Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Everything About Me

"Who are you?" A lot of you are probably asking that. I guess this blog would make more sense if I explained to you who I am and why I decided to make such an awkward, truthful, and depressing blog. Maybe some of you want to get to know me better, maybe some of you are the haters who are already hating on me for starting this thing haha.  Either way here we go, this is everything about me. I'm going to start from the beginning to where I'm at in life right now. Enjoy!

It all started the beginning of 4th grade.(2005) I absolutely hated my life. Constantly getting beat by my father, yelled at every day, not able to have things because we were poor, etc. You may think I'm acting spoiled. I promise I'm not. I still made the best of my life, well I tried at least. Unfortunately that resulted in consequences, but it was all worth it(more on that later) 

I currently have three siblings, Alex(23), Marcus(16), and Ariel(12). My mother(Marcia Fuller) in her early fifties and my father(Claude Fuller) passed away in 2012.

I started elementary school in a tiny school located in Alder, Montana. The population was literally 26. I remember the exact number. It went up to 6th grade. I made my best friend Celeste Hagen there. We were all a small nice community at that school. I loved it. My parents did too, mostly because they were introverts and they don't like people. It's obvious they didn't have much friends back in high school. Ever since I was 9 years old the very first goal I ever made was to never be like them. I know it sounds harsh. I'm sorry but it's the truth. My mom actually came from a pretty wealthy family, she was born in Trinidad and Tobago, an island located near Venezuela. She married my father, who came from a poor family. To make a long story short, we were struggling to make a living. We were currently renting a house in Sheridan, Montana. 

Around October I came home with my mid-term grades for my parents to see that I got a C in every single class. They were screaming and yelling like crazy. This was actually the first time this happened, I usually got all A's in class, Celeste and I always had friendly competitions. Anyway, my father was angry and had a talk with my teacher, Mrs. Flamm. To make another story short, Marcus and I were transferring schools. Specifically to Sheridan High School. Alex attended there, he was a freshman in high school. He was 13! He started school early because he was smart or whatever. Anyway, we transferred and real life bit me in the butt. Not everyone was friends, there were cliques, and everyone judged. Sheridan School was nothing like Alder. There were 20 students in my new class. Thankfully 2 weeks later Celeste transferred to Sheridan as well. 

After Christmas of 2005, our family had to move from the house we were renting. I was too young at the time to remember, or in fact to even care. I was just angry because I found out we were moving up in to the mountains to move into the crappy unfinished house project my father was working on. The problem is that my dad always had great ideas but he would never finish them. We got kicked out of the house we were renting from and borrowed a camper from my dad's friend. It was winter at the time and this really sucked. Us kids constantly complained and dad and mom constantly yelled. It was cold and not comfortable at all. My dad would work on the house during the day time, he built on it enough so that we were able to move in. We finally got rid of that dumb camper 2 months later and moved into our "house." 

The worst part about living up there is that the drive to school took 30 minutes, and obviously a school bus wasn't coming up to where we lived. The part I disliked the most is that there was nothing to do and I could never hang out with my friends. 5th grade(2006) I met Kollin Anderson and Rafael Cervantes. They both transferred from different schools and we hit it off right away and became best friends. I guess it's the fact that we were all mixed with different races that kinda brought us together. Social life was getting better I had true, real friends I could 100% be myself around. Ever since then we all three planned to join the Marines after high school and we stuck with it throughout. Everything was great until one day.

We were playing soccer outside, our whole class was. Rafael was really good(obviously, look at his name!) and he was killing all of these white boys haha. A kid in my class(I won't say his name) started getting frustrated and started playing dirty. He ended up cheap shotting Raf and knocking him to the ground. "Stupid Mexican." I heard him mutter. I ran up full speed and knocked him to the ground. "What was that for!? What's your problem!?" Ever since then our class "split up" and different groups were formed. Cliques were established and each group kinda "disliked" each other. "You're a true bro man." said Raf.

I hated the fact that school was much more enjoyable than home. Being home sucked. It was constant arguments and physical violence. To make the time go by all we would do is play video games, but whenever we were "bad" they were prohibited and then we REALLY had nothing to do. This is where "An Awkward Life" started. "There's no way someone's life is as dysfunctional, embarrassing, and as interesting as mine." I thought to myself. Actually there probably were, but they didn't have the grand idea like me to write it all down and then later on try to write a book. I tried to think back to all the horrible, awkward, interesting things that happened to me last year and than currently. It was weird how I did it. It was set up as a television show kinda. Each interesting thing would be it's own "episode." And each year would be it's own "season." I still currently write down everything that happens to me, so if you've made an impact in my life, you're definitely in there and your name might end up on my blog at some point.

