Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Two-Faced Marijuana Law(Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa Concert)

Never did I ever think I would go to a Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa concert. This past summer 2016, my good friend Ivan and I went to a Blink 182, A Day To Remember, and The All-American Rejects concert.

Such a great time, definitely one in the books. Flyers were being passed out and Snoop Dogg and Wiz were gonna be in Dallas the next couple of weeks.

"Yep." says Ivan. "We're going to that." "And we're gonna have a hella good time."

Most of everyone knows this, but Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa are both extremely popular rap artists. Known mostly for their music, but secondly for their love of marijuana.

Wiz Khalifa is kinda this generation's Snoop Dogg, as Snoop was mostly popular in the late 90's and early 2000's, but he's still considered cool today nonetheless.

Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Cali are a couple states that I can think of right now that legalize recreational marijuana. And there's quite a bit of states now that allow medical marijuana., but only medical I believe.

But all of that doesn't matter, because I live in Texas. And they are not playing when they say "don't mess with Texas."

Arizona, Florida, Texas, Idaho, Virginia, and obviously much more states will throw huge fines and jail sentences at you if you're caught with certain amounts of the drug. You're definitely done for if you're a dealer caught selling. Not sure, but depending on the amount of marijuana caught in ounces, hundreds and thousands of dollars would have to be paid in fines. But I'm not full of information on that and wouldn't 100% know.

"So how do people even get blunts and joints into these concerts? Isn't there pretty big security checks?" I asked Ivan.

"Nah dude, these people don't really give a shit to be honest."

It was crazy. Before we reached the Pavilion, we stopped at the gas station so our other friend, Levi, could get a couple of beers. At the 7-eleven we immediately saw a guy get pulled over for what seemed drugs. But obviously we didn't know. His vehicle was getting searched though, so that's a pretty clear assumption.

Either way it's a 100% correct that if you have drugs(I'm specifically talking Marijuana) in your vehicle along with a pipe, bong, or whatever. There will be some sort of trouble. It's against the law in Texas.

Ivan, Levi, and I got to the Gexa Energy Pavilion in Dallas where the Snoop Dogg and Wiz concert was taking place.

I've been to many concerts before, including Mike Stud, Futuristic, Blink 182, Netsky, and much more. But for some reason, when going to a Snoop Dogg and Wiz concert the first thing that pops into everyone's mind is: There will be drugs. There will be Mary Jane.

Getting in and security wasn't a big deal at all. They didn't even pat us down or check pockets, or anything. Just gave them our tickets, took our phones, wallets, and etc. out of our pockets, then got it back after we got passed their body screen check thingy for metal items or weapons.

"Haha bro chillllll, this is a concert not a airport."

After we got in, walked around for a while then found a good spot for the show.

Soon it started getting dark, and the show started with rappers Kevin Gates, Casey Veggies, and more before Snoop and Wiz started.

We were in the middle of the crowd. Not in the back, not in the front. DEAD CENTER.

You could smell weed EVERYWHERE. But it's what I expected. What everyone expected.

I mean everyone was getting drunk too.

I was just surprised security wasn't anywhere around. Just those people who bring water and beer around and charge a way too high price.

Finally Wiz and Snoop came on.

And one thing I do remember Snoop saying on the mic:

Snoop: "How many of you are high tonight?"

Everyone yelling: "Whoooooooo! Yeahhhhhh!"

Snoop: "How many of you are going to keep getting high with me tonight?"

Everyone yelling: "Whooooooo!" Yeahhhhh!"

Snoop: How many of you are going to fuck up this security if they try to stop us from getting high?"

Everyone yelling: "WHOOOOO!" "YEAHHHHH!"

Snoop and Wiz both then started smoking a blunt and going off with their music.

What an experience.

But the purpose of this post isn't the experience or what happened, I just find it interesting how musicians and rappers are able to get away with this and "allow" the crowd to smoke weed when it's illegal. When the organization and cops obviously know it's marijuana.

Like sure when on camera and on stage, there is no "proof" that they're smoking weed, like they could simply say that it is tobacco or whatever, but the smell is enough evidence, but not enough for anyone to get searched?

There's enough stories seen and heard about people simply minding their own business in their vehicle blowing out puffs of smoke. Which could of course be a cigarette, a vape, or whatever. Even though it's obviously weed, and the smoke is enough for the cop to say: "Ohhhhhh shitttttt! Suspicious activity! Imma go over there and see what's going on! Lemme bust a boy!"

All because smoke was seen.

Ok but here we go with all the comments,

- Not enough evidence they're smoking weed on stage
- Snoop has some kind of permit and can do it anyway
- Cops have much more things to worry about besides people smoking

Haha listen, everyone KNOWS that Wiz and Snoop will be smoking weed on stage regardless of anything. Cops and security KNOW that there will be people bringing blunts and joints to the concert.

So what you can only get caught if the marijuana is seen? Right? That's what the rule seems to be here in this situation.

Soooo what's up with the "random" and "suspicious" activity pull-overs from cops? All they saw was smoke?

Just like they're seeing it at the concert but not doing anything about it.

So my question is, if so much effort is being put into stopping people from illegal drugs in Texas and the law being so strict, then how come no effort is being put into stopping people from doing the same freaking thing, except for in a more PUBLIC environment.

Perhaps it's a number thing. An ARMY. Maybe the cops are afraid of violence and don't want war with stoners. Maybe all people who like weed should starting traveling in packs lol.

In my conclusion, some sort of double standard towards celebrities MUST be the answer right? I mean it's obviously not worth a cops time arresting Snoop, Wiz, Danny Brown, Dr. Dre, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, and pretty much 90% of rappers, simply because they're extremely wealthy and have great lawyers. On top of that, police departments, I'm assuming, don't want all the media and attention regarding a Snoop Dogg arrest. But that's an assumption.

It's really no big deal or harm at all, but I just find it kinda funny how laws and consequences can be twisted and changed around all depending on who you are, how famous you are, and how much money you make.

Maybe this double standard is something I'll have to look deeper into, but for now I still don't understand at all.

So you can't be caught smoking weed or having it at all because it's against the law, but at a concert it's pretty much ok because 95% of the time, security WILL NOT check you.....OF COURSE this definitely depends on what concert you're going to, which makes this double standard even more crazy! Cause I doubt anyone is bringing weed to a Carly Rae Jepsen Concert, and if they did, probably more of a chance getting busted.

Just an interesting thought I wanted to share, sometimes it's good to talk about things you have no clue about. It brings suggestions, ideas, and curiosity into play.

I just need more info from someone who knows.

But anyway, thanks for reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Consistency Process

The less you study, the less efficient you'll be on exams and quizzes. The less you workout, the lazier you'll tend to get. The longer you stay around the wrong crowd, the more of a chance you'll turn into and have the mindset of that crowd, and so on and so on.

I thought about just dropping this whole blog thing, just kinda leave it alone and make it a lost art that probably will be only found by the true introverts of this generation...but then it just crawls back in my mind, "Nahhh, I mean you can write about ANYTHING. It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to have a point. Just write. Do it because you want to, but be consistent.

Not everything is "great" in our lives, definitely not at the same time, but lately I think I've been in a good place. Well more good than bad at least. I'm THANKFUL definitely though. A $2 raise took place for me at my job and I couldn't be anymore thankful to the Lord for doing that for me. My grades are looking good. The only problem really is my mom and step-father wanting my older brother Alex and I out of the house, but I'm saving that for another post.

Other than that, do you ever get afraid when a bunch of great things start happening to you around the same time frame though? It's weird, like you're glad it's happening and that things are going your way, but you tell yourself. "I dunnoooo this might be a little too good to be true, something bad is going to happen that will even this out, just wait for it."

