friends. We'll get into that later.

Ending your life is just an excuse. You gave up. You didn't try hard. People who choose to commit suicide are not hopeless. They just have a misplaced belief that death will be better than their current circumstance. That is not true. Why were you born? To be miserable and kill yourself because someone else doesn't like you? You have to be stronger, you can't give up. You're letting the bad guys win. You're something special. You were put on earth for a reason.

It doesn't hurt to make fun of yourself jokingly sometimes either. You don't have to go as extreme as Raf and I did though haha, that was definitely overboard but do whatever works for you, don't hurt anyone emotionally or physically. The problem with these bullies is that they're too self-absorbed and don't realize the damage they're doing. Do you think they've seen the stories of suicides committed? Of course they have. So why do they keep bullying? Because they're stupid. It's simple, they're just stupid. Don't let stupid people bully you. Laugh it off, you're obviously better than them. They're the ones hurting not you. Don't kill yourself because a STUPID person was being a jealous pest.

There's a link to a video that gave me the idea to write this post.  Shout out to my African Americans and Mexicans. I apologize. Haha thanks for reading. 

Jay Digit- Cocaine Hearts


Cheyenne Fuller

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