Monday, June 22, 2015

The New Definition Of Social Media, Likes, Fake Followers, And Getting Unfollowed

I'm starting to really like this blogging stuff. I'll write whatever is on my mind for 2 hours about, work my night shift every night, go hangout with friends, chill, explore, take risks, make memories, being stupid, do the regular, and then write about it on here again haha. It's just another added feature to my life that makes me unique. How many people do you know are comfortable with telling others EVERYTHING about their life? I love it. There is one thing I hate about this blogging stuff though. Sharing it on social media.

"Ok we get it Cheyenne we get it, you have a blog now, trying to be the center of attention again." "Wow here goes this dude sharing more stuff from his blog, he thinks he's so cool." "Ugh if he keeps sharing this stuff I'm going to unfriend him." I haven't heard this yet, but I wouldn't doubt it if people say stuff like that about me. It's all good, I don't care. There's good and bad to this. The good is that when people unfriend and unfollow me, then that means they're filtering themselves from me for me. Does that make sense? They were never my true friends in the beginning if they unfriend or unfollow me. The bad about sharing it on social media is that I'll come off as a thirsty jackass looking for tons of views and attention. I promise I'm not. The whole point of blogs, in my opinion, is to change people's perspectives, help them relate, gain confidence, and how they view things.

"I only have 20 likes in 30 minutes, should I delete my picture?" I literally heard a girl say this to their friend as they ate lunch at the college a couple months ago. Haha seriously? Don't lie to me, most people are like this. Maybe you are too? "OH MY GOsH I JUsT GoT 200 LIKEZ ON MY PicTuRE! I'M SO POpuLAR!" Haha you're probably not. It's weird how some of you seem so cool on social media, but not many people seem to notice or care about some of you in real life...I'll explain.

 Believe me when I say this, I've never been a huge fan of social media. I'm thinking about deleting Instagram. I could definitely live without my phone for a long time. So why do I have it? To keep in touch with friends obviously. But social media has COMPLETELY changed from when I first got involved with it.(2011) In the beginning it was all about sharing your memories, moments, and keeping people updated with your life. "Hmm that seems cool." Then you would "like" their status correct? If it didn't interest you then you would just keep scrolling. Social Media is NOTHING like that now. It's a huge popularity contest for likes and recognition. What makes me say this? Many people on social media nowadays ASK for likes and BUY followers. Thirsty for recognition much?  How do I know? I'd say 10% of the people I follow on social media do this. I've seen some of them comment on other people's pages. "Like my last status please?" "Like for like?" or they're "followers" are spam and were bought. Haha for those of you who get 200 likes, 3,000 followers or whatever, I think no different of you. You're not special or more popular than anyone else. Some of you, not all, bought FAKE followers to like your statuses and pics so you would look "popular" and "cool" haha wow. So I guess social media isn't about how you're doing in life or what you're up to. It's all about how many likes and followers you have and get. How "cool"and "hipster" you're trying to be compared to everyone else. Kinda pathetic. Not all of you care about the likes and stuff though. That's how it should be. Sharing moments, creeping on each others pictures, and appreciating each other lol. But whatever, who is it for me to judge right? Do you.

Some people don't buy followers to look cool though. If they're attractive or pretty enough(mostly girls do this) they'll follow tons of people at the same time frame to get tons of followers to follow them back and then a day or two later they will unfollow them. This has happened to me and my friends quite a bit from the girls at Dallas Baptist University, sadly even some boys did it. That way their follow/followers ratio is widely ranged. They look more popular. Example: They will "look cool" because they follow 400 people but they have 1,500 followers.

Since social media is now a pathetic popularity contest. I go along with it. I mostly only like pictures or statuses of my real friends, worth actually liking, or those that don't get many likes. Rooting for the underdogs, since everyone else is already so cool. Lol I dunno I'm weird.

Maybe I'm just jealous and pathetic for writing this post. Everyone trying to have their best to have fun and take millions of pictures to post on social media. Their lives seem soooo fun don't they? I know one girl who once took 70 selfies in one time frame, just so she could choose the "best" one to post on Instagram. Hmmm.

Social media has depressed some people, they realize half their life is spent in front of their phone instead of actually living life. They get depressed because they see other people having fun. They get depressed because they post things PRETENDING to have fun when they really aren't. Or I also know some people who get sad because people unfollow them on social media. Social media is depressing for some people. It has taken over their actual life. They spend too much time trying to impress people or trying to get that "quality" picture just to see what people will say and to be all like "AHH YeaH I GoTZ 300 LikeZ LoOk At ThaT!"

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are the main ones. I probably use Twitter the most. I got it last year. I think I kinda got the hang of it and I actually like using it and posting what I want. I use it the most because I'm 100% myself and post things I feel, people can relate to, and are awkward, weird, but truthful. It helps you communicate with people who relate to what you are interested in and what you think or feel. It's pretty cool. Facebook is one most people have. I only use it to keep in touch with my REAL friends. Sometimes I'll post statuses but now I mostly use it to share my blogs and keep up to date with what my friends are doing. Snapchat is probably my second favorite. I absolutely hate texting, I'm hating it more and more. Face to face interaction is much more enjoyable, you can see their expression and how they actually feel compared to texting where it's all neutral and boring. I'm a boring texter but a fun snapchatter. Snapchat is like texting but with pictures of yourself. You can send videos too.

I'm glad with what Instagram did a couple months before. They got rid of people's "ghost followers" and "fake followers." It was so funny to see people who had 1,000 followers suddenly drop to 300. Instagram is the app that people use to feel better about themselves. They get confidence and feel good when they get tons of likes. Thankfully me and many others don't care about this.

Every other day people unfollow us. It happens. They got bored of us, maybe a post of ours turned them away from us, maybe not good friends and barely know us, or maybe they're thirsty for that "popular look." that I talked about above. I have an app. It's called "unfollowers for Twitter and Instagram." I suggest you get it. You can see who unfollows you and stuff, that way you can unfollow them back, it's pretty interesting to see some people you know suddenly unfollow you. "WhAT WhY THeY UnFOLLowZ MEEE!??". Getting unfollowed daily can get annoying though for some people. So I came up with a solution for myself for that, especially since I don't care how many followers or likes I get.

I purposely posted an inappropriate picture of me on Instagram to see how many people would unfollow me. I know I'm weird haha, but I like being creative, original, and different. I wanted to filter out all of the people who didn't mean anything to me anyway. And it worked haha, but many people seemed to enjoy me just being myself. That made me feel good. Every other month I'm going to purposely post something weird or awkward on my social media to purposely to filter out people. Quality not quantity. I want friends, not a bunch of people on an app.

That's one thing that will make social media more enjoyable. Just be yourself. Quit being a totally different person on social media compared to real life. Has the amount of likes and followers ever gotten you anywhere in life? Nope. Probably not, probably never will. So why are some of you buying and begging for likes and follows? Social media is a place for keeping updated with your friends. That's it.

You all are just a bunch of numbers on an app, haha it's weird. It's about how many friends and memories you have and make in real life. Not how many followers you have on an app, something that will get you no where in life. Quit worrying about likes and follows, buying them and being desperate for recognition. And start RECOGNIZING your real friends. Live your real life not your fake life(social media) because no one cares how many followers  you have or how many likes you get on an app compared to what you do in real life.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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