Monday, June 8, 2015

The Women Of My Past

I was wondering if I would regret posting this. I'm currently single. What girl would want to date a guy who posted a blog about past woman he used to like? The girls I'm about to mention might be all like "Ok why is this creepy dude who cropped and shared my picture talking about me?" hahaha. Btw if for some reason you want your pic or whatever deleted just tell me. No drama needed.

You see, everyone has had past relationships. Good and bad. You may try to forget them the best you can but you never will. You can be a man who just got married again because his past wife died 5 years ago. Are you going to forget about her? Of course not. The past is the past. And it's good to be living in the moment and thinking about the future, but it's your past that makes your present and leads you to where you are today.

Haha I dunno why I'm doing this, I try to expand my post subjects. I want to post things that interest people. Stuff at parties and nonsense doesn't count and won't be mentioned. Girls I had actual feelings for only. Haha enjoy, this one is called The Women Of My Past.

1.(2008-2009) Jackie Schaff- We dated 7th grade. I asked you out using a piece of paper. "Will you date me?" I made Brittany give it to you and then I ran away while you read it. You were my first girlfriend. We would talk on the email everyday after school and also call each other. I tried buying multiple cellphones so I could have my privacy with you, but I kept getting caught by my parents. I was so nervous all the time around you, I was too afraid to even hold your hand. I was 12, I had no clue what I was doing. The last day of 7th grade we were hanging outside the school and were about to part ways for summer, you were going to Seattle I believe. We hugged and then I said, "Can I kiss you?" "Haha it's about time you ask." I kissed you, it was for 3 seconds it felt like. "Haha cool." I'm sorry I was so awkward. Beginning of 8th grade we broke up. It was all my fault, my dad angered me early that day and I took it out on you. I'm just glad we remained friends and still are today.

2.(2010) Christy Mattis- I thought you were really cute. I was in 8th grade and you were in 7th. You had absolutely no feelings for me whatsoever and we definitely didn't have the same interests either. You were into that anime stuff. I don't roll that way hahaha. You were really good at drawing. Anyway I still thought I liked you and convinced you one day to go on a walk with me around town. I kissed you. Randomly. I pretty much threw my face on you. It was extremely awkward but you didn't seem to mind. Nothing after that, we just remained acquaintances. You moved away that summer, unfriended me on Facebook, and we haven't talked since.

3.(2011-2012) Jessica Ypma- Rafael and I met you, Amanda, Jonathon, Garrett, and Tobi at UB. Right when I saw you I knew I was going to like you. You were such a sweetheart, so nice and cute. I asked Garrett if you were single but he said you were dating this dude named Jade. "Haha I don't give a crap, you still go after her bro!" said Rafael. I remember asking Amanda for your number, she said you didn't have a cellphone(another huge thing I really liked about you) but she gave me your home number. I called you at Rafael's house. My heart was beating SO HARD. We had a nice talk and everything, it made me happy. I knew I wasn't going to get you though, but I still had a crush on you, but I wasn't going to ruin our friendship. We still remain good friends today, thanks for being so cool. You're adorable.

4.(2012) Anna Barrette- I met you at Upward Bound Summer with Rafael. I liked you because you were an introvert and wasn't into being "popular" and all that stuff. Hallie, Eli, you, and I would always go places to kiss, talk, and stuff. PDA was forbidden so we always had to hide. When we went to Sacramento on that cruise ship we kissed again and it gave me such a majestic feel that felt fantastic. 4th of July you and Milan were snuggling during the fireworks, that totally tore me apart. That was supposed to be me. I forgave you. We made more memories throughout the summer, including getting caught kissing and having to clean the dishes together. The last day of UB ended and we all had to part ways. I cried first and then made you cry, I was such a baby. We kissed goodbye and "broke up." Still friends today. Thank You for the memories.

5.(2012) Kendra Gensch- I also met you at Upward Bound. I was with Anna at the time. You enlisted my help to see if Isaac liked you. I happily decided to help you. You were so pretty. Along the quest of seeing if he liked you or not, I realized how well we got along, we were interested in the same things, you shared my sarcasm, and you were 50% extravert and 50% introvert. Just like myself. I couldn't tell you though. It would ruin our friendship and my thing with Anna. After UB we still talked and texted. You were going to the same school with Isaac and I was still trying to help you. 5 months later I told you my feelings for you on snapchat one day lol. "Weren't you dating Anna?" you laughed. "Yes but I liked you too." "Hahaha Cheyenne Fuller you are something else!" Haha you rock Kendra, wow you're pretty.

