Saturday, August 15, 2015

Embarrassing and Awkward High School Sports Moments

High School was kind of a joke and pretty pathetic when it came to sports, but in a funny, embarrassing, goofy way though. Everyone knew it too, there was no arguing the fact. Sheridan High School, a Class C school, only around 60 kids in our whole High School.

For guy sports, we only had Football, Basketball, and Track. For girls it was the same, except instead of Football it was Volleyball. We were the Sheridan Panthers. The purple Panthers lol.

Ok, you know how this works. There are other Class C schools in your district/county that you and your team would compete against. Your school was either really good, reasonable, or really sucked. We really sucked.


The picture above is us playing Ennis(green), one of the best class C football teams in the STATE. It was painful watching games against them, Twin Bridges, etc.

I didn't play football, I'm athletic but I just don't understand the game, oh and call me a wimp but I ain't got time for getting my ass kicked and looking like a fool in front of people, or possibly getting injured. Ima wimp, Ima wimp. Nahhhhh just not the sport for me. My friends and I were the jerks who'd come and watch the game to see the cheerleaders from other schools, talk crap, and see how much we'd lose by, act like we knew everything about it, and yell from the sideline when something bad would happen to our team. "Oooohhhhh shiiiidd 6 to 72!? We got our butts kicked!" "Ah man! Ah man! I didn't think it'd be possible to have a game worse than last time!" "Daaammnnn if I were dem niggas I'd forfeit!" The football coach would always freak out every time they lost, and we wouldn't understand why. We thought he'd be used to the losses by now. Our team was TINY. I felt bad, kind of, not really, but he was a good coach though.

Our football games were 100% predictable before they even started and the scores were absolutely atrocious. The town knew what to expect but still tried to support. "Let's go Panthers! You're still in this!" yelled a lady at halftime when the score was 42 to 0. 

I mean there were some good players, like Xavier and Brant, two kids in my class who played. Xavier actually made the All-Star game for a huge event they had every end of the school year, he was the quarterback. They were good but our school football team as a whole just sucked and the bench warmers(freshman and sophomores) didn't exactly make the mood any better after the games.

"That's ok Panthers we'll get em next time! Good job guys! You played your hearts out there! I'm very proud of us" he would say while trying to shake the upperclassmen's hands.

"Shut the f&%@ up and get away from me dude." they would respond lightly pushing him away hahaha.

Then they would make it even worst. "Well maybe we would win if we were bigger and stronger, right?" All heads would turn and would look at the sophomore as if he were an idiot. "Are you freakin retarded?" they would say.

Schools like Ennis, Twin Bridges, Gardiner, etc would put their freshman in against our "best" after halftime and would still destroy us. Ouch. "You love to make fun of us for losing, I'd like to see you get out and play yourself!" said one of the juniors to Rafael after he was caught making fun. "Why would I play and make an ass out of myself?" he responded. "You're a dick Raf."

I can't remember if we even won a game that season, but I do remember the football coach jumping up and down like crazy every game, a kid stabbed himself accidentally in the nose with a sharp object one time, made himself bleed and couldn't play, and another kid cried and threw a huge temper tantrum one time because they lost a game, so I guess you could say it was a pretty funny season.


I can't say anything about Volleyball, I know the girls lost games, but I can't remember if they ever won one, I never really went to the games, just a couple. Volleyball is only fun when the scores are very close together. Well I guess all sports are like that haha. I do remember there was a lot of drama and crying though, so I guess that couldn't have been good. I also remember a girl getting hit in the face with the ball and she started crying. "Hey good game ladies." a couple of my friends and I would say as they were coming out of the locker room, it looked like some of them had been crying. "Yeah screw you guys, we saw you guys laughing over there at the bleachers." they sniffed. We tried not to laugh but started laughing because it was true. Yeah we were jerks. The girls weren't bad, the other teams were just way better.


Basketball is definitely my absolute favorite sport. I try to play every day and at 5'10 I've been dunking for a year now too. When I was younger I actually hated it and was more into soccer, but my freshman year of High School I really started liking it. I only started playing for the team my junior year though. This is some of the players the 2012-2013 team below my junior year.