Middle School(2008), the beginning of 7th grade is when I decided to take a stand against my parents and realized whatever I did I was going to get in trouble anyway. I started taking more chances and risks. 7th grade I had my first girlfriend, Jackie. It was great, we talked about everything, chatted on email after school every day. I wasn't going to let mom and dad know, until it got obvious and we were talking on the phone daily. "Cheyenne whats your problem? 12 years old is too young to have an girlfriend, quit being silly." But it really wasn't, it's amazing how much more enjoyable life was for me at the time. They forbid me to use the phone and my email(more on that later) but I still found a way to prevail until it resulted in huge consequences.

9 months later and the beginning of 8th grade(2009) Mom and dad were constantly getting on my nerves every morning. They were getting on everyone's nerves. They always found something to yell at us for. They angered me to the top one day before school, which resulted in Jackie breaking up with me and going after this clown named Dalton. I was getting older, and I was thinking about my future, which got me even more angry because I knew it was going to suck. I started writing my book at the time. I know, silly right? A 13 year old writing a book? Trust me, 6 years later and I'm still proud of myself for that effort and I knew it would've turned out well. After 2 months of 100 pages or so completed, I come home from school to find it in the trash, and my father standing there. He must have snooped through all of my stuff. I was so quiet, peaceful, and actually enjoying myself at the time, that it was too obvious and my parents had to end that happiness.

"Who do you think you are writing this stuff about your parents!?" yelled my father. He then reached into the trash and ripped it up even more. I've never been this angry before. My mom then had some input, "If you hate us so much then you can walk out the door and find another family." "I hate you so much." I said glaring into our eyes. My dad then tried to grab me, but I dodged him and punched him in the face. We got into a huge fist fight, I got a couple good hits on him, but he was just too powerful. I got many blows, scratches, bruises, blood all over me that night. I still have some of those scars today still.

This point in my life kinda got depressing, I still had my friends at school and stuff but home was just killing me, there were multiple times where I tried to runaway(more later). The beginning of high school and freshman year(2010) gave me hope though. Rafael and I joined clubs, such as Upward Bound(a college preparation club). We met lots of people, made friends, and even had tons of pretty girls who liked us for who we were. It was great.  My social life was getting better and better. But life at home was getting worst and worst.

Dad scared the family after he got rushed to the hospital for problems in his heart(2011). I was glad he lived and made it through. He got a pacemaker and had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. My mom was freaking out and stressing out. She always was. Finally my dad was released and he still managed to keep his streak of yelling at us every day alive as he saw us later that day. He was angry that that happened to him, he was a diabetic. Now our family was in much more debt. We had to deal with less than we already were and make tons of sacrifices.

The beginning of my sophomore year I fell for a girl named Samantha.(2012) Of all the girls I had things with in the past, she made me experience love for the first time. Unfortunately some douchebags were after her as well and I was at a disadvantage(more on that later). Anyway, later my sophomore year(2012) I managed to get the guts to ask her to prom, even though I had no clue what to do. She said yes and I was more than overjoyed. After the family and I said our prayers before bed, I told Dad about how Samantha was going to prom with me. I never talked to my parents about girls. It was awkward ya know? But this time I told Dad. Surprisingly, he looked at me, laughed, and said, "Do you know how to dance?" He gave me tips and ideas that night, it was nice. The last thing he said to me that night, the last thing he ever said to me was, "Cheyenne, you done good. I'm proud of you."

Later that night around 2:00 a.m. we hear mom shrieking and yelling, Alex and I were the first to wake up and ran to mom and dad's room(a bed in the living room). Dad was unconscious and his face was a greenish blue color, making these weird noises. Alex ran and frantically called the hospital while Mom and I constantly yelled for him to get up....(more on this later). Dad died 2 hours later. We were all crying and didn't even know what to think. Marcus and I still went to school that day. We asked Alex to drop us, who was in his second year of college, home for spring break and his birthday. The whole school got the news and it was so quiet that whole week.

The last 2 months of sophomore year was horrible, Mom wanted to move Texas that summer, Samantha tore me apart, and I just didn't know what to think(more later). My relationship with mom got worst and worst. Everyone's relationship with her got worst, not just me. Everyone was constantly arguing. I still managed to excel in track and stuff though. I managed to convince mom to wait to move until I graduated High School. It took months of arguing for me to do so. That summer Rafael and I joined an Upward Bound program during the summer and made some of our best memories there. We both made relationships with girls and we were having the time of our lives. After that I joined another camp and met even more friends and made more memories. My social life was perfect. I loved it.

