Sunday, June 28, 2015

Unnecessary Stupidity, Arguments, And Family Fights

Life with 3 siblings was a little annoying when I was younger. I was 9 years old when I knew someday I would be writing about my 13 year old brother, my 7 year old brother and my 3 year old sister. Now it's 10 years later. Crazy huh?

Growing up Alex and I were usually the ones coming up with the pathetic and creative ideas to keep us entertained, but yet in trouble all the time. 4 years later Alex graduated, and it was me leading the creativity, which most of the time landed all of us even more trouble than ever. We always laughed  at each other whenever one of us would get in trouble. We loved making fun of each other. We still do all the time.

Although my siblings and I argue, whine, blackmail, threaten, and fight all the time, one thing is the same with all of us. We all have always stuck together when it came to versing mom and dad in the past. There were times when we would do the most unnecessary things ever. Things that would make you ask, "Why? Why Cheyenne? Why were you and your siblings so stupid and dumb?" Yes we were stupid, still are, but hey there were times when we would get in trouble for the most unnecessary things. Things that would also make you ask, "Why? Why Cheyenne? Why were your parents so crazy?"

Here are a list of the dumbest, creative arguments, games, things, and stuff my siblings and I did to entertain ourselves and along with the most unnecessary things we got in trouble for from our parents and the most unnecessary, non-understandable things they've ever said.

1.(2005) Before we moved up into the mountains, during Saturdays the whole family would go up there so Dad could work on the house we were planning to move into soon. TONS of steep hills up there. We would bring our bikes along with us. "You guys are forbidden to ride down those hills, they are too steep, you will get hurt!" said mom. So what did Alex, Marcus, and I do? We did it anyway. "Dude imagine how much speed we're gonna hit!" I squealed. We were having a race to see who could hit the most speed. "Ready! 3! 2! 1! Go!" yelled Alex. We all pedaled down as fast as we could. Marcus and Alex were leading, I was right behind them. All of a sudden, Marcus jerked to the right and banged into Alex, both of them and their bikes crashing down and rolling down the roads with their bodies. I tried to avoid them, but I hit Alex's tires and did a front flip with my bike, landing me in a ditch. We all got bruises and scratches, along with a belt on our back from our Dad for disobeying mom.

2.(2006) "Could I have some more cereal Dad?" asked Marcus. Dad heavily sighed, "Do ya'll think cereal grows on trees? Ya'll can't hogging up and eating up everything all the time!" said Dad, now yelling. "But you had seconds" said Marcus "Your bowl is double the size of ours too" I said to Dad. It was true, he had this huge bowl, the rest of us had tiny ones, plus he always got seconds. "DO YA'LL WORK ANYWHERE!? DO YA'LL PAY THE BILLS!?" glared Dad at both of us. "No, we just want cereal." said Marcus. "Stand up! Ya'll wanna be a smartbutt!? You're getting the belt!" "NO DAD! NOOO!" Haha I still laugh today at how pathetic and funny that day was.

3.(2007) "No you idiot, Legos came out in the 1980s I said." "No you're wrong, they came out during the early 2000s." said Marcus. We were having an argument about when Legos came out. This argument literally went on for 2 FULL days. The sad thing is that we were both wrong. "IF YA'LL DON'T SHUT UP, YOU'RE GETTIN DA BELT!" yelled Dad. 5 minutes later. "You're wrong you dumb stupid idiot, it was the 1980s" I whispered to Marcus in Home Depot, while the family was shopping. "That's it! Ya'll are getting the belt!" "Are you serious? We're in public!?" I said. He gave us the belt right there and then though. Yelling and screaming was heard throughout the store haha.