Junior year I was good at shooting three's and mid range. I hustled all the time. But that was it. I SUCKED at remembering plays and my defense was awful too. I was more of a "1 on 1" player. Because of that I started for the JV team and would play the full 32 minutes. I would only play about 4 minutes every varsity game. Our JV team was mostly a bunch of foreign exchange students, freshman kids, and I. Coach Kruer was our coach, around his early 60s and 6'3, he played college ball in Florida and had a huge Alabama-like southern accent. He was absolutely disgusted with out attitude. We already knew we were gonna get beat every game, so our mission was to just have fun. It was a joke. We were too busy laughing all the time to take anything seriously.

One time during a game against Ennis after I got a rebound and was bringing it down the court, he started yelling at me. "Push the ball down the court Cheyenne! You gotta push! PUSH! Penetrate! Penetrate! PENETRATE!" I started laughing SO HARD and lost the ball, got it stolen from me, and a bucket the other way. Because of that, the crowd and my team started laughing with me and Coach Kruer had enough. "TIMEOUT!" he yelled. "Do you think this is a joke!? Get your butt on the bench!" I didn't think that was a good idea, the score was 54 to 15 at the time and I literally had all the 15 points for the team.

During practice, Coach Kruer was getting even more angry when showing us a drill, where we play defense on him. "Your defense is atrocious! Wake up! Wake up! Play some D!" as he posts up Cam, a freshman. He then tries to shoot and gets blocked by Cam, like he got STUFFED. His face turned beat red and it was silent until: "OOOHHHHH SHIDDDDD!" I yelled. I started laughing so hard, I fell down on the court, causing everyone else to start laughing. "Something funny ya'll? Something funny!? Get up! Get up!" said an angry Coach Kruer clapping like crazy. He reminded me of Mr. Sir off the movie "Holes" for some reason.

I remember one time when Jan, a German exchange student standing at 6'4, air balled 2 free throws in a row. It was incredibly silent until Jan expressed his emotions verbally. "Shit I suck." for some reason I started laughing, which of course caused the team to laugh, causing the crowd to laugh, even the opposing team(Twin Bridges) was laughing. The referee gave him a technical. Coach Kruer was the only one not laughing.

I even made fun of my own teammates, in a jokingly way. Seth, a kid in my class got blocked pretty bad against a game in Manhattan Christian. "HOLY CRAP! WHAT A BLOCK! GEEZ THAT WAS NASTY!" I would accidentally blurt out from the bench. "Are you serious right now?" Coach would say. The opposition would also dunk it. "AHHH WHAT A DUNK OHHH AHHHH!" I would say falling on my hands and knees bowing up and down.

I've been embarrassed too. I shot a free throw one time, and right when I released it I knew it was going to air ball, so I ran after it and caught it mid-air. "Um you can't do that." said the referee. Slight laughter from the crowd and just silence on the court. "Damn my follow through." I would say scratching my head and looking at my hand.

One time against West Yellowstone I stole the ball and was running down for a fast break, then my shoe suddenly fell off and I stumbled and caught my balance, then stumbled and caught my balance again, and then stumbled and fell on my face. "Ouch my face!" The crowd roared. I stood up with a smile on my face, I even bowed to the crowed for a couple more laughs. Coach Kruer didn't let me play the rest of the game.

For the first time in Sheridan JV Basketball history, we were the first team to NEVER win a game throughout the season. We almost beat West Yellowstone one time when I scored 27 points but it wasn't enough. I averaged 13.4 points during the season. Eh that's ok I guess. Fortunately the Varsity players, full of kids who THOUGHT they were good did just as bad. I think one game against Twin Bridges the ending score was 17 to 80 something. So at least no one had room to talk.

Senior year wasn't great, but it was better. For me at least. I got much better, practicing EVERY DAY during the summer with my friends. They also changed the Coach. I took it a bit more seriously because I knew I was better. I actually created an after school basketball group to play every day. I was a leader. Rafael and I were hoping to start together, picturing a Steve Nash and Dwight Howard dream team haha. I started but unfortunately he and Jake, another senior, was put on the JV team.

We were actually winning games at first. I remember during senior night against West Yellowstone I hit 6 three pointers altogether and 4 of them were IN A ROW, and it felt so good scoring that 24 points altogether in a blow out, beating them by 30. I averaged only 14.2 points throughout the year though, but I was playing with players who shot more than me though.