And then my mood would totally reverse when I would get home. After that summer, my family and I moved from the mountains and back to Sheridan. More freedom. Junior year was hard to explain. Samantha and I had our "thing" again and fell in love or whatever, I was making more memories with my best friends, I got my license, joined basketball team, and continued to excel in track. Social life was getting better and better. Things were kinda calming down, but my mom was constantly stressed out, she was picking up little jobs substitute teaching, surveys online and stuff. We were financially in huge trouble. Dad had no insurance.

Later junior year(2013) Sam and I ended it for good she was almost graduating anyway(she was a year older than me) but surprisingly I moved on pretty fast but I did give herr something she would keep to remember me. Rafael, Kollin, and I were having great times together. Raf and I continued to hang with our friends from other schools. We were much better friends with people from other schools(more on that later). Our class went to Washington D.C. for close-up and had a blast. Junior year ended and it was summer, I had a job with Marcus mowing lawns, worked out, and hung with friends. Alex's girlfriend Betsy, and her parents gave him a vehicle for him to use. He left his old explorer home. After much convincing and begging, Mom let me use it, but only for valid purposes, but I overused the power.

Senior year(2013) was fantastic, well socially. Freedom. I had a vehicle. I made relationships(more on that later), went on road trips with Raf to see people and places, and made tons of memories. We hung out with Marissa(girl in our class) who almost put us in a near death situation and more(more on that later) it was all lessons and memories though. Even school was going pretty good. We joined basketball which kinda sucked(more later). We knew who our true friends were and had tons of fun messing around, getting in trouble for being foolish, and just always laughing. Many people in the school didn't like Rafael. But that's the main reason we were friends, we didn't care what people thought about us. I just don't understand why I was liked and he wasn't, but I didn't care. We were best friends and that's all that mattered.

But then reality hit me(2014). Raf and I told Kollin that the military wasn't a fit for us. I mean it was, but I wanted a girlfriend I could be with all the time, I wanted fun memories, to travel, to make more friends in college, a great social life. Kollin understood, he was going to do great in the Marines. This is when senior year became horrible. Mom sold my vehicle for money. Mom and I were constantly arguing and fighting over moving to Texas. Every single day we argued over it. I didn't want to move there. "You don't care about what I do in life anyway, you just liking me me miserable, why do I need to go with you!?" I tried and tried to fight it, but I couldn't. I gave up. We were moving to Texas after I graduated. When I told all of my friends it got really emotional. I wasn't even moving yet! Rafael and I planned to go to MSUB. I got accepted there but my mom refused and made me apply to Texas colleges. I applied to University of Arlington and they rejected me. What the heck? I had a 3.0 GPA exactly. I did fantastic freshman and sophomore year, but junior year and senior year I did atrocious. It all just combined to a 3.0. I applied to University of North Texas and they rejected me too. I was getting frustrated and losing hope and obviously took it out on my mom, "I don't need you! Just let me stay in Montana please!!" I constantly begged her as I applied to another college. Dallas Baptist University. They accepted me. What the? They accepted 40% of applicants and UTA and UNT accepted 70%. This was absolutely stupid.

The end of senior year was bittersweet, I made much more memories and never forgetting moments with people, thankfully because of Rafael's vehicle. I made state track and achieved other great things as well. Alex graduated college and his girlfriend Betsy left 2 days for Dallas before my graduation for his internship. Graduation was bittersweet. I didn't cry but Rafael, Kollin, Celeste, and I knew this last 2 weeks were going to be the last time as we all parted on our own adventures. Mom and the family had a garage sale and made over $1500 to help us as we moved. Dad's brothers(my uncles) came from Ohio to come help us move with a U-haul. Saying goodbye to Rafael was the hardest thing ever, I cried, He was definitely my best friend and knew I would never meet someone like him again. Kollin and I almost cried when we said goodbye too, but I hurried it up so we wouldn't see each other cry. Celeste cried when I said bye to her and I tried my best to hold my tears in.(More on this all of this later). Even other people too Xavier, Marissa, Jerry, and much much more. It was crazy the whole town knew us, and now we were leaving. It's amazing how much attention my family brought to small tiny Sheridan, Montana and the amount of people we impacted. We moved and left for Texas.

The first 3 months of Keller, Texas(summer) kinda sucked. We obviously knew no one, but made great friends with Mr. Steve Jennings and his elementary aged kids. It was mostly a summer full of junk food, netflix, youtube, video games, exploring music, and basketball for me. Marcus and Ariel were always on the computer anyway. We all adjusted pretty fast though, but there were so much people(most stuck up) and it was a totally different environment compared to a town populated with 1,000 people.

