Thursday, June 18, 2015

Worst Tinder Date Ever

Tinder is an app that lets users swipe right on the opposite sex if they're interested in them or if they seem attractive and swipe left on them if they're obviously not attracted. If the opposite sex also swipes right then that means they're a "match" and they will then be able to chat with each other, meet up, or whatever. There's a distance radius each user may choose.

Online dating is not my thing at all. I'd rather do what I do and try to meet girls in person, sometimes that sucks though. You see, people use Tinder because dealing with rejection on social media is much easier than dealing with rejection in the real world. It's just awkward and people don't like to be put in uncomfortable situations. Most of us have been rejected in our lives. Why? Because different men and ladies have different preferences. Tinder gives them the "power" to choose their preference.

I never even knew about Tinder or any of these meeting apps until I met my roommate Bill. "Well it's just much simpler, you don't have to deal with those girls out there saying "sorry I have a boyfriend" all the time. This app just saves my time and energy." he said. I guess everyone has a good point. He convinced me to get the app.

I had no trouble talking to girls in person. Sometimes it was the usual friend zone, sometimes it was success, sometimes it was absolute failure. I'm just like any other man. So why did I get Tinder? Because an added extra never hurt anyone I guess right? It's the only social "dating" app I downloaded though, all the other ones looked really stupid. Not worth my time. I'm starting to like social media less and less as it is already.

At first Tinder was kinda awkward, well not for me, but for other people AROUND me. You see the population at Dallas Baptist University(my college at the time) was only around 5,000 students. Almost every day I saw the same people over and over. One time I matched with a girl on Tinder that I already knew. It didn't bother me, but obviously she freaked out because she immediately unmatched me.

It's only awkward if you think it is. So Tinder at DBU wasn't working out for me, so I just quit using it.

It was Christmas Break now. Christmas of 2014. Time to go home for a month. My mom was working, my siblings still had a week of school and it was just me home, sometimes hanging out with friends and stuff. "Hmmm." I said looking at the app. I started using it again. I only tended to use it when I was REALLY bored. Usually I had something to do during the day. Tons of pretty girls on Tinder. On a scale of 1-10, I'd probably give myself a 5.5 honestly haha but these girls were 8-10s for sure. Obviously there were better looking men than me on the app because 80% of the girls I would swipe right on would not swipe right on me. Out of my league. Sometimes I would match with a few cute girls, and surprisingly they would talk to me first. It was nice.

One time I matched with an EXTREMELY PRETTY BLONDE. Prettiest girl I matched with. Her name was Krista(she probably won't read this anyway because she blocked me on all social media haha, keep reading to see why). She started talking to me first and we hit it off really well. She loved music, exploring, and seemed very caring and sweet. She was also an introvert. For some reason introverts attract me. "Ahhh this is pefect."  I thought. Usually Tinder is thought of as a "hookup" app but at the moment I wasn't thinking about that, I wanted to make a good impression. And then something hit me.

One thing I miss about my senior year of high school 2 years ago is that I had my own vehicle. Tons of memories and experiences made because of that thing. I could go anywhere, I was free. Right before I graduated high school my mom sold my vehicle for money to help us to move to Texas. Ever since then I haven't had a vehicle.

Anyway, I didn't have a car to pick up Krista. I had to be honest and tell her. I didn't think it would be a HUGE problem, we only lived about 6.2 miles away. "Hey um I currently don't have a vehicle and my mom is going to be using hers to go to work." I told her. "Oh dang that's too bad, but I'm too afraid to drive up to where you live." she said. "Oh wait! It's actually not that bad! We only live about 6 miles away! Just type my address into google maps and you'll be completely fine!" I said. I felt like a complete jerk, a boy, not a man for saying that. I also didn't think it would be a problem though.

"I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable driving over there. But anyway just meet me at the Heritage Elementary School tomorrow at 12:00, we'll have a great time." she said. Dammit, I was excited but scared at the same time. So I guess I had to walk a little over 6 miles, I mean it shouldn't be that bad? It was supposed to be in the late 30s early 40s for the temperature whole week. Thank God I was used to Montana winter weather. Walking 6 miles, without getting sweaty and gross or freezing, that would be a challenge. There was no way I was going to pass up a chance to meet this girl though. A girl this pretty has never been attracted to me. I would regret it if I didn't suck it up and just do it.

It was the next day. None of my friends were available to give me a ride, either working or out of town. Looks like I was 100% walking. I looked it up on google maps, 6.2 miles was almost exactly 2 hours of walking. Plus the fact that I would have to wait on red lights and traffic. "Wow this is going to suck I thought. I left for the journey at 9:30, just to be safe and cautious. I walked about 20 minutes into it and then got a text from her. "Hey my mom wants to have lunch with me, we'll hangout at 2:00 ok? Can't wait to see you!" Wow, now what? I stopped at a gas station and just hung out there until it was 11:30.