But no no, don't think like that. Try not to, that's depressing shit.

Consistency. Let's talk about that. It's crazy how much more efficient and productive you are with yourself when you do things for YOU. When you're not focused on what the competition or everyone else is doing.

Consistency, in my opinion, is all about wanting to see a change in something. When you change your normal routine and start into something different, you're experimenting to see what the outcome will be.

I've completely changed my diet. Remember that caramel frappe crave I was on? The whole 4 frappes a week thing? Now I drink a gallon of water day, literally. I mean I don't carry it around with me at college like a tough guy, but I'm able to get a whole gallon down at the end of the day("night"). Being a night shift worker helps with that.

Why do I do that? I dunno, just wanna see what will happen. I noticed I'm more energetic and it's easier for me to wake up, my face has been slowly clearing of small acne and scars because of it to.

Working out. I do it 5 times a week now, I've always been pretty physically fit, but the purpose isn't for looks or anything, just to get myself out of bad habits. Rejecting the alcohol, junk food, and pure laziness. I just feel so much more CLEAN. It's all about how you feel.

I'm so much more calm. I'm more chill now. Bad things happen here and there, I still get upset, like I don't break down or freak out. I mean why show emotion? Shrug it off yo. I'm a nicer person. Just like that. This is weird, abnormal, but I like it. Let's try to keep it up.

I swear, when you try new ideas and you're consistent with them you just feel like a newborn baby. A different soul perhaps. You feel HAPPIER.

But you go through a change, I mean I guess it just depends on what you're changing in your life. More towards the body fitness, religious, or mind psychological aspects.

I feel like I've changed. This whole "awkward life" "relatable BLOG" thing is kinda outgrowing on me. I hate the word "blog" it's so cliche and sounds so "all about me" and has just a touch of arrogance to it in my opinion, even though 90% of the time it's not intended that way. No one really cares about what you think when you're being negative all the time.

But it's whatever, I just gotta tone down the whole narcissistic feel this website has ya know? No big deal.

But the consistency process. I feel like it all begins on knowing what you want to achieve and realizing the sacrifices you have to make and what it will do to your future. Ya know, pretty simple. Just think it all out. Just think. It's thinking and doing. And doing it again. And again. And again. Be persistent, and consistent. Progress and tell yourself I NEED THIS DONE.

Ok new goal, new blog posts every week. I'm making it happen, I don't even know who in their right mind still follows this, but it doesn't matter.

I like writing, being consistent even in the silliest wouldn't believe how much of a big deal it actually can be in your life.

Consistency and goals is all about you, not about anyone else or their thoughts about you.

When you focus on your goals and block out the fluff and factors that could be POSSIBLY triggered, you progress so much further and the feeling of unstoppable power is now in you.

Get it done, you'll most probably be a happier person.

Boring post. I gotcha next time.

Thanks for reading,

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Perfect Nobody.

I started my third year of college today. I'm actually in the library typing this up quickly as I wait an hour for my next class. Probably won't post it until a couple days after, like usual.

Perhaps I could get to know some new people? Haha nahhhhh I have enough homies, I have enough adventures.


Nahhhh no problem for me there, sometimes there's such a thing as too much people in your life. I'm over the whole "getting to know cute girls" crap. That's soooo what a freshman would do.

This whole college thing. Once you hit your junior year, your third year you start to get tired of it. Ughhh you want it to be over. Money is now definitely more on the mind, more than it ever was before. This is it guys, maybe we've figured ourselves out. I think I know who I am. Age 20, that's a good age to know what the hell you're trying to accomplish in life. Or at least a good age to start figuring out what the purpose of your life is.

It's funny. A lot of times you can't see yourself changing through processes, but when you can it is SO COOL, yet so hard to understand why we used to do the things we used to do.

I used to always think that the objective in life is just to find your soulmate, to "fall in love."

It still is perhaps, but maybe it's the process. Maybe it's how we find this love and what we're exactly looking for. The journey that makes us who we are.

Attraction to the opposite sex is so powerful. It changes and shapes you.

Hitting on girls, partying, sex, alcohol, and a good time. I think I'm over it. ALREADY. I haven't turned 21 yet either. I'm trying to sound mature, trust me I'm not even close, I don't know if I'm ready to be "mature." Whatever that definition is. Moving out? Better job? Girlfriend? Wife? Babies? Family? Geez damnnnn couple more years and I'll be in that direction. Gotta give it time. Many people in my life my age have already reached the marriage/baby stage, sheeeesh!

That's bad. I mean the sex/alcohol part. Cause it means I've seen and done everything that there is to do(except grow the hell up). Is getting older supposed to be special?

I've been getting into a lot of romance movies and self-help books, not cause I'm a little wimp, but more because it's fascinating seeing the perspective of love and attraction from another person's point of view. How someone's flaws and beauty can be considered perfect to someone else.

Looks are just nothing to get "hyped" over. Attractive people are everywhere. So why are most men, the media, magazines etc. always hyping women, sex, etc. Pretty women are every where so whats the big deal? That whole "love at first sight" thing we all know is a load of garbage being disguised and misinterpreted for lust.

There is nothing perfect about anyone, not talking about looks of course. Some people actually LOOK perfect to the eye of a lot of other people. Which is why I believe looks and attraction are just something over-hyped, especially when men are talking about women. Let's talk about compatibility.

I mean yeah of course we all want to be with someone we're attracted to. But what else is going to make that person perfect to you?

Life is one of those things where you just can't think about what could've happened or who else we could've ended up with. Cause truth is, we all could've ended up with someone different who also could've been described as "perfect" just because they're also attracted to you.

Wanna get deep?

You ever think of the perfect someone in your mind? You could be single or in a relationship, OR MARRIED. Who knows?  Like they COULD be a real person you fantasize about, or they don't even have to be real. But either way they make your fake reality absolutely lovely, they're everything you ever wanted.

SNAP! You're back to reality and chances are you're never going to get what your thoughts want you to get.

I truly believe there is no such thing as "the right person for you" or taking time to find "the perfect one."  If you're attracted to someone and they're attracted to you, then that's it, you guys like each other and should perhaps be together. What is there to overthink?

Compatibility? We're all compatible with thousands of people around the world we've never met, every single one of them having either 1 huge thing in common with you that could cause love to spark or it could be 100 things. So it's more like a who's going to pop into your life first. Once that person is in your life, no more thoughts of "Who else could've it been?" should even be in your mind anymore. If you truly like them, that wouldn't cross the mind.

I used to laugh and joke about particular people who have the ability to move on from a break up and find someone else in like a week or two. But now I just ask myself well what's the big deal? Is it really bad to do that? I mean in some circumstances yes, depending on the length of the previous relationship. But it doesn't mean you didn't love the last person you were in a relationship with. Maybe love is just so powerful that some people need it more than others, unless it's forced love?. Corny, corny, yeah I know, but only the person falling in love would know. Psh, I wouldn't know.

Breakups happen because something wrong happened or a disagreement occurred. Obviously something severe if a break up has to be the result.

It's just what it is. It's normal. No couple's love is any more perfect or special than any others. Right? I mean why should it be? Love can't be more special than another love.

Love is special but not perfect. Just like the person in your life is special but not perfect.

Everything I write about is explained more complicated than it should be. Oh my apologies. Basically I'm trying to say that if you find someone special in your life. All comparisons to other people, and all doubts, or "what ifs" should be thrown out the window. Because now it's just you and that person and that's all that matters. Who you could've been with, where you could've been, or how you could be living doesn't matter.

All that matters is that you like someone and they like you. Once it is happening, it doesn't matter how or why. As long as you're happy together, because finding someone "better" than you're previous relationship doesn't really make sense to me.

