Friday, June 5, 2015

Taking Chances, Making Memories and Facing Consequences

Back then my siblings and I constantly got in to trouble with our parents. Currently sometimes we're still getting into trouble with our mom. What was the main reason? Well obviously our family was going through a lot and was stressed out. In all honesty they did have valid reasons to be angry all the time I guess. They took their anger out on us a lot and sometimes we retaliated making the situation even worst. We were kids, we make dumb mistakes sometimes right?

That's not the only reason we got into trouble, mostly me. I was tired of everyone around me having more fun than me and enjoying their lives without me. One time in 6th grade, we had an assembly about depression, happiness, and having a wonderful life. "I'm never going to have a great life unless I make a change and take chances." I thought to myself. I thought so deep about this that it made my head hurt. Sometimes I think too hard and I'll get migraines. It's crazy.

Ok the worst my parents can do to me is beat me constantly right? My dad did it daily to all of us anyway, we've experienced so much horror, how much worst could it really get? What's the difference between me talking back to my parents and me sneaking out and doing stuff with my friends? Back when I was younger it was just belt on the back constantly and my father in our face yelling. It never changed, it was consistent.

This made me happy, it gave me hope. I was in 7th grade at the time. "I'm going to keep getting in trouble for pointless stuff for the next 5 years of my life, so what do I have to lose if I take chances doing thing I enjoy? The only difference is that I'll be getting in trouble for making great memories and moments I can keep forever, compared to getting in trouble because I forgot to clean my room and pointless nonsense like that.

This is when I started enjoying life more surprisingly, but it resulted in much more anger from my parents. I still look back and I don't regret a thing. This applies everywhere, not just home. You're too coward and afraid to take chances because you're afraid of what people will say about you. Haha you're not living your life then, you're letting those people(who don't even care about you!) rule your life and decide what you're going to do without you even knowing.

During Christmas Break, my senior year in 2013, I had a thing for this girl. I knew my mom wouldn't let me use my vehicle to go hangout with her. It was a 100% no. I was still going to go, I was going to make it all worth it. It was a Saturday. Every Saturday our whole family was responsible for cleaning the community church in our town. My mom took the job for extra money. 2 days before Saturday, I came up with a genius plan that would allow me to go see this girl. I convinced my friend Lucas to take me to come see her. At first he didn't want to, but I got him to change his mind by doing something real selfish, mean, but creative(more on that later). Now all I had to do was to convince my mom to let me stay at the library while she and my younger siblings worked away at the church.

I barely convinced her, saying I had tons of college applications to fill out. She was still suspicious something was up. Saturday came and she dropped me off at the library. "I have bad news bro, Keila and Tallie want to come too." Lucas texted me. "Tallie wants you to pick her up at her house because I don't know where she lives, can I come pick you up at the library yet?" said Lucas. Tallie and Keila were 2 girls in my little brother's sophomore class. My mind was racing. Now I had to run back home and get my vehicle to pick Tallie up. Keila was on her way to the library. "No don't pick me up yet, wait 10 minutes, my mom is going to drive back around to the library to make sure I'm still here, text Keila and tell her to wait at the gas station for 5 minutes" I texted Lucas. I wasn't an idiot, I knew my mom's tricks and sure enough she drove and parked next to the library and came in to see if I was working. "Do you need something?" I asked her as I pretended to work on my laptop. "No, I'm just making sure you're not up to any mischief." She then looked at the lady working at the library, "Please watch over my son and make sure he doesn't go anywhere." said my mom. Crap. I didn't know what to do now. My mom left and went to go clean the church with the others. I needed to think of something fast. I still needed to go pick Tallie up 5 minutes away too. I got my stuff together and walked towards the lady watching over the library.

"Yes?" she asked. "Listen, you were young once, you wanted to do fun stuff that your parents wouldn't let you do for some reason, things that weren't harmful or dangerous at all. You wanted to make memories, you wanted to have great moments. Did you ever think about your future when you were a kid? Did you ever think about the stories you were going to tell your kids when you got older? Sometimes you have to take risks to make those memories happen, even if you knew you were going to face the consequences after." She just looked at me for 10 seconds with complete silence. "Go, I'll let you go." she said. I was astonished it actually worked. I wasn't messing with her either. Every thing I told her I truly meant. "Your mother is going to be very angry at me. You owe me." she said laughing jokingly. I smiled and left for the door. I ran to the house to get to my vehicle, thank God I had the keys with me and didn't leave them in the house. My mom always locked it.

I was on my way and then I saw my mom in her vehicle coming towards my direction on the road from a far. "I thought she left!" I cursed. I ran and literally jumped into a bush for cover. I don't think she saw me. She passed me and headed toward the direction of the church. I sprinted to the house, got in my vehicle, and sped to Tallie's house.

"Took you long enough." she said. "Just shut up and get in." Lucas then called me. "Bro where are you? I'm with Keila, we're at the library." "Give me five minutes man I have to park my vehicle back at my house." We got to the house. "Ok we have to run to the library now." I said to Tallie. "What!? You're going to make me run!? No way nigga!" "Listen to me just do it, my mom might be in town still, I'm not taking any chances or we'll get caught." We ran towards the library and headed to our destination. Freedom. I was relaxed. I had a great time too, it was all worth it. The whole time hanging out with that gal I knew I was going to be in HUGE trouble when I got home. Our destination(Bozeman, MT) was an hour and a half away from home(Sheridan, MT). It usually took 3 hours to clean the whole church. 3 hours later, sure enough I got multiple calls from my mom, but I put it on airplane mode. Remember my saying? "Don't worry about it until it's actually happening."

We hung out for about 3 hours and then I realized it's probably time to go. We said goodbye and then I grabbed Lucas, Keila, and Tallie. I made Lucas stop at Wal-Mart so I could pick up a 12-pack of soda, oreos, candy, and a couple of movies. More things mom would freak out on me for having. I knew I was going to be grounded the whole Christmas Break and in my room the whole time, might as well enjoy it though right?

I told Lucas to drop me a block away from my house. I snuck around to the back, I felt like a navy seal. I put all the sodas, candy, and stuff in my backpack. I opened the door, and there was mom. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? WHERE DID YOU GO!? YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!? YOU'RE  A LIAR CHEYENNE." "Well maybe if you would quit being so unnecessary and unfair I wouldn't have to lie to you!" To make a long story short we had a good 5 minute rage argument. I never told her who I was with or where I went though. I guess if she reads this she'll know now hahaha. I went to my room, opened my candy, soda, and just sat there and pondered the whole day. "That was definitely worth it." I laughed out loud to myself. "Hahaha why are you laughing!?" I heard Marcus from his room. "Because life is great!" I yelled back. I heard my mom mutter with disgust from downstairs.

Wow. I had to go through all of that just to hang out with a girl. I never talked to my parents about who I liked or how I felt. I don't think none of us have. Any other family would've been like: "Hey dad, hey mom, I really like this girl, is it ok if I go see her? I promise I'll be safe." "Ok Tommy you can go, just make sure to wear your seatbelt, and don't do anything with that girl you'll regret." winks the father.

I'm not telling you guys to disobey your parents and be disrespectful. No. I'm just trying to tell you that your life shouldn't be held back by other people who aren't living it. If you want to have an enjoyable life, it's up to you for that to happen.

Lol thanks for reading.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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