Tuesday, June 30, 2015

An Easy Way To Deal With Racism, Bullying, and Suicide

Suicides every day, kids hurting themselves, kids hurting other kids, blah blah. Bullies are assholes. I don't want to get into that. I hate talking about that stuff. It's just depressing ya know? Who wants to talk about depressing stuff. Well I guess sometimes you have too. How else are you going to stop it? Either way or whatever you do, it'll never stop. People will always hate you. They will hate you because you're not black, because you're not white, because you're more attractive than them, you're more athletic, you're more liked by people. You get the idea. Deal with it. That's their problem right?

 I've never been bullied before. Surprising to you? Maybe not? Remember, my school was a Class C school. 65 kids in high school. I was actually one of the few strongest guys during high school my junior year(you know it's bad when I'm near the top). Anyway, that's not the point. It doesn't matter how tough, strong or whatever you are. There's different types of bullying. Physical, Emotional, Online, Racism, much more.

Racism was the big one in my school. Did you know Montana is actually one of the top states for racism? Not Texas haha. I've been through racism before, maybe twice, but it was behind my back or "jokingly". Not during high school, but during elementary school. They were too scared to say anything to face. I had my friends too. We would kick their ass if they said anything lol. I spent some of my elementary and middle school years getting into some fights and arguments though. Some ending me in suspensions. Not because I was being bullied, but because my friends Kollin and Rafael were. Rafael is Mexican, Kollin is part Mexican. They knew how to defend themselves, Raf is a big guy and Kollin wanted to join the Marines, but I always butted in and got involved. I'm a leader. It's my personality. I hate assholes. "Go back to Mexico." "Learn how to speak English correctly." "Go pick some cotton." Haha I've never been told that but my little brother has one time, my friends have too. Why was I never told that?

Violence gets old, it doesn't solve anything, but mental solutions do. It all stopped my 7th grade year when my friends and I decided to "mentally" attack these guys. Racism? Bullying? I'm Cheyenne Fuller. I don't get bullied haha. So what did I mean by dealing with racism "jokingly?" The kids in my class picked and chose on Rafael mostly because they simply didn't like him. They knew me before and I was "friends" with them already. I came up with a stupid, yet creative idea that would stop all of this.

It was lunch. The class was always split 4 ways when the 7th graders ate. The "cool" kids, usually consisted of 5 guys, The "underdogs" me and my 6 other friends(multicultural group haha), the ladies, and the kids who liked partying and stuff. Yep 7th grade.

"Hey man I have some tacos, do you want some? Since you're Mexican." I told Rafael. I said it loud so the other guys would hear. "Yeah sure man, I have some watermelon and chicken if you want some too hahaha." said Rafael. We both busted out laughing. The other clique was watching us, literally scratching their heads. "Hey dude do you wanna go to my house and pick some cotton after school with me?" We kept laughing and laughing. "Sure after we go make some burritos at my place!" busted out Rafael. "Hell yeah my nigga!" I exclaimed! "But don't say N-I-G-G-E-R or that would be racist!!" laughed Raf. "Dude should I dress up as a member of the KKK for Halloween!?" I said. If you do, then I'll dress up as a Pinata!" We kept going at it, surprisingly, we were having a joy doing this, especially the fact that it seemed to anger the other guys. Their faces were red and they weren't saying a word! Ever since then they didn't say a word to Raf's face about anything racist towards Mexicans.  Did you see what we did?

Listen. I'm not telling you to do this, because this is still a risky and pathetic way to deal with your problems. Haha making fun of yourself and your past ancestors? It's messed up. It's horrible, you might be mad at me. I know, but sometimes you need a creative and original way to get out of your solutions without a huge conflict. I'm sorry, you gotta do what you gotta do. I don't know if you would call it reverse psychology, but we simply showed everyone that we don't care what they think or say. We're laughing either way. Just laugh it off when people make fun of you. LAUGH at the bullies! They're so stupid! Gosh I love my friends.

The problem is that Raf and I solved the "bullying" issue against him, but now everyone thought it was funny to joke around about the whole Mexican and black, watermelon, taco stuff hahaha. They thought it was ok to be "jokingly" racist but not "seriously" racist. Does that kinda make sense? There's different ways to be racist you know. It's weird I don't know how to explain it. I guess we didn't really solve anything, but it let us realize that racism honestly didn't bother us at all. Not one bit. Call me a nigger and it won't hurt me one bit. I'm dead serious haha, I dunno it just doesn't bother me. It never really has. I don't even look black lol. Nowadays it's not really hurting any black guys. They even call each other that word! Sorry I got off topic.

Did Raf still get bullied during high school? Nope. Did he still get racist remarks behind his back? Yes. It never ends guys, this world will always be full of never ending jerks and jealous bitches. It's up to YOU if you're gonna let it bother you or not. People don't like you, people don't like those people, and so on. It's a chain. I can't stress this enough. KNOW WHO YOUR REAL FRIENDS ARE AND STICK WITH THEM. Talk to people. We are all going through troubles. You have nothing to lose.