Dallas Baptist University. It was definitely a rich kid school and I had no clue how I was going to pay for it. I did receive tons of financial aid, grants, and 2 scholarships to help though. I have a rule, "Never worry about it until it's actually happening." I tried not to worry. Leaving for college was heart pounding. Saying goodbye to Ariel, Marcus, Alex, and Mom was interesting and sad. I just couldn't believe how fast time went by. I'm getting so old. 18 years of hell and now I was free, but for some reason I knew I was really going to miss them all. I did. I was on my own now. I made loads of friends at DBU, more than I thought I would, and I gave them confidence on the way as well. I was friends with many different varieties of people, but I definitely got along better with the people who weren't in a frat. I was definitely proud of the chances I took and risks I made. I was different and stood out and people acknowledge that and liked me I guess, weird huh? I'm perfectly fine with being myself. I became great friends with Jonathon, Bill, and Trevor, who each had different qualities I liked. Filming Youtube videos, trying to hit on girls, basketball games, South Padre Island, late night snack runs, parties, haha you name it college was great, but only because I made it that way. I had friends, but I had haters too, trust me. It didn't bother me one bit haha, amazing how happy you are when you choose to not even care.(more on all of this later).

But like my whole life, it was only my social life that was good. DBU was hounding me down for the $5000 I owed them, and mom and I just did not have the money, we already took out 2 loans. They threatened to kick me out of college, shut down my blackboard, embarrassed me, and more. It was stressful. I got depressed at times. People wondered why I was happy at times and then sad all of a sudden. They were all there for me though. I made some real true friends there. Right before the end of the semester, mom and I were able to pay it off, she sold her old vehicle back in Montana.(more later)

Second semester of college was great, just enjoying myself and what not. I was still at a disadvantage though, even though I had friends to carpool me places for adventures and such, I still didn't have a vehicle to impress girls with and stuff. I could've had a girlfriend at DBU but I just wasn't high class enough. It kinda sucked, I did make moments and memories though(more later)

My first year of college ended, now it's summer. Currently June 3rd, I'm at the Keller Library typing this right now, I have an interview for a job at Kroger's Thursday, wish me luck. I met a really cute girl in the library named Morgan. She gave me her number, but it's probably too good to be true. Everyday Mr. Jennings and I go workout at the training facility. Mom has a job teaching, and Marcus and Ariel are still in school. Alex and Betsy broke up unfortunately, he is still working in Dallas and she moved. Am I going to still attend DBU my second year? I don't know. I still owe them money still, I don't have a vehicle still and honestly I just need money to make my decisions. I just have to be patient I guess.

Ok I promise, I'm almost done. That was my past. Well you probably only know 15% of me after all of that haha, you'll learn more about me on the way. Am I attractive? Haha I don't know. I'd give myself a solid 6 out of 10. I'm 5'10 and weigh 170 pounds. I LOVE music, I'm a huge music hipster and know tons of artists and musicians many people wouldn't know. Music has helped me throughout life, sometimes it completely reverses your mood. I have over 3,000 songs downloaded on my phone currently, all which I love, I rarely skip any on my playlist. Basketball is my favorite sport. Balling sessions at least 5 times a week. Taking walks is great, with music. It's nice to find a peaceful place and blast some good music and just think and ponder about life and clear your mind. I think so deep all the time, it's not on purpose it just happens. I'm just a deep person I guess. I'm a Christian. My family has always been a Christian family.

"Popular" people annoy me. 90% of them are fake and try too hard to be liked. They bring too much attention to themselves, some have this snooty attitude that they're too good for you(more on this later). I'm an extravert/introvert. Weird huh? I'm a leader. I've always thought of myself as the leader of my best friends in High School, College, the JV basketball team(not varsity, more later on that) and much more. I root for the underdogs. I've always been better friends with the underdogs(the more different, awkward, nervous, less judging people who will give anyone a chance). Why are you being friends with people you aren't comfortable around and trying to impress? I'm proud of myself. I've proved to people that you can be awkward, goofy acting, and just yourself and you can still 100%  enjoy your social life while all the "popular" people are wasting time trying to impress people who really don't care.

I'm not awkward, well maybe a little haha, but I try my best not to be cliche, be different and stand out. that's why I didn't join a frat lol. I don't have trouble making friends and I'm not afraid of embarrassment. I've been the same person with the same attitude and interests ever since I was 9 years old. I've been embarrassed, rejected, humiliated, and gone through the most horrid things throughout life, I'm so used to it lol, it's kinda sad. We all have. It's only up to us to be happy or not. My goal in life is to make memories, moments, adventures, to not regret a thing, and to of course laugh. I'm always laughing. We're all gonna die someday so why do we care what others think and how much money we have? We'll find a way.

Haha thanks for reading. I mean that. Lol.

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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