4.(2007) There was absolutely nothing to do living up at that place. Alex was constantly on his phone texting his girlfriend and Dad and Mom were getting sick of it. "That's it Alex, give me that phone! You're not getting it back for a week!" said Dad. "Wait why? I didn't do anything wrong" whined Alex. "Ya'll need to get a life!" He snatched the phone from Alex, causing him to LITERALLY cry. Of course Marcus, Ariel, and I started laughing and making fun of him. Causing Alex to tell mom on all of us for all the things we did in the past and he was blackmailing all of us with. "MOMMMM!" Which ended all of us in trouble. All 4 of us were crying by the end of the night. Mom kept adding more and more to the issue too. "You all are grounded for a whole week!"

5.(2008) Summertime. Too hot to go outside. So I came up with a fun idea for Marcus, Ariel, and I. We took all of out stuffed animals from when we were younger and started playing "dodgeball" with them. Mom obviously didn't like this. "I'm telling your father when he gets home!" She started getting angry, yelling, and what not. So what did we do? "Ok go!" I said. We all threw our stuffed animals at mom's face. "R YOU GUYS CRAZYYY?!" Wow we got beaten so bad that day.

6.(2008) Still summer, constantly getting in trouble for the dumb ideas we came up with. This time we were doing something completely harmless. "Spying on Mom and Dad" is what we called it. There were tons of junk, trees, sage brush, and bushes all around our 40 acres of land up there. Mom and Dad were outside working on the house. We would sneak up on them. It was a contest to see who could get the closest without getting seen or caught. Marcus was winning, but unfortunately Mom caught him. "Marcus what are you doing!?" He tried running but Dad caught him by the chest of his shirt. "What you doin huh boy!?" "You're choking me!" exaggerated Marcus. "I'M WHAT!? SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU BOY!?" yelled Dad. Marcus got free and was backing away from dad, but then tripped backwards into a huge dirt ditch. Ariel and I were laughing so hard.

7.(2009) Church. 1 more year and I would be old enough to get out of the little kid youth group, but for now I was stuck in there until I was in high school. We had a new family visit the church, and three of the kids joined the group. Marcus, Ariel, and I were horrible. They might have been part of some culture or something, because two of the brothers, who seemed to be ages 8 and 10, had LONG ponytails, literally all the way down to their butt. Ariel, Marcus, and I, because of our immaturity, thought this was extremely funny. We were playing a game of tag and Ariel got tagged by one of them. "OHHHHH YOU GOT THE PONYBOY TOUCH!" yelled Marcus and I. Ever since then we were playing the "ponyboy game." The rules were if you were sitting down you were safe, but if you were standing up, "ponyboy" could touch you and make you the pony boy and then they weren't ponyboy anymore. Almost 7 years later and we still play that game today. No joke.

8.(2009) Alex gave me his old phone. It didn't have a simcard though, so mom and dad didn't care. Marcus, Ariel, and I had fun filming each other doing stupid stuff with this phone. One time I dared Marcus to go up to mom and just stare at her without saying a word while I filmed. I hid under the table as I filmed, Marcus went up to mom, put on this pathetic face, and just stared at her. "What do you want? Silence. "What are you doing you fool! What do you want?!" she was getting angry now. Still no word. "Go away!" He kept staring at her. Wow I was impressed. She then all of a sudden, quicker than I ever saw her move, took her hand out and slapped him across the face. Hard. "WOOOAAAAAHHH!" yelled Ariel and I. I jumped from below the table and tried getting up close footage of Marcus. "Stop it Cheyenne!!" yelled Marcus on the ground holding his face. Mom then tried chasing me with the belt as I ran backwards filming. "Retreat Ariel! Retreat!" I laughed.

9.(2009) Alex was home for Christmas from college. Dad picked up a random cat from the road. Don't ask me why. We already had two cats, Lily and Drake. We named this one Kiki. Drake and Kiki HATED each other. Always fought. Drake loved Alex, always jumped up on his bed and slept with him. Every night, Marcus and I would find Kiki and throw her on Alex's bed while he was sleeping with Drake. 5 seconds later they would start squealing, fighting, and yelling on Alex's bed. "AHHHHHH!" yelled Alex every night, he almost fell off his bed one time. Gosh it was so funny until one day Mom caught on and caught Marcus and I. "It's our duty to make Alex miserable" I told her. But she didn't like that excuse. She of course told Dad and no reason to go into detail because you already know what happened next.