Just find someone who makes you happy. Love is special, but your love with someone is NOT anymore special than someone else's love with someone. Make sense? Who knows. I just re-read that, maybe it doesn't make sense.


Weird thoughts, weird writing, weird reading, so cluttered and quite confusing this post is. But I dunno.

I like it.

Thanks For Reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Socialization In This Generation

I personally believe that actual socialization and meeting someone new without the involvement of technology is now a lost art or at least becoming one. Technology has taken over and has changed the view of socializing and technically the view of a social life as well.

Specifically, lets say early-mid 2000s, approaching new people during college, the mall, or just public places in general was not considered "weird" or "awkward." It's how you met new people. You had no choice, you didn't have the internet, social media, or dating apps to help you out. Whether it be trying to find a cute opposite sex, a new friend, or even someone to do business with.

Now it's a different story.

Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tinder, POF, Christian Mingle,, and Zoosk, are some of the online sites/apps that I can think of on the top my head, they're the popular sites you can meet random people as well.

So where is my evidence to back up that technology has changed the socialization of our generation? Specifically 2010-2016 is where social media REALLY evolved and took over. Look it up online, I don't have time to give a history lesson. It's an obvious statement as well.

Let's say 2016 vs 2002 for example. Approaching someone back then would be more intimate and meaningful. That person you approached isn't constantly checking his Insta likes, tweets, or if any chicks responded to his Tinder messages. This person KNOWS who his real friends are, he isn't blurred by the 1,000 or more "friends" he has on social media. The fluff. So this approach is more memorable, a new person in his life, he isn't thinking about fluff. This is living in the moment and enjoying the people who mean most to you.

Now what if you tried this right now?

Sure, of course you could make a new friend easy as that. Just like back then, but here's the problem.


"Awww approaching people is so awwwkkkkwwwaarrrdddd." "I ain't approaching her, what if she rejects me?" "Nah he looks like a douchebag."

Heck! Even approaching people you see regularly at college or school is now considered unnatural or awkward when it's not. And even if they do want to, it's not meaningful enough simply because of the amount of messages, fluff people, likes, and online messages being sent and received on their phone every day anyway and the amount of people who'd rather be on their phone to look at people instead of actually engaging with people. The person you just met, usually ends up being an acquaintance or somebody you used to know(shout out to Gotye, good song). Very rarely will they become something more. Rarely will approaching someone random result in friendship unless they are regularly seen in your life.

What I think personally is that the evolving of social media and technology has made people in this generation more scared to actually talk to people in real life? Like what? It's made people forget the value of actual friendship, bonding, and engagement.

I had a talk with an older gentleman around his mid-forties. I met him while I was working at Kroger a couple of days ago. I was on my phone while on the job and he jokingly called me out while he asked me where the marshmallows were. We had a conversation that suddenly turned into one about socializing.

"Well I mean damn, you young adults just have your heads buried in your phone. Missing out on fantastic people you can meet in real life and wonderful opportunities. Some of you don't even know what life is. You think just because you're capturing a beautiful photo of a sunset with your badass camera for 200 likes on social media from pointless ass people that don't mean a damn thing in your life that this is enjoying life?" Ya'll's life isn't about the memories and fun anymore, it's all about the damn attention and ego. You young adults have made life an ego contest, fake popularity contest, and an online slut show. That's it. Communication isn't "awkward" ya'll just have this perception where being comfortable all the time is the way of life, and that's not true. So what? It's not awkward to message a girl on Tinder or whatever that you don't even know and ask her if she wants to come over and suck your d%&$, but it's awkward to approach a girl in real-time and say hello huh? Maaaaan get outta here wit dat bullshit!" he exclaimed.

I was surprised by how much he got into it. I told him I was going to write a blog on it and he agreed to it, I also asked for a selfie I could put on it and he said "hell nawwhhh, I don't do that selfie bullshit."

My point is, if you were to go through your Facebook friends, Insta/Twitter followers, Snapchat, etc. and message every single "friend" of yours, how many would respond back? How many would even know who you actually are? How many of the conversations would be something of value? Not small talk. Probably very little people would respond back without it being meaningless or awkward. The amount of "followers" we have is mostly acquaintances. Exception to some other, rare people. The people who have 300 or less followers.

Ahhhhh I got it. Social Media has made everyone have tons of meaningless friendships instead of meaningful friendships with less people, but people who are definitely worth the time.

Social Media has prevented people from actually socializing in person, they'e too comfortable behind their phones. But uncomfortable around people.

Pssshhhh ok? Well what's your point about this anyway Cheyenne? What are you some psychological social wizard or something?

Lol no, I just think time spent in life should be about the intimacy, memories, and laughs. I'm just tired of being the only person who isn't on his phone when in public or getting on Snapchat/Twitter or something and watching people post stupid shit with zombies coming out of their head. Or even worse, when someone you know is always "liking" your social media posts but then they have the nerve to not even talk to you when you see them in public. Like what the heck?

Don't get me wrong, I have social media, and it's entertaining at times. but not even as close to as fun as just being around great people. Hanging out and having fun times isn't as cool as it used to be. People are too focused on capturing the moment instead of living the moment.

Hanging out nowadays is being on your phone around people. No one can go out and have fun without having to post it on their snapchat.

DON'T GET ME WRONG, technology is great, there's even people who have met their spouse and best friends because of it. But nonetheless it still makes some people scared and socially incapable of even talking to a stranger in real life,

Ok here's the conclusion. You hangout with your friends, but end up being on your phone just to watch other "friends" have a good time, when those friends you are watching are actually doing the same damn thing! It's a cycle.

My point is, if you have the nerve to post half naked selfies, tweet your strong opinions, or talk about how hard your life is on Facebook(even though it isn't), then how come you can't do all of that in real life?

Who knows maybe the whole Sorority, Frat, Club thing in colleges is actually a good thing. Guess that's what I get for dissing on it before in my previous blogs haha. Its funny because even though I'm not for the whole sorority/frat thing, I personally think that those in sororities, frats, and clubs actually have the legit friendships once they bond together.

"No one cares Cheyenne. What you mad or something?"

Yes I know no one cares pal, this post was absolutely pointless, there's no going back, the generation is the way it is and it will just keep evolving, you just gotta go with the flow and do what you want I guess.

No I'm not mad, but everything someone chooses to do in this world, influences another, and another, and another, and soon will influence and change the people around me. It all depends on generation change. Us 80s and 90s babies have gone through a huge technological change in lifestyle, compared to 2000s babies who think technology is what makes life. That's my thought on that.

Because what I'm doing right now? This blog I'm writing? No one is going to give a crap, they'll read it, but won't care. The ego in this world is too high.

My best advice is just make sure you're enjoying life with the right people and having the mindset of "no regret." Have fun. With people you care about. And if fun means being on your phone all the time or following and then unfollowing people on social media to look popular, or buying your Instagram followers and likes for an ego boost because you can't make friends in real life and need a way to feel good about yourself then pshhhh go right ahead, it's your life. I'm not judging. But there's an easier way to do it. Just go out and actually meet people.

But hey it's your life! Shape your world.

Tell me what you think. Remember, I'm Cheyenne Fuller and I'm no expert in anything. Just a dude typing his thoughts on a computer.

Thanks for reading my rant.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

The Secret To Tinder And Online Dating

BEFORE I start this post, let me just say that I 100% do not mind sharing this post or am afraid of what people will think or say. I, just like many others in this world have dated, hooked up, blah blah blah, etc. I'm no different from you. I'm 99.9% sure that my future girlfriend and wife WILL NOT be from a damn dating site, so I'm more than comfortable sharing this.