You're getting bullied for how you look, how you act, what you wear, how you speak, many many many things. There are steps to end this.

Step 1: Realize they hate you because they're jealous. They're HATERS.

Step 2: Realize you're not the only one. There are TONS of people going through what you are.

Step 3: Everyone is not against you, obviously everyone isn't on the bullies sides. People either hate them, or love them(because they're followers and don't have a life.) Talk to someone, make friends, tell people what you're feeling. It's a great way to make close friends and to definitely end it.

Step 4: IT DOESN'T BOTHER YOU. If they're pushing you around, calling you names, being racist etc. SMILE. You have your friends, you have your life, you have your duties. YOU WERE PUT ON THIS EARTH TO BE HAPPY AND LIVE LIFE. Smile and show them that you are happy. It'll make them confused and angry. They will become more and more angry with themselves.

Why? Because they're not angry with you. They're being assholes to you because they're jealous that you're living a life of happiness while something in their life is going wrong, they're hurting. Some part of them is hurting, They're taking it out on you because you have something that they don't. Bullies don't have true friends. They never have. I know tons of idiots who used to go to my school who thought they were so cool making fun of people and such. Where are they now? They're losers, no friends. We'll get into that later.

Ending your life is just an excuse. You gave up. You didn't try hard. People who choose to commit suicide are not hopeless. They just have a misplaced belief that death will be better than their current circumstance. That is not true. Why were you born? To be miserable and kill yourself because someone else doesn't like you? You have to be stronger, you can't give up. You're letting the bad guys win. You're something special. You were put on earth for a reason.

It doesn't hurt to make fun of yourself jokingly sometimes either. You don't have to go as extreme as Raf and I did though haha, that was definitely overboard but do whatever works for you, don't hurt anyone emotionally or physically. The problem with these bullies is that they're too self-absorbed and don't realize the damage they're doing. Do you think they've seen the stories of suicides committed? Of course they have. So why do they keep bullying? Because they're stupid. It's simple, they're just stupid. Don't let stupid people bully you. Laugh it off, you're obviously better than them. They're the ones hurting not you. Don't kill yourself because a STUPID person was being a jealous pest.

There's a link to a video that gave me the idea to write this post.  Shout out to my African Americans and Mexicans. I apologize. Haha thanks for reading. 

Jay Digit- Cocaine Hearts


Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

The King Of Cheating

The #1 rule to my blog is to be 100% completely honest. Think back to when you were in middle school. 12 and 13 years old. You were pretty bad huh? You struggled with tons of things. Gossiping, Stealing, Lying, Cheating Bullying, Jealousy, Fighting, you name it. I didn't "struggle" with many of these. But cheating was DEFINITELY the worst. I'm not afraid to admit that. You all aren't so great yourselves either so I'm honestly not at a disadvantage to admit any of this. I just keeping telling myself that so I can feel better about the stupid stuff I've done ha.

I wasn't an idiot in school. Throughout 4th to 6th grade I got all A's. In 7th grade I did great in all classes besides Math and Shop Class. Two pointless things I didn't need in my life. This is when it all started. I wasn't a stupid cheater, you know? Not like those people who look off people's papers and all that. No that wasn't me. I wasn't smart in those classes, but I was still a smart thinker and I always found a solution to my problems.

Mrs. Shammel(my 7th and 8th grade teacher) was a good teacher, I just hated the nonsense she taught us. Every day she would give us equations and problems out of the book to solve. Math class was my daydreaming class. I would think myself into another world until the bell would ring and I would snap back into reality and then she would give us our homework. I would have no clue what she taught. I would try to get the answers off the internet but nothing would show up. After 30 minutes of deep thinking I came up with the solution.

Springboard was the name of our Math program we were learning. I made a fake account, pretending to be a teacher online. I clicked on the book, and what do you know? All the answers to the book were there online. Showed all the work and everything. I was acing my homework. Now it was time for the quizzes and tests. That's the easy part to math, all you have to do is remember the process and steps to completing the work and different equations. You're doing the same thing except for it's different numbers. I finished 7th grade math with an A. If you read or see this Mrs. Shammel. I'm sorry. Hey at least I didn't cheat on the tests!

Shop was a different story. I definitely hated it more. The good thing is that three other students didn't know what they were doing either. We were giving a time frame of 3 weeks to make a stool. Pretty easy right? Not for me. I knew what to do, but I kept screwing it up. So what did I do? I would switch my crappy created parts by me with the fantastic made parts by my classmates. I WAS HORRIBLE. Selfish. "Woah what the hell is this, where did my part go?" I heard from afar two days later, I pretended not to hear. I got an A on "my assignment." I kept this up for a month until it got suspicious and the class had a meeting. "Someone's been switching their parts with other classmates. I don't know who it is, but when I find out that person is gonna be in huge trouble!" said Mr. Braaten. I had to quit, so I decided to team up with the other two kids who still didn't know what they were doing and we helped each other out.