10.(2010) Dad was slowly getting older, he still beat us up lol, but less. He came up with a different way to get at us whenever all 4 of us fought, mostly Ariel and Marcus. It was stupid arguments too. "Geek" said Marcus to Ariel. "Mom! Marcus called me a geek!" "That's it! Come here you 2!" yelled Dad instead. He made them get in the middle of the kitchen and hug each other for 30 minutes straight. "No dad can we please not do this?" whined Marcus. "Shut up boy! Ya'll are gonna hug each other and hold on for 30 minutes, and don't ya'll even think about letting go!" he said. Marcus always gagged and almost threw up one time doing that haha. They still argued while hugging each other, which landed them the belt, and then back to hugging each other with additional time added.

11. (2010) Sometimes Mom and Dad say things that make absolutely no sense. "Cheyenne hand me the motto." said Mom pointing at the motor to a device on the ground. "You mean the "motor"? I asked. "No Cheyenne hand me the motto" she said. "It's a motor not a motto" I said. "Cheyenne are you making fun of my accent!?" she said angrily. "Accent!? You don't even have an accent! It's called a dang motor not a motto!" You won't even believe how much trouble I got in for that. One time our family went to Fairmont, a place with swimming and stuff. A time we actually did something fun, it was definitely a first. The next day Dad got mad at Marcus and I for playing ping-pong instead of taking a shower. "Ya'll were supposed to be showering when ya'll after playing dat ding-pong before I told ya'll to start playing ping-dong!" he yelled. Marcus and I just started laughing so hard, we couldn't hold it back. What he said made absolutely no sense. We both got the belt. How can you expect us not to laugh?

12.(2010) I'll admit it, sometimes I instigated fights between Ariel and Marcus, but this time none of it was my fault. Mom was in the post office and left all 3 of us in the van. "You're just a big nerd!" yelled Marcus, he was already angry at her for something earlier. "At least I can beat you up" shot back Ariel. The two started fighting. Literally. Fists and all. I probably should've stopped em, but for once I didn't feel like getting involved. Then boom. Marcus hit Ariel harder than he should've hit  a little sister, gave her a bruise above her eyes. She started crying. "No no no no, Ariel I'm so sorry, listen you have to realize how much trouble we're going to get into!" said Marcus, he also had a scratch on his face. Mom came in and started freaking out about the bruise on Ariel. The two decided to truce before she came in. "I don't know how it got there." lied Ariel. They spent 3 hours trying to lie about the bruises and scratches on them. They got even more hurt when dad gave them the belt for lying. "If we're already hurt, then why do they insist on hurting us more?" sniffed Marcus. Lol.

13.(2011) I definitely remember this day as if it was yesterday. I was purposely avoiding trouble from mom and dad. Minding my own business. Until suddenly. "Oh my gosh! What happened in here!" yelled my mom from the bathroom. She came out, there were a bunch of cotton balls in the toilet, I guess it prevented it from flushing or something. Dad came in and started questioning Marcus, Ariel, and I about who did it. All three of us refused. He grounded us and kept us grounded until one of us fessed up. Finally dad got angry, "Come with me you three, we're going down to the Sheriff's office and ya'll are taking a lie detector test!" A lie detector test about a toilet, I couldn't believe it. "Would one of you just fess up!?" I said to Marcus and Ariel. "It wasn't me!" both of them said at the same time. The Sheriff's office was 45 minutes from us. What a waste of time. We finally got there and Marcus suddenly started crying. "*Sniff *Sniff, It was me dad." he cried. Ariel and I sat there with our mouths wide open. I wanted to smack him. Dad grounded him for a long time.