Now let's continue (:

Crazy how nowadays you can meet someone who can completely change your life just by the swipe of a button and a couple of slick pick-up lines, or simply just being attractive to that person.

If you haven't read my last blog post "Socialization In This Generation", I'd suggest reading it. This post is kinda an funny, make-you-cringe, advice topic to compliment that post. Almost like a part 2. So go read that before you read this.

Approaching the opposite sex is now considered creepy, weird, and awkward, unless you're attractive. of course. Compared to back then when we didn't have online dating and it was completely normal and flattering.

But none of that matters because it's the new way of life now. I guess I and others who agree with me just have to shut up and deal with  it. Of course there's still that 20% of the world who still believes in doing things the classy way and being I dunno, normal? Nahhhh forget that, is anything normal in this generation anyway?

Time for some honesty.

Back in Middle School and High School, all my things, flings, and whatever were because of actual face-to-face communication. No online stuff involved. Once I started college though, things changed.

In my three years of college, only one time I've "dated" someone after meeting them in person. The rest were from Tinder.

I mentioned it in the last post, and I will again. Tinder, POF, Christian Mingle, Zoosk, and are the popular ones, I guess there is some upcoming ones too.

So after I did a little research, I found the main reasons to why people are using these apps.

- Afraid of approaching, rejection, or awkward communication
- They aren't finding the "right" person for them in real-time communication
- Hooking up
- Business(Drug & Alcohol dealing)
- Prostitution & Money

At first glance, when I very first found out about these apps, I was wrong to think that only socially inept or introverts used those apps, but then they just grew and grew and became so popular.

Like I talked about before, approaching the opposite sex because of attraction, is just harder in this generation because of the expansion and growth of online sites. It allows people to get rejected or become successful with the opposite sex by being lazy. It's caused all of us to jump to the conclusion that online dating is the next level, face-to-face interaction is a lost art, unless the people you come across are seen regularly and are of course, attractive.

And because of this is why I've had some experience with online sites, but just two. And I'll be more than happy to share with you guys the techniques that have worked and not worked with me and the oh so fun awkward experiences that still come with it.

Geez give me some credit for being honest and writing this stuff online and sharing this nonsense with you guys.

Freshman year of college I just was not looking for a girlfriend. Well I was, but I just wasn't mentally there, but I mean you still obviously want a girl or someone to romantically or whatever hangout with you know what I mean? Yes I know it sounds horrible, but I'm trying to put it in the best way possible without it making me look like I'm a manslut or something lol.

Last year, my sophomore year of college, I was financially more stable, have a car, a job, and can now, if I want, get a girlfriend. But the difference is that I transferred from DBU, where all the outgoing, pretty kind girls were, to TCC, where there still are pretty girls(they're pretty girls everywhere) but they aren't looking to settle at TCC, neither am I and are either waiting for a relationship, are already married with kids, or are complete introverts. They go to class and then they leave right after. It is NOT a fun college atmosphere at community colleges.

Don't get me wrong I had things with some college girls that I met in person, but believe me, meeting someone on Tinder compared to in person is just different. It's kinda hard to explain, but you have this thought in the back of your mind. "I met her on Tinder." And meeting someone in person, to me, is just more intimate and meaningful. More memorable in my opinion, it's something special, especially if you end up dating or perhaps getting married to that person.

So that's that. I'm no going into detail.

Now the actual using the app part. There is only three online dating apps I've EVER downloaded. Tinder, POF(Plenty Of Fish), and Christian Mingle.

Ok so, Christian Mingle I downloaded the very day I moved to Texas 2 years ago, and I immediately thought it was foolish. "Why did I download this again?" You had to pay money to meet people pretty much, and I just didn't think it was worth it, I deleted the app the first day, but I forgot to actually DEACTIVATE my account, so it surprised me when one day, like a year later, one of my friends told me that she saw my profile on there. "Oh no no no, trust me I'm not on there." I laughed. It's definitely for some people though, I'm not bashing it at all, just not me.

POF I had for about a week until I deactivated my account. In my opinion you just couldn't find quality people and the boy to girl ratio is just unbelievable, 10% chance a girl would respond to your message. I deleted it the day that a attractive girl messaged me saying "Alright hun $100 for the night, you can come over and do whatever you want with me, just make sure you have the money. "Nope, I ain't desperate," I deleted the app. A waste of time and a huge chance of catching STD's or something lol.

Tinder is the one I found the success in. How it works for those who don't know, it's pretty simple. It gives you a list of the opposite sex around you, depending on the specified location and miles apart you have set. You swipe left(no) if you're not interested or attracted to the person and you swipe right(yes) if you're attracted to the person. I like this because you don't have to waste your time messaging people and not knowing if they're interested or not in the first place. You usually run out of likes after you consistently swipe on I'd like to say 70 or 80 people it seems? And you have to wait 12 hours to "play" again. Specifically I'd like to say you get 70 chances to swipe right per day.

I look at Tinder almost like a strategy game, I try my best to standout from the other guys, cause that is pretty much what it is, a contest against your competitors to see who the girl will message and who she finds most interesting.

I have a friend who has a Tinder and she is an attractive girl. One time we were hanging out with some other friends and we all showing each other our Tinder profiles for fun. For every swipe session she has(around 80 per day), she ends up matching with 20 guys per day. She is VERY picky too, I'd like to say the average attractive girl on Tinder matches with around 30 guys per day, until they decide to unmatch them depending on their creepy messages etc, but that is something I don't know at all, a guess and an assumption.

You see, something I do know is that some guys just constantly swipe right and don't even expand on the girl's profile to see what their intentions are. (They do this usually because 80% of the girls on Tinder are actually very attractive) Doing this actually lessens their chances because they're wasting their likes on girls who aren't attracted to them, They aren't taking the time to ask themselves, "Hmmm am I actually interested in this girl? Would this girl actually swipe right on me?

Now I'll share with you my strategy, or what works for ME. "Rules" of mine if you will. And noooooo I'm not a "pro" or whatever, there's no such thing. This is just what I do, and I'm just sharing for the fun of it. FOR THE FUN OF IT I REPEAT, so don't take this too seriously readers.

Trust me, after seeing my friends' Tinder account around a year ago it really helped seeing from a girl's point of view.

Rule #1 - Know Your Intentions And Her Intentions. -

Let's be for real. Realistically, 95% of the people on Tinder are looking for either two things. Hooking up or dating, experimenting, and trying to find a "soulmate" or whatever. The other 5% is the stuff I mentioned above. So before you swipe or even message a girl you've matched with make sure you know her intentions. Read her frickin bio and study her pictures, you can usually tell. You're not gonna ask a Christian girl who's looking for a man of Christ to spend the night with you. Although on rare occasions, some girls you didn't think would be naughty end up actually surprising you...but besides that, play it safe and know her intentions.

Rule #2 - No Bland First Messages. -

This means for the first message quit saying just "Hey" or "Hi." Or horny messages like "DTF?"(Down To F$%#) or "Movies and cuddling at my place?" There are so many guys this girl has matched with and they are doing the same thing, and the only ones who will end up getting messaged back are the top of the top attractive ones. It all comes down to attractiveness, but if you want to show that you're not just some dude, like the rest, then try to stand out, but don't go overboard. It's hard to explain, you just have to be confident and yourself, but distance yourself from the competition. Pshhh I dunno, let me try to explain. (I crossed out their names but I only now realized I still mentioned their name in the text lol)

Usually whenever I message a girl, I try to incorporate something that is on her bio into the first message I send her. If her bio is pretty bland, then I'll keep it simple with something like "Hey you're an absolute babe. How's it going?" or something along the lines of that. I like to mix up, I try not to always send the same things to girls cause it's not special.  I usually message girls based on what I'm doing at the moment or what's on her bio. Also, if I can't think of a first message to send, asking a question is more likely to get a reply back instead of just saying something. And remember although I found some success on this site, along with that comes the ton of rejection(not getting messaged back). It always involves rejection, TONS of it, so never feel bad, it literally happens to everyone.