I never did anything that horrible again. Surprisingly I found High School to be much easier then Middle School, maybe my brain was starting to develop faster or something lol. I got all A's my freshman year without cheating and got a 3.8 GPA, then sophomore year came. Algrbra 2. It actually wasn't that hard. I loved my teacher Mr. Kadrmas. The problem is that he never taught us well at all.

It was that same springboard junk our superintendent was making us learn. We were forced to get into groups and complete 10 page activities. I didn't mind this because sometimes I would get put into groups consisting of either Cody Boucher, Celeste, or Jackie. The three smartest people in the class at the time. I got done faster without having to use my brain haha. Never did a thing, just copied them. Tests were risky and a struggle though. Like me, my good friends Rafael, Kollin, and Kenny didn't exactly know what we were doing. We all sat next to each other. Each of us had a pretty smart classmate next to us though. So we would look off that classmate and then share our answers with each other to make sure they were right, whenever Mr. Kadrmas wasn't looking. One time a classmate told on Kenny and tried to get him in trouble. Good thing Kadrmas was a laid back teacher. Maybe too laid back, cause he got fired after that year. I finished sophomore year with a 3.4, hmm that's reasonable. Math was the only class I cheated on usually.

Junior year was hell. Definitely the worst year I think I finished with a 2.3 GPA. You know it's bad when Child Development was my best class and I winged it too! It was either this class or Advanced Computers, and I thought taking Child Development would be the easy way out, 5 girls and me. Mrs. Shammel taught this class too. It was mostly notes, which I didn't mind, I would just daydream and go through the motions writing the notes. It was all fine until the week we got the baby. At first I didn't even know how to hold the stupid thing, It would cry every 25 minutes, and you know my friends were giving me huge crap for it too. I was in basketball at the time, but we were supposed to be with our baby at all times. My mom and friends weren't able to babysit it because they were busy. So what did I do? Every game I would put the baby outside in the cold under the bleachers, with a blanket and it's plastic bottle taped to its mouth so it "automatically" gets his drink when he needed it. Haha genius. Thankfully no one found it there and told on me. Multiple times I dropped the baby on it's head too. In the end I got an A though and actually got better grades than the girls. Astonishing.

My dad died my late sophomore year and ever since then, my grades dropped. Pre-calculus was the death of me. Rafael and I had no clue what we were doing. Constantly daydreaming and messing around. Cody.B and Jackie made sure not to sit next to us like last year. Mr. Ronnander, our new teacher, made tests 40% and homework 5%. I DID ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEWORK THE WHOLE YEAR. "Why would I do work that's only worth 5%, if I just ace the tests and quizzes I'll be fine." I told myself. Mr. Ronnander was collecting homework. "Did you do your homework Rafael?" "Uh no I left it home." he lied. He used that one a lot. "Where's your homework Cheyenne?" he asked me. "I didn't do it" As Raf laughed in the background. At least I was an honest student at the time ha.

The problem is that we had no clue what we were doing. I failed my first two quizzes, we had a test coming up and I couldn't fail it. Mr. Ronnander made the tests too so I couldn't look anything up on the internet either. "C'mon Cheyenne, you always come up with a solution. Think, think think." I thought to myself. And then I did.

Mr. Ronnander wrote his own tests. He always had a copy with the answers on it. I came to school early in the morning. My heart was beating fast. I took my paperclip and after 5 minutes of jiggling, I opened up his door, ruffled through his papers in hope of finding it. Praying to God he wouldn't walk in. Found it! I took a picture of the test with my phone. Put everything back in place and locked the door.

During tests we were allowed to listen to music. I pretended to listen to music, as I was actually looking at the answers on my phone, the picture I took. I purposely got some wrong so it wouldn't look suspicious. 84%. I'll take it. I did this throughout the year and got away with it until one embarrassing day during class.

We were doing problems on the board and he was randomly calling on people. I hated when teachers did this. "Cheyenne why don't you come up and show us how to do this problem. You did pretty well on your test." said Mr. Ronnander. I had no clue how to do this stuff.

"Uh sure." I said. I had to think of something fast. It was a huge calculus problem. 20 minutes left of class, I couldn't stall. Everyone looking at me. "Ok Rafael how do I do this problem?" I asked him. Raf looked at me with a goofy smile, confused though. "No, Cheyenne I want you to do the problem." said Mr. Ronnander. "Mr. Ronnander, the only way to make a good learning environment in this class is to make sure we all know how to do these problems, working together creates a more enjoyable and understandable environment and also lessens the fear of embarrassment" I said. Wow I had no clue how that came out of my mouth. "Oh um what? Ok sure let's all make sure we understand it." he said. "Yeah I'll just call on random classmates and they'll tell me how to solve this problem." I said smiling, relieved. Today, I'm still impressed that I came up with that, and that Mr. Ronnander bought it. "You piece of crap." laughed Rafael after class. I finished Pre-Calculus with a D+. Reasonable. Good for not doing anything at all I guess.