6.(2012) Luba Lazukina- Exactly a month after UB my mom made me join a bible camp. I did not want to go at all. "Mom there's going to be a bunch of bible nerds there." And there was. But anyway I met you. I knew no one except the people from Sheridan who came along, but they had their friends. People who definitely didn't interest me. I met you and your sister in line for food and we ate together. "Hey do you want to play basketball with me?" I asked. You happily said yes. That made me happy that you liked basketball too. We shared memories and good times with each other.  I told our friend Shelby that I liked you. "I think she likes you too dude!" There was a "no kissing" rule at camp. It was a Christian camp though, different than UB. I gave my life to the Lord that summer and you were a big factor in helping me with that. A day before were going to part ways, you gave me a note. "Don't read it until you go to bed." You said you liked me and to never forget about you once I was in the NBA. Hahaha that made me laugh so hard. The next day I gave you a note and told you not to read it until we parted. We hugged goodbye and I wanted to kiss you, but your sisters were watching us. Sorry I couldn't make it to the NBA.

7.(2012-2013) Samantha Zetler- My high school crush sophomore and junior year. You were a year older than me. We started talking one time about track, since it interested both of us. You were dating that Colter kid in your class, I wasn't a big fan of him. You also dated Seth in my class before too. I liked you though and tried to make it pretty obvious. I liked how you thought so deep just like me, you were nice to me. I was at such a disadvantage. They both had vehicles and gave you a good time. I lived up in the mountains, couldn't hang, and had absolutely nothing. I asked you to prom a day before my dad died after I found out jerk boy wouldn't take you. "You're just getting friendzoned bro hahaha!" said Raf. I tried not to believe him. Prom was fun but you left early after my embarrassing incident.(read the most embarrassing things about me blog) One day before you and your class left for close-up, you invited me to your house. That was my chance to kiss you. I didn't and a week later you were dating that Johannes dude. He knew I liked you too, but he was cool I guess lol. You warned me though that we weren't meant to be. It tore me apart. I got over it and had my things with Anna, Kendra, and Luba during the summer. Too bad all three of them lived miles away from me. You and Johannes finally broke up my junior year and we kinda had our thing again. I fell in love for the first time. It was the best feeling. We would hangout at your house sometimes, watch movies,  play board games and cuddle, kiss, and stuff. Months later we "ended our dating thing" remained great friends though. I let you see my journal about my life. I never showed anyone that before besides Raf. You graduated and moved on with your life. A year later you got engaged and had your child. I'm so proud of you. You matured so fast. I'm also glad you didn't end up with an asshole. We remain fantastic friends.

8.(2013) Tricia Romanyshyn- I met you at Washington D.C. my junior year during close-up. "Dude she's super cute go talk to her." said Raf. You looked like a model. We sat next to you and you and I had a great convo and got along. I tried flirting with you and everything the whole week. The night during the dance while I was helping Kollin find his girl, I saw you dancing with your friends. "Ok ok, just go up to her Cheyenne, you only live once, who cares if you embarrass yourself?" Right when I convinced myself. The dance ended. I found you and we hugged goodbye. I was extremely disappointed in myself. You and your group was leaving for New York the next morning. It was 5:30 a.m. and I randomly woke myself up and yelled at Rafael. "Holy crap bro I need to get a picture with her!" We ran to the lobby and found you there. A month later(I lost my phone at close-up) I creeped on your Facebook and saw you had a boyfriend the whole time. Lol.

9.(2013) Taylor Green- You went to Ennis High School, a year younger than me. We hung out tons at the track meets and stuff. I tried my best to convince myself that we were just bros. But we had that friendship where we were flirting too, but we were just friends. Weird huh? During the Twin Fair, we flirted tons. I liked you. I kinda told you too, but without actually telling you. "Cheyenne you're such a fool, and you're not even black! You're brown!" Haha nice Taylor. You're absolutely hilarious and we're still good friends. It sucked saying goodbye during divisionals at track as I was leaving for Texas in a month. You and your boyfriend are adorable. You're so white.