Rule #3 - Quit Telling Them That They're Attractive -

The first line I said above is good enough and all you need. Don't over do it.

Quit saying all that "Hey you're really pretty." "You're soooooo attractive." "You're absolutely gorgeoussssss." stuff. Every guy says that and even though some girls like it, most girls here it all the freakin time and respond with "Thank You." even though they're really thinking "OMMMGGG YOU THINK I'M ATTRACTIVE!? WELL THANK YOU FOR NOTICING! EVERYONE TELLS ME THAT TOO!" Sometimes, you get friendzoned if you do that. You already matched with her, she swiped right on you, so obviously there is something about you that she's attracted to, you swiped right on her so she already knows you're attracted to her. Many girls will disagree with me on this one and tell you to be a "gentleman", but just trust me, you can be a classy guy without constantly throwing compliments desperately waiting to get one back. Quit telling her she's pretty and keep her guessing, cause she is waiting for you to do it just like every other guy. Do the opposite of Shia Labeouf and "Just don't do it!" Lol. Only until you see her in person you should compliment, not on Tinder though.

Rule #4 - Knock It Off With The Ab Pics. -


Hmmm I wonder if girls actually do that....probably not.

So many other guys have abs too, better ones than you probably, and they don't even boast about it. In my opinion it's not a big deal, and there is nothing wrong in being confident with yourself, but geez c'mon, there's so many other pictures of yourself that ladies will find more attractive and interesting instead of a damn ab pic that they probably come across from different guys on Tinder 50 times a day. You honestly have a better chance of matching with a girl if you have a pic with your mom compared to a mirror selfie. Exceptions if you're on the beach or at a party or something, but way to many guys have the gym abs selfie as a picture and end up looking uninteresting and boring. But hey I guess it still works for some.

Rule #5 - Chill With The Smiley Faces Dude - What are you still in high school or something? Middle School maybe? If I were a girl and got a message from a 40 year old with a smiley face, I'd be creeped out, Ok I'm just overreacting I know, kinda kidding, but something about it makes me think "fake" and not truthful. Haha obviously this isn't always true, but it's just the vibe I would get if they kept doing it. Can you not have a convo without putting a smiley face or "lol in every single message? Exceptions to if you know the girl already obviously. Smiley faces just making seem small ok? LOL. Not a big deal though, I probably use a smiley every once in a while.

Ok stupid rule, but I needed 10, so just bare with me hahaha

Rule #6 - Talk Like You Already Know Her And Stop Using Small Talk -

Small talk means "How are you?" or "What do you like to do for fun?" Save that stuff for when you're actually with her. Get to the point, with your intentions but don't come on too strong, light flirting without the "pretty" or "gorgeous" compliments, she already knows she is hot. You know what I mean haha. If anything fails and you run out of ideas, MUSIC is the best thing to get the conversation rolling.

Rule #7 - Your Bio -

Either two things are done wrong. The gentleman's bio is wayyyy too long or the guy doesn't even have a bio! Girls actually read the bios guys haha, and don't make it long. She's trying to use Tinder not read an English assignment. It makes you look like you're trying too hard. Oh and even if hooking up and sex is your intentions, DON'T PUT IT ON YOUR BIO FOOL.  Although it could possibly work, it lowers your chances. I'm surprised some idiots actually do that. And even worse I'm surprised it even WORKS for them, but I say play it safe. Keep it light and simple, here is what mine used to look like. Keep them guessing.

Tons of guys obviously have much better ones than mine, but they are good at what they do, complete players and really creative too, just be funny, humble, light, etc. Don't overthink a dating app. Remember it's a dating app, don't take this shit seriously.

Rule #8 - Be Consistent -

Some girls may say it's "annoying" or the guy seems "desperate" when he texts back right away but I say do it anyway, Remember as much as I hate to say the truth, she is messaging other guys exactly at the same time she is messaging you. If you take forever to respond, you will be at the bottom of the pack and might not get a message back because she now knows more about the guys who were consistent compared to you.

Rule #9 - Don't Message Multiple Girls At The Same Time -

Girls aren't stupid. Well some are lol, but anyway they can just tell, I don't know how, but most girls are geniuses and can tell. If you match with let's sayyyyy 7 girls, then just message only two. This way you have all your focus and attention on them and aren't getting mixed up, they are  two different people. Make it special. You don't have to try and look like a player, or look cool.

Rule #10 - Have Respect -

Even if messaging a girl "Down to f%!*?" or Friends with benefits?" actually worked, I still wouldn't do it. It's just something a boy does, not a man. She's a human being not a piece of meat. If you end up hooking up with her, stay the night with her, don't leave. She gave you what you wanted, so you can at least give her the intimacy and emotion that she may want. Lol I don't even know what I'm talking about, I'm cringing while writing this yo.

Overview. If you like someone and they like you, I suggest focusing on that person and deleting that app. It ruins relationships and causes trust problems. But if you're looking to have fun, pshhhh honestly can't think of a better solution than Tinder.

Like I said before, those methods(rules) I came up with are what I use for myself, you probably have ideas of your own that are much better than mine, these are just opinionated suggestions of mine.

Pretty good? Stupid? Dumb? Pointless? I ain't no King of Girls, tell me what you think. Tell me your strategies. This is just fun guys, I'm having fun writing this.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

Cheyenne Fuller,

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Blogging Is Stupid.

Having this blog is so annoying sometimes. It nags on you if you haven't been writing on it for awhile. "C'mon c'mon, quit being lazy, why do you have it?" Write something. "Nah nah, who's gonna read this crap?"

Then you always have to re-word things and make sure you don't come off as self-absorbed. It's crazy how often you think of random people in your life when you write too.

"Hmmmm but Brett won't like it if I say this....but dang Kelsey definitely won't agree with me on this statement......But you ignore it anyway and keep writing. Blogs aren't made for the people around you to shape and change the way you want to say things that way it satisfies all your followers, nahhhhhh it don't work like that. It SHOULDN'T work like that.

It's funny too. Like the way a normal, average person will write and act when they own their own blog or when they're giving their opinion.

It's kinda like you act like you're soooo popular and you're sooooo famous and you have this big following where you have fans. But it's funny cause it's nothing like that. Sure you have a good amount of readers, but it's like....what am I doing this for again?

I have so many creative ideas to still write on. Things I will believe can get tons of reads, hopefully. I still can't believe my sorority/frat post blew up with reads, it's kinda funny. You gotta deal with negativity too that comes with it.

 I'ts been a year since I've had this thing and I like the way it looks so far. The way it represents me and how it has brought other people who are like me, closer to me and into my life. That is dope no doubt.

It's weird though. You have your mind and ego trying to tell yourself, "Ohhhhhh welllll then huh Mr. Badass? You just think you're better than everyone else huh? Cause you have a blog n stuff huh?"

I contemplate deleting it all the time. Just like Twitter, Insta, Snapchat, etc. it's kinda like an added extra, except blogs explain and show more true meaning. Who you really are, what are your thoughts and what are you are really trying to say.....but deep in your mind you still feel having all this, is just a way of telling yourself, oh yep I'm important, mhmmmmm, look at me, I got a blog.

That's my problem, I keep telling myself I don't care what others think, but maybe I really do? Cause what's deleting my blog going to solve? Nothing really.

It's an imaginary, pathetically unrealistic, yet peaceful place, where you are the star and you have all the attention on you, yet no one is looking at you, and this makes it so much easier to explain what you want to say.