Senior year was much easier. I was taking one class I didn't like at all, Advanced Computers. It was either Welding class or this. Sophomore year I almost burned down the shop room with the acetylene and oxygen. It was a horrible experience, and Mr. Braaten still to this day reminds me of that. Mrs. Puckett taught Advanced Computers. She was great. We did adobe and cool stuff with animations. It was all read until we got to programming. I HATED THIS STUFF. It was easy at first and then slowly started getting harder and harder. Soon it got to the point where I had no clue what I was doing. I was stuck, but for some reason my classmates weren't having trouble at all. Even the juniors weren't having trouble. "Ok something is up." I went to Xavier's computer. "Ok how are you this far ahead, I have no clue what you're doing." Xavier looked around to see if Mrs. Puckett was near, he whispered in my ear. "All you have to do is press this button and it does it for you." he said. "What!? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" I said.

I was relieved now, until a week later. "I have an announcement to make" said Mrs. Puckett. "How stupid do some of you think I am?" she asked. "I can see if you guys actually did the work on my computer you know." she said. Code.org was the program. She took away our points. We had to redo all of them at a certain point of time, and on top of that we were all failing. The others struggled to learn, slowly but surely they got better. I still refused to learn it and continued to have no clue what I was doing. I almost gave up and thought I was going to fail. "You always find a way." I thought to myself. No answers on the internet or anything. I then thought back to my strategy in 7th grade.

I decided to make another fake account on code.org and pretend to be a teacher. What do you know? They have all the answers on it. Bingo. Finished the class with a B. After senior year I realized how pathetic I was. I gave up on something too fast instead of actually trying to learn it. I put so much effort and work into cheating and getting the easy way out on stuff, instead of actually putting the effort into learning it. I felt bad for what I did, I still am. You ever get that feeling when you feel stupid? Lol. At the same time I was actually kind of impressed with myself for my creativity. No other student at Sheridan ever did such out-of-the-box thinking like I did, I always told myself that to feel better. I finished Senior Year with a 2.8 and I finished High School altogether with a 3.1 GPA.

Mrs. Puckett you might see this, I really don't want to post it on social media but I will because that's my honest way of saying I'm sorry. People lose respect for doing what I did. You're a great teacher, I learned a lot from you. I guess it took me a while to learn from my mistakes. It's easy for me to post and admit things like this in public because I know I'm not the only one and I know many relate. I just have the gift of not worrying what people will think.

During college, I learned, studied, and completed all work and tests without cheating. No more. Haven't ever cheated since High School and never will. It feels good. You feel smarter. I only finished my first year of college with a 2.8 GPA though, so not that well. I had my excuses though.

So what did this teach you? Probably nothing. Because cheating is easier, but it's wrong and you shouldn't do it. Nowadays you can get expelled, kicked out, and suspended. It's not worth ruining your career. You're better and smarter than that. Don't pull a Cheyenne Fuller. Be smart. Cheating isn't smart.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Reasons For Doing Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, And Partying

Before I say anything, I shared this on Facebook, my Twitter, etc. Meaning around 80 out of the 1130 "friends" I have on Facebook are usually reading my stuff every time I post. Some of you are pretty shady, kinda fake. Mostly talking to the Christians here, because most of the non-believers don't care what people think lol. Some of you think people are stupid, but they know some of you go around partying and drinking too. Make sure to judge yourself before you judge others is all I'm gonna say. Ok I'm done with that.

DON'T JUDGE. I don't care if you think you're so great either. It still gives you no right. You're not perfect and you've made mistakes as well. I'm not going to get all religious about this either. I try my best to always talk on behalf of all people. It shows that you're a fair person. We all have reasons for doing what we do correct? Perhaps they're stupid things we do for good reasons maybe? Maybe we do stupid things just because it makes us feel good and makes us happy. Maybe we do it just because we're simply stupid. I'm proud of some of you who are able to learn from mistakes and not do them anymore, but for some of us others, we're just too stupid lol.

"Drugs and Alcohol are bad, why are you trying to stick up for these people Cheyenne, what makes you think that being careless, unsafe, and illegal is a good thing?" I'm not "sticking" up for them, maybe I've partied before and I've drank alcohol before too. Listen, we know it's bad for us. We know drinking has consequences, that sex is regrettable, that drugs are illegal. Then why do we it?

Teens party, get drunk, and smoke weed because they like the way they feel good. Some introverted friends I know like partying because alcohol makes them more extroverted and outgoing, they meet people, make friends, funny moments laughing, and perhaps get laid by the end of the night. That's obviously the only good in doing all of this I guess, there's obviously more consequences in this. Drunk driving, intoxication, death, regrettable sex and situations, you name it. You've seen all the horrible things that happen when people are careless and do this stuff. I don't need to go deep into this. It's either you do it or you don't do it.

