Sunday, June 28, 2015

Reasons For Doing Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, And Partying

Before I say anything, I shared this on Facebook, my Twitter, etc. Meaning around 80 out of the 1130 "friends" I have on Facebook are usually reading my stuff every time I post. Some of you are pretty shady, kinda fake. Mostly talking to the Christians here, because most of the non-believers don't care what people think lol. Some of you think people are stupid, but they know some of you go around partying and drinking too. Make sure to judge yourself before you judge others is all I'm gonna say. Ok I'm done with that.

DON'T JUDGE. I don't care if you think you're so great either. It still gives you no right. You're not perfect and you've made mistakes as well. I'm not going to get all religious about this either. I try my best to always talk on behalf of all people. It shows that you're a fair person. We all have reasons for doing what we do correct? Perhaps they're stupid things we do for good reasons maybe? Maybe we do stupid things just because it makes us feel good and makes us happy. Maybe we do it just because we're simply stupid. I'm proud of some of you who are able to learn from mistakes and not do them anymore, but for some of us others, we're just too stupid lol.

"Drugs and Alcohol are bad, why are you trying to stick up for these people Cheyenne, what makes you think that being careless, unsafe, and illegal is a good thing?" I'm not "sticking" up for them, maybe I've partied before and I've drank alcohol before too. Listen, we know it's bad for us. We know drinking has consequences, that sex is regrettable, that drugs are illegal. Then why do we it?

Teens party, get drunk, and smoke weed because they like the way they feel good. Some introverted friends I know like partying because alcohol makes them more extroverted and outgoing, they meet people, make friends, funny moments laughing, and perhaps get laid by the end of the night. That's obviously the only good in doing all of this I guess, there's obviously more consequences in this. Drunk driving, intoxication, death, regrettable sex and situations, you name it. You've seen all the horrible things that happen when people are careless and do this stuff. I don't need to go deep into this. It's either you do it or you don't do it.

I still kinda believe that if you're 18 years old and older you should be able to drink, but I also kinda don't agree. I'm not going to get deep into this, but if you're fighting for your country in the military, etc, you should be able to drink I guess. But it's not a big deal to me, too many people overreact about that. The laws are the laws, deal with it. Age does not define our maturity though. I know tons of 19 year old people smarter than 25 year old people, etc. I believe your mistakes while drunk or high are dependent on the person you are and how you act. Some of us are happy drunk, some are sad drunk, some are mad drunk. Everyone has their reasons for wanting to drink, wanting to get high, and wanting sex. People are just STUPID and don't know what they want. Sometimes you just can't change how stupid someone is. There will always be idiots in this world drunk driving, getting angry for no reason, suicide committing, and much more. It's sad I know, but are all of these "alcohol and drug talks" at school changing anything? 2 years ago when I was in high school they didn't change the kids in my class at all. They laughed. Continued drinking and drugs. Not one crap was given. In their ear, out the other.

I'm not a huge party animal but I've had my good share of fun parties, one that ended me with an m.i.p when I was 17 back in 2013. Thank God those get cleared when you turn 18. The first time I got drunk was in 2012, 2 months after my dad died the end of my sophomore year. It was at a little gathering with my friends, two exchange student friends of mine were leaving and we were all having a good time. It made me happy, I was more outgoing, all of us were. I didn't do it to "look cool." I did it because I wanted to see what it felt like. I believe that's why all teens try alcohol for the first time. Curiosity.

In 2013 there was a party, mostly seniors and a couple of juniors. Most of us got drunk, but this time I was sad drunk. I have no clue, it was supposed to be a good time. It got even worst when the cops busted the party. A girl and I were in the bathroom. He opened up the door. "Come with me son." he said holding out his hand. "Damn it." is the only thing that came out of my mouth. Half of us got minor in possessions(M.I.Ps) that night and had to go to court for a month of probation and 20 hours community service. The other half hid in a closet and got away. One girl peed herself waiting in there. Three friends of mine rolled a vehicle and got injured. My mom was very disappointed, especially the fact that I lied about where I was going so I could get there.

So why party/drink/smoke weed? It's stupid right? Totally. Maybe beers with the guys just talking about memories and life, maybe trying to get laid, drink sorrows away, to get your mind off the pathetic dailiness of your life. We all have reasons that are reasonable, stupid, and very emotionally dangerous.

 A couple months ago(2015) my friends, Isaac, Adam, and I went to South Padre. One of the most popular places to party for Spring Break in the United States. Wow it was intense. A whole week of partying. We all absolutely enjoyed ourselves.

Why did I do this? Especially the fact that we go to Dallas BAPTIST University? Well I was already going through enough stress with my family and the payments I owed DBU, people judge too much at DBU, I probably wasn't going to get a girlfriend there either. I needed to get my mind off the reality of what I was facing in my daily life, I needed to feel loved, I wanted fun. A week at South Padre solved all of those problems. I know what a lame excuse right? But no one judged, I met many people, and plain out just had tons of fun. I have no clue how people constantly party day after day though. A week and we were dead. Tired of partying. But loved it.

On our way home all three of us were actually sad. "It sucks when you have to leave a place you're having a great time at." I said. "Back to DBU where all these high-class picky fake people judge you for everything." said Adam. We actually got in trouble with DBU for going to South Padre. They gave all three of us "a warning." I didn't care what people thought. I already had all my real friends. I know what I did and why I did it. None of your beeswax lol.

The alcohol, the sex, the heat of the moment. It all feels good. Maybe that's why we do it. Maybe your life isn't that great and you use alcohol and drugs as an excuse. Haha well I need to tell you something. After everything I told you about me and my experiences and about how "great" it all feels.

You're so stupid. I'm so stupid. Can't wait till you get caught. You need to know your limits. You really do. Especially if you're doing it for the wrong reasons(depression, etc.) You're better than that and more valuable than you're acting. Some of you are just plain stupid. Like words can't even explain how stupid and idiotic a lot of you are. Why are you drinking and smoking anyway? You don't even know what you're doing. You don't even know what you want. Sometimes I don't either. We need help haha. Something bad is going to happen if you don't think twice about your actions and what you're doing. Someone is going to get hurt emotionally, someone is going to hurt physically, someone is going to get pregnant, someone is going to die. Then you'll suddenly cry out, "OH LORD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!? MY LIFE SUCKS I NEVER WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN! WHY MEEE!?"Well maybe if you used your brain none of this would've happened buddy. Your loss. This whole "we all make mistakes" bullshit isn't a good excuse for what you have done. Get a brain. Your best friend, people you love, and possibly even you might die because of stuff like this.

We all have a lot of thinking and changing to do. Haha but why do I even say that anyway? None of us dumbasses are going to change anyway. If a carefully prepared presentation about alcohol and drugs and it's consequences won't change you, then this stupid blog definitely won't either. We need Jesus lol.

Thanks for reading, this is a subject you either agree or disagree on. There's really no "in between."

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts! 

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