We learn from each other, I have a lot of internet famous vloggers/bloggers and YouTubers who I've watched and actually looked up to. And they kinda shape the way you think, act, and say things.

I had my friend Matthew a couple of days ago message me on Facebook asking how I started my blog and that he wanted to do a blog on sports because he's full of information, expertise, and has a good all-around analysis on it.

He started his blog about a month ago and it looks absolutely great, he's getting tons of reads too.

It made me feel good. It makes you feel like you somewhat influenced the person's thinking. Maybe that's what it's all about. It's all about helping pick each other up from negative stand points, realizing the truth, and just influencing each other.

But hey just because something seems not worth doing, or seems stupid, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it? Not if it kinda feels good right? I mean pointless sex is stupid right? But almost everyone does it/did it all the time.

I just re-read this post and I have no clue where I'm going with this. But I think I made some good points.

But I've made my mind up, I'm not deleting anything, I'm no quitter. And I want my wife and kids to read my blogs with me when I get older.

Yeah haha.

I think that'd be cool.

As Always, Thanks For Reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Are Philosophers And Deep Thinkers Depressed?

Thinking. It's a love/hate thing I have.

Like purposely thinking ya know?

Sometimes I like it simply because it makes me "feel" smarter and because some thoughts and choices may have influenced a positive impact on my life or prevented me from doing something I would've regretted later on. I dunno, either way we all "think."

But then sometimes I ask myself. Well why am I thinking about doing this? Why don't I just do it? If I hesitate then I won't want to do it anymore? Why am I thinking about thinking? Just stop thinking.

Aristotle, Plano, Socrates, yeah, yeah, yeah, all the famous philosophers we know. Sure, their opinions and work, it's some interesting stuff we should know but I'm not writing this to do research or give a works cited philosophy lesson.

I've just always thought to myself, well why would someone want to spend their whole life thinking about what or what not something could've been and how they could've changed it even though the past has already happened. Does that make sense?

Quotes from philosophers:

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” 
― Plato

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
― Lao TzuTao Teh Ching

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” 
― Confucius

Something I don't understand about people who think and act like the philosopher Lao Tzu, is why does it matter? Who cares if you're right? Especially if you're not going to say anything you fool. Aren't you the foolish one if you're not going to open your mouth? So what you're going to spend your whole life thinking about what could be wrong and what could be right, and how you're right but nobody knows? And who says it or who doesn't say it? Doesn't that sound pathetic? Like a waste of time and thought?

But are thoughts wasted?

This is me. All me and my analysis to this, no research. But I'm starting to have this kind of insane assumption of mine, this labeling theory if you will, that MOST deep thinkers, introverts, and philosophers are depressed. Especially the deep thinkers and philosophers. Introvert doesn't have to be in the same discussion.

What is life? Because isn't this what philosophy questions? The questions and assumptions that the rest of the world cannot answer?

The way I see it, is that when you think deeply, or philosophically QUESTION the REASON to why you have something, or to why something happened, you're just bringing yourself down into a heap full of failure, depression, and wasting your time in thoughts of unnecessary assumptions.

I don't really know what I mean by this but i'll try to make a simple example.

Some people are single. Some people don't have a nice job. Some people didn't go to college. Some people had a relative pass away. So what did they do most of the time? Just continued on with life right? While with everyone there is always a short time relevance of emotion and mental hurt due to a problem they have faced, but over a week, 2 week span, they continued on with life and lived in the moment. The past is the past, you can't turn back. Almost everyone says that now.

But now with deep thinkers and philosophers, they're going to think and question why. "Well why am I single?" "Why did my brother pass away?" "Why don't I have a nice job?" And then what happens is that we go into a train of thought, whether it's a hypnotic thought on what could be happening if we did this or that differently. Or it could be a nostalgic thought on the past of what we could've done to make things better. Either way, it's absolutely useless thinking and isn't going to get us anywhere. Why? Because thinking about the past or something we're not even going to do isn't going to change our lives.

But we can't just stop thinking hypnotically can we?

Many different things can trigger the reason to why we get into deep thought. Comparing ourselves to other people, religion, and obviously a negative past experience are some that may.

The reason I think religion plays a big part in this is because if you believe in God, chances are you're going to live your life much differently than someone who doesn't believe in God. But struggling to believe in God or change your negative standards and actions could trigger deep thought into how to do this? Or why this is happening?

I have no evidence, but I do recall most philosophers(NOT DEEP THINKERS, JUST PHILOSOPHERS) being atheist because arguments for God in their opinion "fail" and because they can't see a "invisible man." Therefore in their opinions everything that happens in life is just due to ourselves and nature, and God had nothing to do with it.

What I still don't understand is that if the objective of philosophers is to INSPIRE the idea and human standards on life, then why does it backfire on most of the philosophers.

The way I see it is that, motivational, inspirational, positive socializing quotes all started with the psychological and philosophical thoughts of philosophers and deep thinkers. So what they're doing is trying to highly motivate others and convince them that this life is all we have. That we only have one chance and shouldn't live in the past. That we're going to regret taking these chances.

But as they tell the world this, they are the ones sitting down, thinking about what to think about, or thinking about what to change, or why this happened, and so on.

I just don't understand the logic in this at all. Maybe they enjoy thinking all the time? Nahhhhhhh because if life is spent trying to figure out why life is the way it is, then are you really living life?

Woahhhhhh I'll have to tweet that one later, that was good. I'm so impressed with myself.

I just feel like there is logic thinking and there is deep thinking. And I'm trying to convince myself not to post this as I write it because at the same time, without the help of SOME philosophers and their quotes, studies, etc. Many lives could've been much different than they are now, and not as much positive influence would've been brought upon these particular people, whoever they may be.

Words still can change lives.

It's just confusing. Because no one really likes to "think deeply right?" Do philosophers become philosophers because they want to? Or is it something they choose simply because it's a natural addiction to thought that they consistently have?

It's like the quote from the philosopher Confucius above. Life is really easier than we make it. Haha hey, I didn't say it was easy. It's just EASIER than we make it. Makes sense?

Life is just what happens. Someone's death didn't happen because you were thinking about something particularly. It just happened because that's what happens in life. We on a regular basis, some unfortunately more than others, face trials that will bring us down. But in truth the only thing making it worse is our thoughts and consistently wondering why or what could've triggered this. And even worse, trying to think of a possible solution although, 99% of the time, even if the solution is found, there will be absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Oh by the way, don't get deep thinking and religion/praying mixed up with each other because they are two completely different things. Praying and religion is seeking guidance from God everyday to lead yourself to a life of eternity with him. Thinking deeply is just the questions of what, how, and why this is happening. Thinking deeply is the philosopher route. Praying is the religious route.

My conclusion is that I think SOME philosophers are actually psychotic and mentally unstable because they're wasting their lives trying to influence others about having a positive life. What the hell? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And I know many people are going to disagree with me saying that.

BUTTTT a part of me also thinks well hey sometimes we were born to make a difference in other peoples lives and lead others, even if that means making sacrifices upon ourselves. Good point maybe?

In the end the way I see it is that. Thinking about life and death is going to make you depressed because instead of living your life during your time. You're thinking about life, while not living it, during your time. You're not seeking any guidance while thinking consistently about something you can't change, rather you're pretty much wasting time.

"We're all going to die someday." Yeah not shit Sherlock, so just live your life in the moment and quit thinking about it. Why are we thinking about death?

Sometimes I think I might be the insane one for even writing these blog posts ya know?

"If life is spent trying to figure out why life is the way it is, then are you really living life?"