I still kinda believe that if you're 18 years old and older you should be able to drink, but I also kinda don't agree. I'm not going to get deep into this, but if you're fighting for your country in the military, etc, you should be able to drink I guess. But it's not a big deal to me, too many people overreact about that. The laws are the laws, deal with it. Age does not define our maturity though. I know tons of 19 year old people smarter than 25 year old people, etc. I believe your mistakes while drunk or high are dependent on the person you are and how you act. Some of us are happy drunk, some are sad drunk, some are mad drunk. Everyone has their reasons for wanting to drink, wanting to get high, and wanting sex. People are just STUPID and don't know what they want. Sometimes you just can't change how stupid someone is. There will always be idiots in this world drunk driving, getting angry for no reason, suicide committing, and much more. It's sad I know, but are all of these "alcohol and drug talks" at school changing anything? 2 years ago when I was in high school they didn't change the kids in my class at all. They laughed. Continued drinking and drugs. Not one crap was given. In their ear, out the other.

I'm not a huge party animal but I've had my good share of fun parties, one that ended me with an m.i.p when I was 17 back in 2013. Thank God those get cleared when you turn 18. The first time I got drunk was in 2012, 2 months after my dad died the end of my sophomore year. It was at a little gathering with my friends, two exchange student friends of mine were leaving and we were all having a good time. It made me happy, I was more outgoing, all of us were. I didn't do it to "look cool." I did it because I wanted to see what it felt like. I believe that's why all teens try alcohol for the first time. Curiosity.

In 2013 there was a party, mostly seniors and a couple of juniors. Most of us got drunk, but this time I was sad drunk. I have no clue, it was supposed to be a good time. It got even worst when the cops busted the party. A girl and I were in the bathroom. He opened up the door. "Come with me son." he said holding out his hand. "Damn it." is the only thing that came out of my mouth. Half of us got minor in possessions(M.I.Ps) that night and had to go to court for a month of probation and 20 hours community service. The other half hid in a closet and got away. One girl peed herself waiting in there. Three friends of mine rolled a vehicle and got injured. My mom was very disappointed, especially the fact that I lied about where I was going so I could get there.

So why party/drink/smoke weed? It's stupid right? Totally. Maybe beers with the guys just talking about memories and life, maybe trying to get laid, drink sorrows away, to get your mind off the pathetic dailiness of your life. We all have reasons that are reasonable, stupid, and very emotionally dangerous.

 A couple months ago(2015) my friends, Isaac, Adam, and I went to South Padre. One of the most popular places to party for Spring Break in the United States. Wow it was intense. A whole week of partying. We all absolutely enjoyed ourselves.

Why did I do this? Especially the fact that we go to Dallas BAPTIST University? Well I was already going through enough stress with my family and the payments I owed DBU, people judge too much at DBU, I probably wasn't going to get a girlfriend there either. I needed to get my mind off the reality of what I was facing in my daily life, I needed to feel loved, I wanted fun. A week at South Padre solved all of those problems. I know what a lame excuse right? But no one judged, I met many people, and plain out just had tons of fun. I have no clue how people constantly party day after day though. A week and we were dead. Tired of partying. But loved it.

On our way home all three of us were actually sad. "It sucks when you have to leave a place you're having a great time at." I said. "Back to DBU where all these high-class picky fake people judge you for everything." said Adam. We actually got in trouble with DBU for going to South Padre. They gave all three of us "a warning." I didn't care what people thought. I already had all my real friends. I know what I did and why I did it. None of your beeswax lol.

The alcohol, the sex, the heat of the moment. It all feels good. Maybe that's why we do it. Maybe your life isn't that great and you use alcohol and drugs as an excuse. Haha well I need to tell you something. After everything I told you about me and my experiences and about how "great" it all feels.

You're so stupid. I'm so stupid. Can't wait till you get caught. You need to know your limits. You really do. Especially if you're doing it for the wrong reasons(depression, etc.) You're better than that and more valuable than you're acting. Some of you are just plain stupid. Like words can't even explain how stupid and idiotic a lot of you are. Why are you drinking and smoking anyway? You don't even know what you're doing. You don't even know what you want. Sometimes I don't either. We need help haha. Something bad is going to happen if you don't think twice about your actions and what you're doing. Someone is going to get hurt emotionally, someone is going to hurt physically, someone is going to get pregnant, someone is going to die. Then you'll suddenly cry out, "OH LORD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!? MY LIFE SUCKS I NEVER WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN! WHY MEEE!?"Well maybe if you used your brain none of this would've happened buddy. Your loss. This whole "we all make mistakes" bullshit isn't a good excuse for what you have done. Get a brain. Your best friend, people you love, and possibly even you might die because of stuff like this.

We all have a lot of thinking and changing to do. Haha but why do I even say that anyway? None of us dumbasses are going to change anyway. If a carefully prepared presentation about alcohol and drugs and it's consequences won't change you, then this stupid blog definitely won't either. We need Jesus lol.

Thanks for reading, this is a subject you either agree or disagree on. There's really no "in between."

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts! 