14.(2011) You ever remember that life alert commercial they used to play back then? During the week after school my mom always watched "The Waltons" this family TV show, it was pretty good. Unfortunately we always watched it during dinner, and that commercial ALWAYS came on constantly. And obviously we thought it was hilarious. We laughed hard every time it came on but dad and mom got really angry whenever we laughed at it. "WHAT' SO FUNNY BOUT SOMEONE GETTING HURT AND POSSIBLY DYING!?" said Mom. We always had to hold our smiles and laughter whenever it came on. But sometimes we failed. Especially Marcus, his chair faced the TV. One time he just busted out laughing. "Something funny boy?" said Dad standing up and reaching for his belt. "No!" said Marcus half frowning, half smiling. Dad gave him the belt right there and then, which almost caused me to laugh, but I surprisingly held it in, but Ariel didn't, causing her to get the same beating. This is the commercial lol. Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up :26 to :33 made us laugh hardest.

15.(2012) The older you get the more your creativity runs out. Marcus and I were on our bed just reading, we cleaned our room, and everything. Absolutely nothing Mom and Dad could yell at us for. Or was I wrong? Dad walked into the room and looked around, everything seemed fine, then he spotted a piece of paper on the floor. "Pick this up" he said. "Mmm" we both mumbled. He walked out. Marcus and I didn't even move. 1 hour later he walks back in and sees the paper still on the ground. "I thought I told ya'll to pick this up!? he screamed. "It's not mine" I said. "It's not mine either." said Marcus. "PICK IT UP!" "Pick it up Marcus." I said. "I'TS NOT MINE!" yelled Marcus. "WHAT YOU YELLIN FOR BOY HUH!?" he picked Marcus up by his hair this time. Ouch. "WHEN I TELL YOU TO PICK SOMETHING UP, YOU PICK IT UP!" Marcus then foolishly took his hand and wiped at his face violently. "WHAT YOU WIPIN AT BOY?!" "You spit on me." he said. Wow we got beat up so bad after saying that. Wasn't so quiet in the house that day anymore.

16.(2012) Coming back from Wal-Mart to home and some fool in front of us on the green light wasn't going. The person behind us thought it was our fault though and constantly kept honking his horn. They then sped up and got level with us and flipped Dad off, then drove off. This pissed Dad off, he then sped up, caught up, honked his horn, and then flipped the guy off. These two constantly had a finger flipping, horn honking war, as mom constantly kept yelling and freaking out. "He could kill us Claude!!" It ended with the guy turning the exit for his destination. It literally went on for 5 minutes.

17.(2013) You know we're really bored when we're having dance contests for entertainment. Especially when I'm the age of 17 at the time. Mom constantly got mad at us for doing this and ended up spanking Ariel with a lotion bottle. Marcus and I laughed so hard. We still have these dumb dance contests today sometimes with this song. The Hamsterdance Song. I don't think I'll ever grow up.

18.(2014) "Texas is stuuuuppppiiiddddd." Ariel, Marcus, and I weren't happy with the fact that we were moving down to Texas. We constantly made fun of Texas. I even bought a 10 gallon hat to push it. "HEYYYY YA'LLLL!!!" yelled Marcus with his shorts pulled up to his chest wearing my 10 gallon hat. Mom had enough, she chased around with the broom. This happened almost daily until we moved to Texas.

19.(2015) Sure we've grown up, this isn't even 10% of the nonsense we did back then. We'll never grow up. That's one thing I love about my siblings, they also don't care what people think, they're not afraid to be their nerdy, dorky, immature selves. We still do some of this nonsense today. I'm a second year college student, Alex is working at a business in Dallas, Marcus is getting ready for senior year of high school, and Ariel is going into 8th grade. Alex has grown up, 23 years old now, he still has his goofy sense of humor and his childish mind of making fun of us, but sometimes this makes the rest of us realize maybe it's time to hang up the immaturity and grow up. I hate how time flies ya know? If I could go back in time I actually wouldn't lol it sucked. But growing up sucks too. We're more mature now, but stupid games like "ponyboy", "dance contests", and "sneaking on people" are still things that occur to us. We're gonna be fun parents lol.

Thanks for reading!

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!


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