Of course there were still embarrassing moments though. Playing Ennis, Twin Bridges, and Manhattan Christian was horror. They were the best teams, full of dunkers and three point shooters. I remember one game Connor Sullivan, the best player for Ennis, got a fast break and I was the only one back. He was 6'4 and the look in his eye was fierce, he wanted to embarrass me. He was gonna dunk it. "Oh crap! I aint gettin jammed on!" I said, I literally RAN AWAY from the hoop as he took off and threw down a nasty one. "Are you kidding me Cheyenne!?" yelled the Coach. "He was gonna put me on a poster like a game of NBA 2K!" I said back to him. Haha I didn't play the rest of the game after that. I think we lost 40 to 86 or something like that.

The girls games were even worst. I won't get into detail. Scores of 60-15 were actually considered "good" for them. I remember one time Mackenzie, a player for our team and a pretty chill girl, was dribbling down the court. The coach called out a play for the team. But of course, me being a jerk, yells from the bleachers with my friends, "Shoot it Mac! Shoot it!" She looked at me, gave me a slight grin and shot it far back from the three point line. BAM! She got BLOCKED BAD. Like so bad she fell down and the ball flew all the way to the other side of the court. " DAAAMMMMNN!" yelled my friends and I. I couldn't stop laughing. The coach and a couple other teachers gave me a few nasty looks. Definitely worth it.

Our last senior game was actually my WORST game. I didn't score a single point, but yet we only lost 10 points to Harrison at districts. Honestly the most funny moments were probably when we would lose and the guys would punch lockers after the game and cuss like crazy haha. "Why are they doing that? They already knew we were gonna lose." says Marcus, my brother.


The picture above is me running at state in the 800m, I came 7th. For once, track was actually something I never had a embarrassing moment in. I enjoyed it because I excelled in my events throughout High School. Bringing home first place ribbons almost every meet, it felt fantastic. My friend Kollin and I would sometimes purposely try to talk to girls from other schools right before our events, because it gave us an "adrenaline rush." Girls are scary(; but no really, it worked and got out hearts pumping and made us want to "impress them" so we would perform better. One time I ran a 2 mile for FUN and didn't take it seriously at all but still came 2nd, my friend Xavier also took this picture of me while running.

My junior year, was probably the most fun, goofed around and still won events, Marcus, a FRESHMAN, at the time ran a time of 4:37 in the mile. I was very proud of him. Fortunately I was faster than him in the 800m and 400m thank God.

My senior year Raf finally decided to do Track after Kollin and I convinced him to do so but didn't take it seriously after the coach didn't want him to do the relay. He wanted to do it because the relay automatically makes divisionals. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough, so he threw shot put and discus instead. He didn't make divisionals though.

During one particular track meet I was WINNING races and had one more race left until the relay, so I decided to skip it and convinced Raf to skip his event too. Mr. Regnerus was looking for us, angry because we ditched out so we walked around the school dodging and avoiding him. After 45 minutes of avoiding, we went into the gym, up the stairs, and chilled there. Until all of a sudden we see Mr. Regnerus turn the corner. Raf and I both were eating popcorn. "Are you guys serious right now?! You missed your events!" he said. "We did?" I said trying not to laugh. "Oh crap" said Raf with his mouth full of popcorn. "You guys are both running the 2 mile for punishment next meet!" said Mr. Regnerus. "Ahhh hell nah man, I don't give a hoot about that race!" yelled Raf. I couldn't help but laugh at that. He looked at us, shook his head in disappointment, and left.

I made state track in the 4x1 relay and the 800m, I was really close to making it in the 400m run too. I came 7th in state with a time of  2 minutes flat and our relay didn't place lol, bad day I guess. I miss track. It was fun. I loved the atmosphere. The winning. The adrenaline. The girls. The people. The popularity. It was fantastic. High School sports was a joke for the most part, but hey as long as you're laughing right? It's not like you'll always be the best anyway(;

After I graduated and moved from Montana to Texas, I never caught up to see how the sports were going up there, but with the underclassmen below me, I knew it wasn't going to be better, if not worst. Sports suck in Sheridan. Hate on me(:

Thanks for reading ladies and gentleman!

Cheyenne Fuller
Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

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