Unnecessary Stupidity, Arguments, And Family Fights

Life with 3 siblings was a little annoying when I was younger. I was 9 years old when I knew someday I would be writing about my 13 year old brother, my 7 year old brother and my 3 year old sister. Now it's 10 years later. Crazy huh?

Growing up Alex and I were usually the ones coming up with the pathetic and creative ideas to keep us entertained, but yet in trouble all the time. 4 years later Alex graduated, and it was me leading the creativity, which most of the time landed all of us even more trouble than ever. We always laughed  at each other whenever one of us would get in trouble. We loved making fun of each other. We still do all the time.

Although my siblings and I argue, whine, blackmail, threaten, and fight all the time, one thing is the same with all of us. We all have always stuck together when it came to versing mom and dad in the past. There were times when we would do the most unnecessary things ever. Things that would make you ask, "Why? Why Cheyenne? Why were you and your siblings so stupid and dumb?" Yes we were stupid, still are, but hey there were times when we would get in trouble for the most unnecessary things. Things that would also make you ask, "Why? Why Cheyenne? Why were your parents so crazy?"

Here are a list of the dumbest, creative arguments, games, things, and stuff my siblings and I did to entertain ourselves and along with the most unnecessary things we got in trouble for from our parents and the most unnecessary, non-understandable things they've ever said.

1.(2005) Before we moved up into the mountains, during Saturdays the whole family would go up there so Dad could work on the house we were planning to move into soon. TONS of steep hills up there. We would bring our bikes along with us. "You guys are forbidden to ride down those hills, they are too steep, you will get hurt!" said mom. So what did Alex, Marcus, and I do? We did it anyway. "Dude imagine how much speed we're gonna hit!" I squealed. We were having a race to see who could hit the most speed. "Ready! 3! 2! 1! Go!" yelled Alex. We all pedaled down as fast as we could. Marcus and Alex were leading, I was right behind them. All of a sudden, Marcus jerked to the right and banged into Alex, both of them and their bikes crashing down and rolling down the roads with their bodies. I tried to avoid them, but I hit Alex's tires and did a front flip with my bike, landing me in a ditch. We all got bruises and scratches, along with a belt on our back from our Dad for disobeying mom.

2.(2006) "Could I have some more cereal Dad?" asked Marcus. Dad heavily sighed, "Do ya'll think cereal grows on trees? Ya'll can't hogging up and eating up everything all the time!" said Dad, now yelling. "But you had seconds" said Marcus "Your bowl is double the size of ours too" I said to Dad. It was true, he had this huge bowl, the rest of us had tiny ones, plus he always got seconds. "DO YA'LL WORK ANYWHERE!? DO YA'LL PAY THE BILLS!?" glared Dad at both of us. "No, we just want cereal." said Marcus. "Stand up! Ya'll wanna be a smartbutt!? You're getting the belt!" "NO DAD! NOOO!" Haha I still laugh today at how pathetic and funny that day was.

3.(2007) "No you idiot, Legos came out in the 1980s I said." "No you're wrong, they came out during the early 2000s." said Marcus. We were having an argument about when Legos came out. This argument literally went on for 2 FULL days. The sad thing is that we were both wrong. "IF YA'LL DON'T SHUT UP, YOU'RE GETTIN DA BELT!" yelled Dad. 5 minutes later. "You're wrong you dumb stupid idiot, it was the 1980s" I whispered to Marcus in Home Depot, while the family was shopping. "That's it! Ya'll are getting the belt!" "Are you serious? We're in public!?" I said. He gave us the belt right there and then though. Yelling and screaming was heard throughout the store haha.

4.(2007) There was absolutely nothing to do living up at that place. Alex was constantly on his phone texting his girlfriend and Dad and Mom were getting sick of it. "That's it Alex, give me that phone! You're not getting it back for a week!" said Dad. "Wait why? I didn't do anything wrong" whined Alex. "Ya'll need to get a life!" He snatched the phone from Alex, causing him to LITERALLY cry. Of course Marcus, Ariel, and I started laughing and making fun of him. Causing Alex to tell mom on all of us for all the things we did in the past and he was blackmailing all of us with. "MOMMMM!" Which ended all of us in trouble. All 4 of us were crying by the end of the night. Mom kept adding more and more to the issue too. "You all are grounded for a whole week!"

5.(2008) Summertime. Too hot to go outside. So I came up with a fun idea for Marcus, Ariel, and I. We took all of out stuffed animals from when we were younger and started playing "dodgeball" with them. Mom obviously didn't like this. "I'm telling your father when he gets home!" She started getting angry, yelling, and what not. So what did we do? "Ok go!" I said. We all threw our stuffed animals at mom's face. "R YOU GUYS CRAZYYY?!" Wow we got beaten so bad that day.