Thanks for reading.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Friday, June 10, 2016

10 Huge Keys To A Happy/Stress Free Life

It's safe to say that many people in this world are struggling. It doesn't even have to be financially. It could be socially, mentally, or physically.

Whether it be Middle School, High School, College, being a parent, work, relationships, money, divorce, death, etc, it all matter because either way their situation is making them unhappy, stressed out, and uncomfortable about life.

Here's me for a minor example. I say minor because it's not as drastic as being divorced or currently dealing with a death, or no job, absolutely broke, no money, etc. You get the point.

For me, this whole full-time night shift job I've had for 10 months now, along with full-time at college has finally hit me with the consequences. Lack of sleep(3 hours a day) has ruined my thought process and mental skills, along with my diet of constant on-the-go gas station food. Arguing, stressing, and worrying about the future, money, career, goals, and all of that is something I do DAILY, which is absolutely unhealthy, and I know it, but yet the worrying continues. Surprisingly it seems to be the biggest issue for me, and the same could  apply towards you as well.

Despite all the negatives in life, I have found some stress-relieving keys I've set up for myself to constantly remember and use daily in my life every day to influence positive behaviors and happy interactions.

So here are somethings I've learned and incorporated in my life which have made positive changes and have left me less stressed out about life.

1. Organization

Like I said, you can be any age and stressed out, but for me being a third year college student, I have college papers, work papers, medical papers, college fee papers everywhere, along with some of us unfortunate ones who may have added stress of tickets, extra finance, etc. to pay off. So I took a literal 4 hours organizing everything, throwing out the unimportant junk, and scheduling out when to complete these tasks. Things became much easier and less stressful. You're able to actually remember what to do and not to miss any deadlines. Surprisingly(to me), being organized is actually very urgent, and can make drastic changes in our lives.

2. Focus On The Present

My #1 issue that starts all the stress. It's funny how thinking about the future and things that are yet to happen or we don't even know will happen  yet is causing us anger and frustration. One thing leads to another, and the other leads to the other, and so on. If you focus on now, now will lead to later. Thinking about later won't help you complete now. You see what I'm saying? We're living in the moment, that is what life is all about. So think about now and think about later once it becomes later.

“Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live.” - Steve Goodier.

3. Fitness/Working Out

Back in High School my best friend Rafael and I used to workout after school all the time, and I loved the feeling afterwards, going home, and just feeling accomplished. Due to all of our busy lives, an excuse of our is that we're too busy to find time to workout and exercise daily. For me personally I have realized how big of a difference this makes in my life. Whatever job or schedule you may have, it may leave you exhausted at the end of the day. Because of my schedule, what I like to do is workout in the mornings because it loosens and wakes me up to start my day. I feel more lively and awake. Basketball and lifting weights in particular are my go to workouts, they energize me. The best part about physical activity, is that it keeps you away from the stress and other things you're constantly worrying about. If you include physical activity in your life every day, you will be a happier person. Just trust me ok?

4. Eating Healthy

So get this, have you ever eaten like a fantastic meal, such as a fantastic salad, or a fruit bowl with all your favorite foods? And you just feel so clean and wonderful after eating it? This is so much different then the feeling after eating candy, gas station food, or fast-food, you just feel "heavy." It's hard to explain. Sorry I'm bad at describing ha.

This could be personal, but I don't see why not it could be general. I've honestly found myself feeling "cleaner" and oddly just much happier after I eat something healthy and non-fattening and greasy. I used to eat a lot of McDonald's, Taco Bell, and those 7-eleven sandwiches, and although it could be argued those places are "healthy." I've changed up my whole routine. I try to eat home as much as possible, but with my schedule which doesn't allow me to eat with my family, or make something by myself. The answers to my problems lately have been the restaurants Chipotle, Subway, Corner Bakery, and this Thai Cuisine place. I know, I know, more expensive and it could get old quick, but trust me, finding yourself a healthy diet is definitely worth the great feeling, especially after a great workout.

5. Acceptance

This is the hardest one to accomplish probably. You've been rejected a job, or declined to a college, or turned down by that guy you like, etc. So obviously you're upset by it and it is frustrating you. But you have to accept the fact that it has already happened and you have to move on right away. Getting mad at something we can't change is a huge part of life, but it's something that triggers the stress and anger in our lives. It's easy to say "get over it, there is nothing you can do about it." but it's not easy to actually do it. But the only thing you can do and have to realize is that being worried over something that has already happened and you can't change will not help you in life and will in fact hinder you. Accept that EVERYONE's life is not 100% happiness. Accept that you aren't perfect and you were never meant to be, Accept that challenges are in fact what make life interesting and the way it is.

6. Laughing And Friends

This one is simple. Do I really have to explain? High School was the BEST time for me when it came to socializing and friends. My best friends and I always stuck with each other. My first year of college at Dallas Baptist University was good too, I had a number of great friends, and at TCC I have a number of four ACTUAL friends I am with on a regular basis. However busy you may be ALWAYS make time for friends and family. They are what make your life a happy life. Even for those struggling with socializing, trust me, there is always going to a number of people in this world who you will be comfortable with and get along with, it's all about initiative and not worrying about rejection. Rejection is just finding out that you and that particular person don't get along.

7. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It's pretty evident this is a huge flaw of mine in the past, if you read my "Sorority Girls" or "Having Friends Who Are More Attractive Than You" blog posts then you will know what I mean, but those got a lot of reads, so I'm not deleting them haha.

When you compare yourself to another person, it's almost like you're creating your own little contest to see who is "better" at that particular thing you're comparing about. You see, you have to realize that you and that person may be mutual, but are still two different people, from different people, from different places. You have dealt with different things as well. When you just focus on yourself and improving your well-being you're happier. It's your life. Don't let the people around you influence how you think, especially since they technically aren't doing anything, you're the one doing the comparing. Comparing doesn't change anything. Except a happy mood into a negative one. It does nothing. And is doing something that results in nothing very smart? Nahhhh not really.

8. Music And Alone Time

Another simple key. Music has saved lives. I'm serious. Look up "Sia - Breathe Me" or "Kodaline - The Answer" on YouTube, read the comments and you will see exactly what I mean. Something that relaxes me big time whenever I'm stressed out. Is getting in my car and playing some relaxing music, clearing my mind, as well as mentioned above, basketball, working out, etc. Calming music just eases me mentally and physically. You know what I mean by "calming music", "Coldplay - Clocks", "The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony", "Porter Robinson - Language", etc, Music like that. Yeah I like that shit lol.

Alone time is important because it settles you down and helps you think deeper about your problem and perhaps if you handled it the correct way or even if you should be angry. Or heck! It just helps you forget the problem. Either way, alone time is an obvious way to feeling stress free for a temporary moment.



I know people hate hearing that but seriously.

Anger, frustration, sadness, depression, and stress.

What is life? I remember to ask myself that every time I get upset because it helps me to remember why I'm on this earth. Not necessarily to make tons of money? Or to have a huge house? Or a really nice car? I think we were all put on this earth to live, to enjoy the moment of life we were given, and then to die. 

We are all stressing over what is going to happen instead of what is happening right now.

We are worrying about the future. The only thing about the future we all know is that death will sometime come upon us and it will all be over, this is why it's important to appreciate have you have, to be happy in the moment, and to love those around you, because you only get one chance.

Life is all about happiness, not what is going to happen.

And isn't this song just incredible?

Thanks For Reading, 

Cheyenne Fuller

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dear Dad.

Dear Dad,

Hey. Lol, you know me, I'm a completely different person when writing letters. I guess you never truly knew how awkward I really was back when I was younger and we were all together. I can't remember the last time I've written a letter actually. College applications maybe? Job application? I've really grown up and taken on tons of responsibilities since you've left. But I'm still the same person, with the same thoughts, and I always will be.

