Thursday, June 18, 2015

Believing In Gay Marriage And Religion

One of my friends thought I should write a post about Gay Marriage and Religion. "Why? The last thing I need to do is spark a huge controversy. No one cares what I "think." People will do and think that they want. If you're gay you're gay. Let people live their lives and move on with yours." I told her. "Cheyenne, you're so selfish. You don't understand. I get bullied and get tons of shit from people saying that I "shouldn't" be into other woman, and that it is a "sin." Who the hell are they to tell me that I can't be in love with another soul? Just because we're the same gender? People are people, you tell me that all the time! Why can't I love who I want?" We all live our own lives! Who the f&%# are they to care about who I love and telling me I'm "sinning." This is a bunch of bullshit Cheyenne." I could tell she was getting angry, so I dropped the subject. But I'm writing this to show her that I'm not afraid to express my opinion on something, even if it results in me losing some friends I guess.

I hate talking about this. Sure I'm a Christian and stuff, but geez when people get all religious and stuff, I'll admit that it's annoying sometimes. I'm sorry. Maybe I need help? I dunno. The world is changing. Men getting married to men. Women getting married to women. They fell in love with each other. They had a reason for doing what they're doing. A soul is a soul correct? We all have a soul right? We all have feelings for one another because we're attracted to that person, their personality, how they act. So does gender really matter? Love is love isn't it? Why is this such a huge problem, it should be simple shouldn't it?

You see this subject is so deep. Because it all matters whether you're a Christian or not. I'm not getting into that though. The subject is "Gay Marriage" not "Trying To Be A Christian." Most Christians agree that Gay Marriage is a sin. Rightfully so I guess. People at my former college, DBU, were kings and queens for constantly bothering people about this issue. Including me. I'm not gay, but I do know some gay people who are friends with me. This student wasn't too fond of them and he let me know too.

"If you're a Christian then why are you sticking up for these gay people dude?" asked this kid I already wasn't too fond of. Constantly made people feel bad by using the bible. It got annoying sometimes. Why was he even talking to me? lol(I'm keeping names confidential in this post.) "I'm not sticking up for them, I'm just trying to understand why this is such a big deal. They love each other, why are people acting like it is such a crime? Can you not just love a person? A gender is a gender." I said. "Are you even a Christian? Are you gay yourself? If you truly were a Christian, you would know that gay marriage is a sin. I didn't make the rules, it is what it is. If you want to go to Heaven, you cannot be involved with gay love or marriage." he shot back. "I'm not gay you idiot and are you even a Christian? Are Christians supposed to judge others and put them down? Shouldn't you just move on with your life and worry about yourself? Why is it bothering you so much?" I said. "Cheyenne IT IS A SIN. You don't seem to understand that your little pals are going to burn in hell." "Answer my damn question, why is it bothering you? I want a legitimate answer right now." I said, realizing I was almost yelling. "It's not bothering me!" he said. "Then why the hell do you go around acting like they're such horrible people then, leave them alone if it's not bothering you, live your life and go to heaven pal. If they're going to go to hell then at least let them live in this world with peace, geez they happen to be attracted to the same sex, IT"S NOT A BIG DEAL" I said.

It was silent for a couple of seconds. We both calmed down.

"Cheyenne, don't you care that your friends are going to burn in hell? Don't you want to help change them? You're not a friend. You know what they're doing is wrong and you won't help them. I can't believe you. The bible clearly states it's a sin." he said softly."I know what the bible says, does the bible say "thou shall judge others constantly" though? I asked him. He didn't have an answer for that one. I continued. "I just can't. I will not tell them anything. I'm going to let them live their lives. People will believe what they believe. They will love who they want to love. I will not try to take something away from them that makes them happy. All you people are just making their lives worse by constantly mentioning this stuff all the time, it's not going to solve anything. You've sinned before too haven't you? Did the whole damn world yell it out so everyone would know? Because that's what all of you guys are doing. I understand what the bible says, but you shouldn't be making people depressed and constantly pushing this kind of stuff up on them all the time. You don't rule them. We are all our own people and love who we love" I said. "Ahh whatever man, we'll continue this later. You better hope they change." he said walking away, shaking his head.

He won me over on that debate. Bible worm. Quoted the crap out of me using bible verses. I know what the bible says and what is "right" or "wrong" or whatever. I just don't understand why these people are constantly being bothered by Christians just because they're in love with a person. Is it really hurting everyone badly? A preacher told me something a couple of years that made me think. "Sometimes we were put on this earth to change someone around. God uses us for different reasons. We should try to help the non-Christians and help them change their lives around." It's harder to actually do it instead of say it. Sometimes Christians don't realize how much embarrassment they're actually putting on people when they're trying to "change" them around. I have trouble talking about Christianity and God in public. I'm already awkward enough, that just makes it even more awkward. I'm working on it.

To sum it up? No, I don't agree with gay marriage. I love women and women only lol. I mean I'm not gay. But IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME. If I see 2 men walking around holding hands or doing what they do, I just keep it moving. They're attracted to each other, so what? We all like someone or something for a reason don't we? I'm bothered by the fact that gays are bothered constantly by people, preferably Christians. Constantly telling them that "they're disgusting" or "you're going to burn in hell." Like they told my friend at the top of the post. That pisses me off, some of you "Christians" need help yourself because you don't have the right to tell people that.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid because that kid I had a debate with told me that if I don't try to change them, that they will burn in hell and it will be because of me. I didn't try to change them. The way I see this is that, everyone in this world isn't going to heaven. Some people are going to hell. A lot of people are Christians and a lot of people aren't Christians. One person can't change the whole world, especially if that person is me lol. I'm going to let people live their life and be happy with their lives. I will continue to be friends with my friends, whether they're gay or not. Feelings are feelings. I will not judge a man because he loves a man. It still continues to bother me till this day though, I still feel guilty, don't know what to do. Maybe we should all worry about more important things like murders and poverty instead of what gender a man is attracted to haha.

I understand people are trying to change others. That's good. Be careful with how you do it. Don't bully people for what they feel or the opinions they express. All I'm trying to say is that being gay, isn't hurting ANYONE. Live your life and they will live yours. If you don't like what they think or how they feel, then just stay away from them and keep it moving. This issue should be simple, why do we all strive on making it so stressful and annoying? I hope I hear less about this subject in the future. Live your own life. Stay with the people you're comfortable with. Love is love. Believe in what you believe in. Besides murder, don't murder people.

Tell me what you think, seriously share this and tell me what you think.

Cheyenne Fuller
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