Monday, June 22, 2015

The Definition Of "Cool"


Our world has evolved. The meaning of "cool" has evolved, but it kinda stays the same too though. It's quite simple. Back then(referring to the 70s, 80, and 90s) "cool" was referred to as being attractive. Preferably those guys with the leather jackets, hair slicked back, or of course the backwards hat haha. You get the picture right? Some girls liked the bad boy "cool" look. Most guys with the small arms, nerdy glasses, with the nervous attitude didn't get far with the pretty girls back in the day I guess.

Nowadays it is MUCH different. What's the definition of "cool?" Well just like "The Real Truth About Popularity" post I did, you may be asking why I'm putting quotations around the word "cool." Haha well hmmm....

- "Wow you play the trumpet? That's so cool!"
- "Dude are you going to that intense math competition after school? It's gonna be cool!"
- "Hey bro there's going to be a party tonight, weed, alcohol, girls, it's gonna be hella cool!"
- "Yeah! I just got back from a trip in Nevada with my Mom!! It was so cool!!."

See what I'm saying? Those "nerdy" kids you see now are cool too aren't they? Wearing your leather jacket, keeping up with fashion, or having your hat backwards isn't really that cool now still is it? Maybe being the new cool is just being yourself. Have you ever thought about that?

Cool, to most people, is referred to someone who is fun to be around with, something that is fun to do, or someone who is attractive. This just goes back to the whole "friend thing." People will think you're cool, some people will think you're lame. It's whatever.

One time my best friend Rafael and I had an encounter like this. It was our third day of Summer Upward Bound in 2012. Already made tons of friends. Computer Nerds, Anime Lovers, Fashion Divas, Party People, Sports Fanatics, you name it. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. I'm an all around lover of people unless they're jerks or stuck-up high class people who love to judge everyone and everything. I'll always be an underdog leader at heart though.

"Hey bro look at those girls over there." said Raf elbowing me. "Dang they're real pretty man." "Haha I dare you to go up to them bro." These girls were hot blonde chicks rockin they're short shorts. Definitely out of our league haha, they were in a circle with other guys who obviously spent half their days in the weight room, wearing tank tops, and of course the backwards hat. "Dude no way they're gonna talk to us." I laughed to Rafael. "Bro you're never afraid to talk to people, you don't care what people think remember? Quit being a baby! I'll go with you."

He was right, I honestly don't care. You shouldn't either. "Ok fine lets do this haha." I said. These guys were all around 6'3 compared to Raf's 5'11 height and my 5'9 height at the time.

One thing you should know about me is that I HATE TALKING TO PEOPLE I ALREADY KNOW I WON'T GET ALONG WITH. The reason we went over there was for the girls though. Good thing Raf and I had that "if they don't like us, whatever." attitude. Always have, always will. I decided to have fun while doing this. I knew I wouldn't get along with those guys, so I was gonna act different than usual. I tucked my shirt into my shorts, took my glasses out of my backpack, put them on, and turned my baseball hat to the side. I looked dumb. "Dude!" laughed Raf. I still don't know what the point of me doing this was. I was the one looking stupid.

We walked towards them. "Hey what's up my dawwwwgggzz?" I said, kinda sarcastically. Everyone stopped talking. It got silent and awkward really fast. "Do you guys think I look cool with my hat turned sideways?" I continued. The guys looked at me like I was mentally stupid, but the girls started laughing. "Hahaha yeah it looks great on you." they laughed sarcastically. "Ok woah hold up, who are you two? You guys can't just come up here and butt in. We were having a conversation. Go away." said one of the guys. I saw that coming. Douchebags. He was the biggest one and was wearing a NBA Clippers hat. Gross. I wasn't afraid though. What was he going to do?

"Well I just wanted to come over here and tell you ladies that you all are really pretty. I just wanted to talk to you, not you guys." I said looking back at Clipppers hat. "I mean it's not like you guys own these girls." said Raf. The girls just stood there awkwardly half-smiling, couldn't believe this was actually happening. "You guys actually think these girls would want something to do with you? You guys are not cool at all." he shot back. "I know, that's why I turned my hat sideways." I said. The girls and Raf hollered with laughter at this one. "Ok you guys better get the f%#@ out of here or I'm going to kick your ass, you're not fu%*#@ cool."

One of the blonde girls started talking. "Well why would you kick their ass? They're being nice and haven't done anything to you guys." said the girl. He looked at her and back at us in astonishment. "Maybe you could teach me how to be cool?" I said, now kinda pushing it. "Whatever, f&*% you guys." he and his friends then left. The 5 girls, Raf, and I just stood there. AWKWARD.

I took my glasses and hat off and untucked my shirt. I was ready to start my speech. "So you guys think they're cool huh?" I said to the girls. "Well I mean I dunno, we just came over to them because we were bored." she said. "Why didn't you go over to those guys?" I said pointing at a bunch of guys well dressed at a table on their computers talking about music and such. "I mean they're not really our type I guess, it would just be awkward, they look ant-social." I hate constantly questioning people but I had to get the point straight.

"So self-absorbed douchebags are your type and are cool huh?" I said. No answer. I looked at Raf and back at them, "Well hey it was nice to meet you guys, I guess we'll see you around." We started walking off. "Well hey! No wait! I mean I think you guys are cool." said one of the girls, the other three shook their heads up and down smiling. "Are you serious? We're nothing like those guys." said Raf. "Yes I know, but there are different types of cool." she said. There's intelligent cool, attractive cool, personality cool, sports cool." she smiled. "Well what kind of cool are we then?" I laughed. All 4 of them laughed. "I guess we'll just have to find out." said another girl smiling. "Wanna go on a walk with us?" they asked. "Haha sure."

True story. What did this experience teach you? Absolutely nothing. People are different, any other girl could of told us to get out of their face too ya know. Those guys could've been nice, first impressions are false sometimes times. We're all "cool." We have our preferences and our different types of fun. Nothing is considered lame if someone else and their friend likes doing it. Haha be yourself. As long as you got your friends, you're cool.

Stay cool my dawwwgggz.

Cheyenne Fuller
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