10.(2013) Miranda Herren- We were friends and was planning to hang out during the summer but I didn't have a vehicle. I convinced my good friend Austin to take me to see you. I had to lie to my mom and said I was mowing the lawn at the church. I got into so much trouble. We hung at your house. Your dad got mad at you for bringing me over. Gosh he scared me. We kissed and kissed on your bed, my mom constantly kept calling me and was going to freak out. I told you I had to leave. We haven't hung since, but we saw each other around at times and still talked. You're a good friend, you're caring and I hope you're doing well. Keep smiling.

11.(2013) Cheryl Hill- You convinced me that Demi Lovato was actually a pretty good music artist. Rafael, Marissa, and I went to the basketball games in Butte for divisionals and I saw you there. I was so awkward around you. "I don't think your friend likes me Cheyenne." said Marissa. We were both so introverted. It was good, kind of awkward though. I wanted to kiss you but I wasn't confident enough. It would've been awkward ya know? "Should've kissed her you fool! You're always the one telling me to take chances!" said Rafael. Hahaha you crack me up Cheryl. Your quietness is something to like. I like your cats.

12.(2013) Lily Jensen- Beginning of senior year. Met you at the fair. I can't remember if you and your friends were drunk or not but we exchanged numbers and planned to hangout. We finally did 2 months later, you, Raf, and I. I had my vehicle at the time and it was much easier. We made out next to my explorer. I think your dad was watching us from your house. We decided to be friends after that a week later. You're about to have a baby now, you've been through a lot, I'm happy for you. You're a strong person.

13.(2013) Tobi Moe- Austin told me you liked me. "What no way!? A hot cheerleader!?" We texted and talked. We hung out at the football games. Raf and I would drive to Whitehall to see you, Jessica, and Amanda.  I still kinda had a crush on Jess but I liked you now. We flirted and stuff but nothing ended up happening though. You thought I was a player and wasn't serious. I tried to convince you otherwise that I really did like you. We haven't talked in a while.

14.(2013-2014) Emma Dooley- It was such a huge job for me to prepare to see you. A whole month of planning between us.We first hung out at the mall where we kissed in that one hallway, not the most romantic place. We dated but I didn't exactly ask you out, kinda just happened? 2 months later I lost the argument with my mom and found out I was leaving for Texas. I started talking to you less, but I didn't tell you why. I was such a doofus. We still went to prom together and remained great friends. Thank you for dealing with a deep weirdo like me.

15.(2014) Alexis Mitic- You and I were just friends, I was at the point where it was hard to tell Emma we had to end things. We had the most deepest conversations, it was crazy. I slowly started liking you and realizing how attracted to you I was. "No no no!!! Stop liking her Cheyenne!" But I did, didn't tell you though. You ended up dating Tyler a month later. I pretended to be happy but I wasn't lol. I find you and your mindset fascinating.

16.(2014) Em Van Delinder- We talked about music a lot. You were kinda introverted and didn't care about "popularity" and all that crap. I just finished my thing with Emma. "I can't lead this girl on." I told myself. We still talked anyway, what a fool I was! I knew I was leaving for Texas, why am I doing this!? The first track meet at Bozeman we made out on the side of your car. I didn't want to leave. This was so much better than running. I missed one of my events which angered my coach. 2 weeks later, you, Shanny, Raf, and I hung out. I brought Raf along because I promised him a double date before I left for Texas, but him and Shanny didn't click. We kissed some more and talked. I told you we would have to end our thing and be friends. I think you have a boyfriend now. We haven't talked in a while.

17.(2014) Brittany Van Dyck- We graduated in the same class, you were Kollin's crush throughout school until he got his girl. You're beautiful, but I never had any feelings for you. "There's no way she'd date you, don't even try." I told myself the first time we met and I never did. We kissed on the bus back from the Spokane Band/Choir trip after Celeste bet us too. The whole bus was playing truth or dare. I just sat there smiling like an idiot.