6.(2008) Still summer, constantly getting in trouble for the dumb ideas we came up with. This time we were doing something completely harmless. "Spying on Mom and Dad" is what we called it. There were tons of junk, trees, sage brush, and bushes all around our 40 acres of land up there. Mom and Dad were outside working on the house. We would sneak up on them. It was a contest to see who could get the closest without getting seen or caught. Marcus was winning, but unfortunately Mom caught him. "Marcus what are you doing!?" He tried running but Dad caught him by the chest of his shirt. "What you doin huh boy!?" "You're choking me!" exaggerated Marcus. "I'M WHAT!? SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU BOY!?" yelled Dad. Marcus got free and was backing away from dad, but then tripped backwards into a huge dirt ditch. Ariel and I were laughing so hard.

7.(2009) Church. 1 more year and I would be old enough to get out of the little kid youth group, but for now I was stuck in there until I was in high school. We had a new family visit the church, and three of the kids joined the group. Marcus, Ariel, and I were horrible. They might have been part of some culture or something, because two of the brothers, who seemed to be ages 8 and 10, had LONG ponytails, literally all the way down to their butt. Ariel, Marcus, and I, because of our immaturity, thought this was extremely funny. We were playing a game of tag and Ariel got tagged by one of them. "OHHHHH YOU GOT THE PONYBOY TOUCH!" yelled Marcus and I. Ever since then we were playing the "ponyboy game." The rules were if you were sitting down you were safe, but if you were standing up, "ponyboy" could touch you and make you the pony boy and then they weren't ponyboy anymore. Almost 7 years later and we still play that game today. No joke.

8.(2009) Alex gave me his old phone. It didn't have a simcard though, so mom and dad didn't care. Marcus, Ariel, and I had fun filming each other doing stupid stuff with this phone. One time I dared Marcus to go up to mom and just stare at her without saying a word while I filmed. I hid under the table as I filmed, Marcus went up to mom, put on this pathetic face, and just stared at her. "What do you want? Silence. "What are you doing you fool! What do you want?!" she was getting angry now. Still no word. "Go away!" He kept staring at her. Wow I was impressed. She then all of a sudden, quicker than I ever saw her move, took her hand out and slapped him across the face. Hard. "WOOOAAAAAHHH!" yelled Ariel and I. I jumped from below the table and tried getting up close footage of Marcus. "Stop it Cheyenne!!" yelled Marcus on the ground holding his face. Mom then tried chasing me with the belt as I ran backwards filming. "Retreat Ariel! Retreat!" I laughed.

9.(2009) Alex was home for Christmas from college. Dad picked up a random cat from the road. Don't ask me why. We already had two cats, Lily and Drake. We named this one Kiki. Drake and Kiki HATED each other. Always fought. Drake loved Alex, always jumped up on his bed and slept with him. Every night, Marcus and I would find Kiki and throw her on Alex's bed while he was sleeping with Drake. 5 seconds later they would start squealing, fighting, and yelling on Alex's bed. "AHHHHHH!" yelled Alex every night, he almost fell off his bed one time. Gosh it was so funny until one day Mom caught on and caught Marcus and I. "It's our duty to make Alex miserable" I told her. But she didn't like that excuse. She of course told Dad and no reason to go into detail because you already know what happened next.

10.(2010) Dad was slowly getting older, he still beat us up lol, but less. He came up with a different way to get at us whenever all 4 of us fought, mostly Ariel and Marcus. It was stupid arguments too. "Geek" said Marcus to Ariel. "Mom! Marcus called me a geek!" "That's it! Come here you 2!" yelled Dad instead. He made them get in the middle of the kitchen and hug each other for 30 minutes straight. "No dad can we please not do this?" whined Marcus. "Shut up boy! Ya'll are gonna hug each other and hold on for 30 minutes, and don't ya'll even think about letting go!" he said. Marcus always gagged and almost threw up one time doing that haha. They still argued while hugging each other, which landed them the belt, and then back to hugging each other with additional time added.

11. (2010) Sometimes Mom and Dad say things that make absolutely no sense. "Cheyenne hand me the motto." said Mom pointing at the motor to a device on the ground. "You mean the "motor"? I asked. "No Cheyenne hand me the motto" she said. "It's a motor not a motto" I said. "Cheyenne are you making fun of my accent!?" she said angrily. "Accent!? You don't even have an accent! It's called a dang motor not a motto!" You won't even believe how much trouble I got in for that. One time our family went to Fairmont, a place with swimming and stuff. A time we actually did something fun, it was definitely a first. The next day Dad got mad at Marcus and I for playing ping-pong instead of taking a shower. "Ya'll were supposed to be showering when ya'll after playing dat ding-pong before I told ya'll to start playing ping-dong!" he yelled. Marcus and I just started laughing so hard, we couldn't hold it back. What he said made absolutely no sense. We both got the belt. How can you expect us not to laugh?

