Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Real Definition Of Popularity

I'm not a huge fan of "popular" people. I'm not talking about celebrities or media stars, I'm talking about those people who try too hard to be liked and think the world revolves around them.

MOST "popular" people are like this, NOT ALL. They're fake and try to bring all the attention to them. It's rare to see someone who isn't "attractive" or "beautiful" being "popular." Admit it. You judge people by how they look at first sight and first impressions because you're too coward to actually go and talk to them. If a huge black dude walked into a cafeteria filled with students, where would he sit? Next to the nerdy skinny white kids? Near the stuck up frat boys? Or near the black guys? If a pretty sorority girl walked into the cafeteria where would she sit? Next to the fat chicks? Next to the nice nerdy girls talking quietly and nervously? Or next to the other pretty sorority girls?

You're going to disagree with me, in fact you might get mad and stop reading this. I know you are, but that's only because you have trouble facing the truth that 90% of this world is divided by looks, race, and wealth. The other 10% isn't afraid to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things and talk to different people. You should be that 10%.

You may also ask why I keep putting quotations around "popularity" Is there really such a thing as popularity? Think about it. All those people you met and desperately tried so hard to impress are your friends huh? All those people you barely know anything about but "hangout" with? You would hang out with every single one of them because you like them all so much correct? You get along with every single one of them?

People are automatically attracted to people who are attractive. It's just how it is. They think they like them even though they don't fully know them. They try their best to be friends with that attractive person because they think they're just like them. Much more people also become attracted to that person and think they'll like her/him. It's like a cycle. This happens everywhere. Fashion, money, and personality is also a big part of this. Too bad personality is usually the last thing factored. Too bad "popular" people are missing out on other great people because they judged them by how they look or what they were wearing. It takes them awhile to realize.

What is popularity? You know 100 people and I know 10? If we all have our different friends and "cliques"(because this will never change in our world) then what is popularity then? You know more people than me? Cool. I have my friends. You go out a lot and have good times with many different people? Cool. I chill with my buddies too. Popularity is a word overused. You're not popular, you have many acquaintances and even if you do have many friends, which you may! With a straight face, try telling someone that they are all your real and truest friends. Try telling that person that you trust every single one of those "friends" of yours.

Sure popularity is a word, I mean it does mean something right? "Popular" people unfortunately have something they're addicted to and worry about all the time. Trying to impress people, worrying about how they look, their reputation, what people think about them and if they'll be liked or not. The problem is that your looks, money, and fashion aren't going to help you make your friends(unless you want gold digger friends). Your personality is going to get you friends. While people like me and others have their true friends and are happily living their lives, not worrying what people think. Having the pleasure and freedom to do WHATEVER we want and not worry what people think. If people can't accept you for your personality and looks then you know they're not the person for you. It's a win win situation for each of you. Geez, it's so simple right?

"Woah but wait, Cheyenne then why do so many people know you?" I've made many friends in college and high school by giving everyone chances. Wanna know something else about me? There are people who hate me too ya know. I have tons of haters.(Their lives must really suck to be hating on me) That's the difference between me and popular people, I may know lots of people, but I don't care what my enemies and haters think. I'm perfectly fine with the friends I have and the memories and moments I have created, and you should be too. If you're having trouble making friends, the number 1 thing to remember is to always be yourself. Remember, there will always be people in this world who will like you, and there will always people in this world who will hate you.

I'm not telling you to quit trying to make friends. Making friends and meeting people is fantastic. I just want you to think twice about your "friends." Ask yourself, "Would this person help me in times of need?" Quit telling yourself that you're "unpopular" and quit telling yourself that you're "popular." You're neither.  You have your friends. She has her friends. He has his friends. I have my friends. That's it. We are our own person.

Ask yourself this, would you rather be friends with a small amount of people you know very well, trust, and are comfortable with or would you rather be friends with tons of people you worry won't like you, constantly trying to impress, and fit in with? You decide.

Many people may know you but many of those people might not KNOW ABOUT you and what you've been through and who you really are. These aren't your friends, they're your acquaintances. You may try to be friends with people who aren't your type because you want to fit in or because you want to "look cool."

Back in high school my junior year, there was a freshman boy in Marcus's(my brother) class. Marcus and his friends were always nice to him and always were good friends with him, but he for some reason wanted to be friends with these douchebags in the sophomore and my class. They pretended to like him at times and often used him. Behind his back they would talk crap and call him weird and stuff. Raf and I tried to explain this to him so he could realize, but he didn't believe us. Soon he found out when they ditched him one time, he was miserable but still cared what they thought! Why!? What made him think they were so cool!? Don't be like that kid.

Living in the moment feels great and looking and seeming cool may feel fantastic but sometimes you have to think long-term and realize those people aren't for you. You're not going to be "popular" forever. Reality is going to hit you. Below is a conversation my former college roommate Bill and I heard outside our dorm when two frat boys who were "friends" passed each other.

Frat Boy #1: Hey bro!
Frat Boy #2: Sup bro!
Frat Boy #1: How are you doing bro!?(trying to sound as cool as possible)
Frat Boy #2: Good bro!
*awkward 7 second silence with them standing there
Frat Boy #1: .....Alright well I'll catch ya later bruuuuh!
Fart Boy #2: Catch ya later bro!

I just realized I spelled "Frat" wrong in the last line, oh well I'm too lazy to correct it. These two sound like pretty great friends huh!? Bill and I were astonished and laugh every time we hear this pathetic convo(It happens every other day all the time with many different "popular" guys.) It's amazing cause most "popular" people have conversations like this all the time. I call it "pointless conversations with temporary people." Don't be like that. Know who your true friends are and stick with them. Quit trying to be liked, it's pathetic and won't get you nowhere in life. Give everyone a chance but make sure to know who your real friends are.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!


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