"Got nothing better to do with your life kid?" said this oversized lady working the register in a snotty voice. I told her what was going on and why I was there. She chuckled. "So you're trying to tell me that you're so desperate to get a pretty girl that you'd waste 4 hours of your energy just to see her? Young man if I were you I'd be very upset. Aren't you like 15 anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" "I'm 4 years older than you think, a college student thank you very much." I said. "Well damn, why ain't you got a vehicle?" I didn't feel like answering her at all. "Well listen kid, you didn't have to do put yourself through this, don't be desperate, the right, beautiful gal will come along for you. You have to be patient. You're a good looking fella. I'm 37 years old and I've never had a relationship. I still believe I will get one." she said smiling happily. I looked up at her, "You've never dated ANYONE?" "Nope." She looked back at her magazine and started reading. I decided to take a little nap.

OH CRAP I OVERSLEPT! I looked at my phone, prayed before I looked at the time, and then looked. 12:52(Trust me I remember specifically.) "Oh no oh no oh no." "What's wrong!?" she said, now mopping the floor. "I overslept! I gotta go!" I said running for the door. "Good luck kid!" she said yelling from inside. I started running the direction to the elementary school, it was an hour and 40 minutes away, meaning I was about 30 minutes behind schedule. I tried running but tried not to look gross or sweaty, this sucked. Good thing I brought my headphones. I plugged them in and continued jogging.

"I made state in track, this shouldn't be a problem at all." I half-laughed to myself, trying to stay positive. I got another text from her. "I'll see you in an hour! I can hang out a lil earlier!!" I started running even faster. I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater above so I wouldn't be cold. I mean I had to look half decent right? I was 40 minutes into the run it was about 1:30, there was no way I was going to get there at 1:50. I texted her, "Hey I'll be a couple of minutes late!" I continued jogging and running. Good thing I'm not a person who sweats much. But it was starting to happen. "I'm not even mad, I was put on earth to go through this shit all the time." I told myself myself. It was now 2:00, I probably still had about 25 minutes to go. "Hey are you here yet? I might only have until 3:30 to hangout." she said.

"WHAT!?" I thought to myself. I texted her back, trying to be as calm as possible. "Why can't you hangout longer?" I said. "I have to pick my brother up after school and watch over him while my mom is working her shift at work. That's why you have to hurry up, where are you?" she asked. "I'm almost there! Give me 10 minutes!" I said. I needed much more time than that. I was now sprinting as fast as I could. That lady was 100% correct. I can't believe I was doing this. As I ran I realized my confidence was getting worst and worst. I was LOOKING worst and worst. I was starting to get frustrated and angry too. "Ok listen if you're not here soon, I'm going to have to leave." she texted. "No wait I'm almost there! 5 minutes!"

I finally got there. 2:18, I remember approximately. I saw her grey car and took a deep breathe. I LOOKED SWEATY AND HORRIBLE. There was nothing I could do about it. I walked to her car and opened the door. Wow she looked gorgeous. "Hey you look great!" I said. "Thanks" she said. Damn, she was obviously mad. She turned her car on. "Well I guess we can go on a walk or something I guess." she said. My legs were dead lol. She drove to a park and parked her car. I tried my best to be confident and myself, but it just wasn't clicking. Too much on the mind suddenly, I was nervous for some reason, I was silent, I couldn't think of ANYTHING to say.  I was awkward.

It was much different than our happy text message conversations. Let's just say it was one of the most awkward conversations I ever had. Tons of silence and awkward silences. Usually I didn't mind this, but I could tell it was bothering her, which made it bother me. Now it looked like it was going rain. "Are you serious?" I thought to myself. "Well I guess we better go." she said to me. We walked back to her vehicle. Before we got in I realized I ran 2 hours for absolutely nothing. And then I started a rant which made me look even more crazy.

"Listen I'll never be able to be with a girl as pretty as you again. I'm so sorry for coming late and looking like a hobo, I swear this won't happen again!" "Yes it probably won't happen again, because I won't have time to hangout again." she said. I'm pretty sure she was lying, we planned to hangout tons the night before. "Get in the car, I'm going to drop you off at the school." "Wait please, could you at least drop me off at my house, I ran 2 hours for you! I cared! Can't you see that!?" "I already told you. I'm really sorry, I'm not comfortable with driving places." I did not want to take that dreaded walk again, my legs were getting tired, it was getting colder, and now it was about to rain. She parked at the school, "Ok well you have a good one, it was nice meeting you.." she said. She was obviously very disappointed and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. "Krista, it's raining! C'mon please." I pleaded. "Out" she said. I got out. "At least give me a kiss or something!!" She drove off faster then ever. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed so loud hahaha. The walk back was more pleasant even though it was raining and colder. I didn't have to worry or use and energy. I was mad at myself. It was my fault, but at the same time it wasn't. I was especially angry cause I didn't have a vehicle.

I almost got home and then stopped at a store and bought candy, oreos, and soda. The next couple of days were gonna be in the bed, watching movies and YouTube videos getting fat and lazy kinda days. I walked in the door. Thankfully mom was at the library and didn't see me all wet. Marcus and Ariel were too glued to the computer screens to even notice me. I got on my phone to message Krista and realized she blocked me on all social media. Nice.

Now that I look back at that, the only thing that really hurt the most was the run haha. It sucked though. I thought back to what the lady said. About how the right one will come, and about how she never dated anyone. Wow that would suck. I was happy for her being strong. So what was the point of this story? Online meeting up isn't for everyone. I always go through crap and have the worst luck and oh if its too good to be true, then it probably is.

Thanks for reading haha

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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