Picture Of Dad, Mom, Alex, and I. Before Marcus and Ariel were born.
Ok fine. Dad. I'm just going to say it right now. You and I, we never really had a personal connection. You know those drama/comedy movies we all used to watch back when you were alive? And how the son or daughter could always talk to the father about anything? Well how come we weren't like that?

March 13, 2012. Was that the date? I actually may have forgotten the date you died exactly. Don't be mad at me, you should be happy, staying away from sadness and horrific memories is a good thing. I believe that's the date. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it feels like 20 years ago. It really kind of depends on the mood I guess.

Why couldn't we both just be happy? Why did we always have to be angry? I always felt like you and I were always the most upset ones in the family. That maybe our 16 years spent together was a total waste of time and just a huge punishment upon us.

Remember when we were headed to work the summer of June 2011. You told me that out of all the four of us, Alex, Marcus, Ariel, and I, that I definitely resembled you the most, that I was the child version of you and that it made you proud. It made me feel special, but it made me feel weird too.

Deep down I always loved you Dad. Of course I did, I always will. But I never want to be like you. I don't want to resemble you. It hurts ya know? The things you put us through. You know what I mean. I'm not mad though. I forgive you. It was just most of the time.

We still had good times. I miss playing those 70s songs while driving with you. Or those times you would buy Marcus and I those huge sodas and ice cream bars, and then every time we came home Mom would start yelling at us. But you, Marcus, and I would just start laughing hysterically.

I still think it's sad though. Like how the only intimate times I can remember with you is just buying soda and driving in a vehicle. Not to mention it's all that soda and crap that killed you in the first place.

You don't think you could've tried harder? A little harder to make our family an actual family? To make us happy? Why did we seem so fake? Why were we always hurting deep down?

Remember that time you took us fishing? Why the hell did you take us fishing? That was probably the dumbest thing you ever planned hahaha. None of us caught anything and we all came home with mosquito bites.

I know you hate it when I write. If you were alive you'd tell me to delete this. "A blog Cheyenne? What are you some little girl? A weenie?" You're right, I don't know why I have this either. A lot of times I have come close to deleting it. Remember the time you threw away the book I was writing back in 2009? The book I spent 2 hours everyday for 3 months writing? And you threw it away. That was probably the worse thing you ever did to me. I hated you and mom for awhile for doing that. You guys never understood my intentions and always ruined my alone time.

It's ok. It's over. I'm not writing this to bash you. I'm just writing this to get it all out. To tell you everything I just always wanted to tell you. It's all about honesty ya know? You and I sometimes struggled with that in the past.

Do you wanna know what scares me? What really kills me? It's not the fact that you're not here right now. It's the fact that I don't know where you are at all.

I've never been good at showing my emotions or showing how I feel. I mean, I cried when you died, obviously. But I just didn't know what to think at all. You were gone. What I thought didn't matter.

Is it true that you if you die and go to heaven, that you are able to look down on me and see the way I feel? And see the way I do things? Or the way I think? Will you be able to read this Dad? Or am I just wasting my time like usual?

After you died the first thing I asked Mom was, "Is he in heaven Mom?" It took her awhile to answer. "Mom!? Is he in heaven!?" I raised my voice. "Cheyenne please just stop ok!?" She started crying even more and then said. "I just don't know. I don't know where he is."

That's when I broke down. I started to cry. Every time someone dies the whole "Be happy, they are in heaven now" quotes start up. But with you? Why was it different? With you it didn't go that way. And I'm scared Dad. Ok? I'm scared and I always will be. I'm scared that if I die today I'm going to hell and I will never see you. I'm scared that if I change my life around and go to heaven, that I still won't see you. I don't know where you are and I'm afraid I never will know.

Do you want to know the honest truth? You dying made my life better. A lot of horrible things still happened after you died, especially moving to bullshit Texas, but besides all that I feel like my life would've been worse if you were still alive. You were holding us back Dad, and you never realized this.

Many things changed after you died. I was actually able to hang with friends, I got my license and was able to drive, I was able to play basketball in high school, heck, I even lost my virginity! Lol.

None of this and tons more would've happened if you were still alive today. I'd be so depressed right now. It's just my assumption. So many memories with you that I could use to back this up.

So many other things. I think you were too focused on work, money, and manipulation. I'm sorry, it's the way I feel. I hope you understand.

You passing away taught me so much. Family and Friends first. It's all we got. Life is about happiness Dad, that's all you had to realize. All you needed was happiness and everything would've been wonderful. You cared too much about what people thought. You didn't spend enough time with us. We didn't spend enough time with you. It was dysfunctional. We were always alone. I mean geez you moved us up into the mountains with a bunch of weird people who hated us.

You're probably wondering how everyone else is. Marcus is graduating high school soon. He also got a job cashing at Kroger for a little money and is really good at computers and fixing them, you'd be proud of him. Alex has a fantastic job and is doing wonderful at this company. He works in one of those huge buildings near Dallas. You know those cool movie scenes in the city with all those skyscrapers and stuff? You'd be impressed with him. Ariel is soon going to be in high school. You wouldn't believe how tall she is, she's almost taller than Alex and is soon reaching Marcus's and my height.

Mom is good. She spends a lot of time with with her soon to be husband. She seems happier. She's gotten over you. But she hasn't forgotten. I wouldn't know though, my relationship with her is still shaky. I barely see her anymore cause of the job and preparing for the wedding. I know, you would be mad at me for saying that. I'm trying though, it's just hard. She's getting married soon Dad. She's getting married. To Steve Jennings. I think you'd like him though, although you guys are complete opposites hahaha. If you want Mom happy though, you'd be happy that this is happening. Don't be sad. You passing away isn't supposed to mean all of us being sad for the rest of our lives. It's just us moving on, and I know you understand this.

I think you'd be proud of me. Proud and impressed. I always think of you when I do the things I do. The things I have to do and go through. I'm a night shift worker at Kroger, still, for the past year. I work 45 hours a week and go to college full-time. I just finished my second year! 2 more to go man, crazy how time flies huh? I get 4 hours of rest every day. I'm so busy all the time. Don't worry, I still got time for friends and girls. Cause what's life without that? You'd be proud of how hard I'm working. I took after you definitely in that department. I'm studying psychology, but I might change, I don't know to what though. I know I write and think all the time, but to do that for a profession would be depressing in my opinion.

I should probably go, trust me, this letter could be pages long. I have work tonight and need rest, I want to watch the NBA playoffs tomorrow too. I know you never cared about sports, but I hope the Cavs win lol.

I'm going to keep this letter forever, I hope you do too. I miss you and I love you. I hope you miss me too. I hope you're not mad at me for writing this and posting it on my blog. I'm not going to tell anyone I promise. Some people might read it even if I don't post it on social media anyway, like my close friends, or I know Marcus, Alex, and Mom read these sometimes, although they think that I don't know. But just ignore that though ok? This is just for you. I don't know why or what this is supposed to prove, but something told me I had to find a way to get all of this guilt out of me.

I just want you to know that I forgive you, and I hope you forgive me for all the things I said or thought about you in the past. I hope I get to see you Dad. I'm going to keep telling myself that you're in heaven. But it just kills me to know that I still don't know the truth.

My goal is to be a better you. Don't take that the wrong way. Be happy that that's my goal, please. I want four kids too. But I want the order to be girl-boy-boy-girl. Secretly the second child just might be my favorite too, but shhhh don't tell anyone. I hope to see you again, and I hope you're proud of me. I hope you're proud of all of us.

I love you Dad.

I'm glad we had this talk. Until I see you again. Bye.

Cheyenne Fuller.