18.(2014) Olivia Gospodarek- That's it. After the whole Em thing I was done falling for girls and then telling them we couldn't have a thing, I was moving in 3 months. We actually met for the first time when Raf and I were juniors and you, Jewlz, and Bailee were freshman. But I got to know you better my senior year. We were playing your school for basketball during my senior night. And I was having myself a game! I scored 24 points and hit 6 three pointers. You guys were cheering for me oddly along with your school. I got fouled on a play and I hear you yell in the crowd. "He flopped!! You flopper!!" "Everyone laughed, including me, it was hilarious. Raf and I talked to you guys after the game. "Wow she's pretty, she's athletic, and she's really funny too." I thought to myself. But no I wasn't going to go for you. I can't. I already had liked Alexis from before, and I even thought I liked another girl at your school named Annie at one point. "She probably thinks I'm a manwhore or something." I thought to myself. I was already good friends with Bailee and Jewlz, they would snapchat me sometimes and one time Bailee told me that you needed someone to go to prom with. "Aww come one, I have to go with her! I mean I like her too!" We agreed to go. But then my mom sold my vehicle 2 weeks later. It was too good to be true. You forgave me, we hung out tons during track meets and I was falling for you more and more. At divisionals after our 4x4 races we sat at the edge of the track. "Of course. I can never have anything great." I thought to myself as I realized this was it. "So this is the last time we see each other huh?" I said. "Yeah. I guess it is.....Texas is really stupid ya know." you said. We got closer and then kissed for a long time. It had just finished raining. Hahaha nice.You're one of the most funniest people I've met. Thank Bailee and Jewlz for me. You're amazing.

19.(2014)Kiley Staples- I graduated already, getting ready to move and stuff. I was really sad about everything. All the goodbyes and stuff. You were always a friend to me. Just a friend. We hung out, but just as friends, no feelings. One time when playing basketball we got so deep about our lives and stuff. You were moving from Montana too. We were talking and just slowly kissed each other. It happened so fast. We were just friends. You're a great friend.

20.(2014) Hannah Harris- Hannah(Sunny) we actually texted and talked before we attended DBU because of your friend Chloe. I automatically liked you. You were different than the average cliche girl, you were always so happy and smiling. The problem is that I'm 5'10 and you're 6'1. "There's no way I can go for her." I laughed to myself. "Anything is possible bro." said Jonathon. You ended up dating Brock. You'e the first girl I've ever approved of for having a great boyfriend. You did good lol. Congrats. Thanks for being a good friend.

21.(2014) Annaleise Weir- I realized Hannah and I wasn't going to happen. We hung out a lot, you and your sarcastic remarks and making fun of me constantly made me laugh and attracted me to you. You liked basketball too, another plus. At one point I thought you liked me too until I saw you with that blonde dude(won't say his name). I wasn't a big fan of him at all. I even got a little frustrated when I found out you guys were dating. I got over it quick, I talked to you less and less to get my mind off you and it worked. Soon you and him broke up. "You should go after her bro, she's single now!" exclaimed my friends. "I don't like her anymore though guys." I'm glad I quit being an idiot ignoring you and stuff. Good thing we're great friends. You're one of the first people I met at DBU.

22.(2014) Lyndsy Montgomery- You, Demarko, and I hung out around Southlake and had a great time. I only thought of you as a friend. You were 24, around 5 years older than me. No way anything can happen right? We kissed in your car later that night after you dropped Demarko off at his place and showed me around Keller. We're just friends though. You take amazing pictures.

23.(2015) Hannah Oakes- It was AWKWARD when we first talked. I had a Hershey's chocolate kiss in my hand and I went up to you. "Hey do you want a kiss." As I jokingly tried to kiss you. "Um ok what? This is weird, what are you doing?" After I told you it was a joke we became good friends. We sometimes sat together when we saw each other sitting alone at the cafeteria. You were kinda introverted but you had tons of friends. You're in a sorority. I tried coming up with excuses for me not to go after you. "Ahh well she's in a sorority, involved with all those sorority girls, she doesn't have time for a non-frat guy, she's too tall, it's too good to be true." I didn't go after you. I didn't know if I was coming back to DBU or not so the last day/moving out day, I said goodbye to you and told you how I felt. "Hahaha do you have a Hershey's kiss in your hand?" you joked. Wow. I'm really happy for you. DBU is a perfect fit for you and you're gonna do great. If it wasn't for my confidence we probably never would've talked to each other. Just following each other on instagram hahaha.

Sometimes I feel like I meet great people throughout life but I meet them at the wrong moments. Each one of these girls are going to end up with someone perfect in their life and hopefully I do too. The one will come. We each find them at different times. We just have to patient and wise with our decision.

Thanks for reading. You guys are cool and stuff.
Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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