12.(2010) I'll admit it, sometimes I instigated fights between Ariel and Marcus, but this time none of it was my fault. Mom was in the post office and left all 3 of us in the van. "You're just a big nerd!" yelled Marcus, he was already angry at her for something earlier. "At least I can beat you up" shot back Ariel. The two started fighting. Literally. Fists and all. I probably should've stopped em, but for once I didn't feel like getting involved. Then boom. Marcus hit Ariel harder than he should've hit  a little sister, gave her a bruise above her eyes. She started crying. "No no no no, Ariel I'm so sorry, listen you have to realize how much trouble we're going to get into!" said Marcus, he also had a scratch on his face. Mom came in and started freaking out about the bruise on Ariel. The two decided to truce before she came in. "I don't know how it got there." lied Ariel. They spent 3 hours trying to lie about the bruises and scratches on them. They got even more hurt when dad gave them the belt for lying. "If we're already hurt, then why do they insist on hurting us more?" sniffed Marcus. Lol.

13.(2011) I definitely remember this day as if it was yesterday. I was purposely avoiding trouble from mom and dad. Minding my own business. Until suddenly. "Oh my gosh! What happened in here!" yelled my mom from the bathroom. She came out, there were a bunch of cotton balls in the toilet, I guess it prevented it from flushing or something. Dad came in and started questioning Marcus, Ariel, and I about who did it. All three of us refused. He grounded us and kept us grounded until one of us fessed up. Finally dad got angry, "Come with me you three, we're going down to the Sheriff's office and ya'll are taking a lie detector test!" A lie detector test about a toilet, I couldn't believe it. "Would one of you just fess up!?" I said to Marcus and Ariel. "It wasn't me!" both of them said at the same time. The Sheriff's office was 45 minutes from us. What a waste of time. We finally got there and Marcus suddenly started crying. "*Sniff *Sniff, It was me dad." he cried. Ariel and I sat there with our mouths wide open. I wanted to smack him. Dad grounded him for a long time.

14.(2011) You ever remember that life alert commercial they used to play back then? During the week after school my mom always watched "The Waltons" this family TV show, it was pretty good. Unfortunately we always watched it during dinner, and that commercial ALWAYS came on constantly. And obviously we thought it was hilarious. We laughed hard every time it came on but dad and mom got really angry whenever we laughed at it. "WHAT' SO FUNNY BOUT SOMEONE GETTING HURT AND POSSIBLY DYING!?" said Mom. We always had to hold our smiles and laughter whenever it came on. But sometimes we failed. Especially Marcus, his chair faced the TV. One time he just busted out laughing. "Something funny boy?" said Dad standing up and reaching for his belt. "No!" said Marcus half frowning, half smiling. Dad gave him the belt right there and then, which almost caused me to laugh, but I surprisingly held it in, but Ariel didn't, causing her to get the same beating. This is the commercial lol. Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up :26 to :33 made us laugh hardest.

15.(2012) The older you get the more your creativity runs out. Marcus and I were on our bed just reading, we cleaned our room, and everything. Absolutely nothing Mom and Dad could yell at us for. Or was I wrong? Dad walked into the room and looked around, everything seemed fine, then he spotted a piece of paper on the floor. "Pick this up" he said. "Mmm" we both mumbled. He walked out. Marcus and I didn't even move. 1 hour later he walks back in and sees the paper still on the ground. "I thought I told ya'll to pick this up!? he screamed. "It's not mine" I said. "It's not mine either." said Marcus. "PICK IT UP!" "Pick it up Marcus." I said. "I'TS NOT MINE!" yelled Marcus. "WHAT YOU YELLIN FOR BOY HUH!?" he picked Marcus up by his hair this time. Ouch. "WHEN I TELL YOU TO PICK SOMETHING UP, YOU PICK IT UP!" Marcus then foolishly took his hand and wiped at his face violently. "WHAT YOU WIPIN AT BOY?!" "You spit on me." he said. Wow we got beat up so bad after saying that. Wasn't so quiet in the house that day anymore.

16.(2012) Coming back from Wal-Mart to home and some fool in front of us on the green light wasn't going. The person behind us thought it was our fault though and constantly kept honking his horn. They then sped up and got level with us and flipped Dad off, then drove off. This pissed Dad off, he then sped up, caught up, honked his horn, and then flipped the guy off. These two constantly had a finger flipping, horn honking war, as mom constantly kept yelling and freaking out. "He could kill us Claude!!" It ended with the guy turning the exit for his destination. It literally went on for 5 minutes.

17.(2013) You know we're really bored when we're having dance contests for entertainment. Especially when I'm the age of 17 at the time. Mom constantly got mad at us for doing this and ended up spanking Ariel with a lotion bottle. Marcus and I laughed so hard. We still have these dumb dance contests today sometimes with this song. The Hamsterdance Song. I don't think I'll ever grow up.

18.(2014) "Texas is stuuuuppppiiiddddd." Ariel, Marcus, and I weren't happy with the fact that we were moving down to Texas. We constantly made fun of Texas. I even bought a 10 gallon hat to push it. "HEYYYY YA'LLLL!!!" yelled Marcus with his shorts pulled up to his chest wearing my 10 gallon hat. Mom had enough, she chased around with the broom. This happened almost daily until we moved to Texas.

19.(2015) Sure we've grown up, this isn't even 10% of the nonsense we did back then. We'll never grow up. That's one thing I love about my siblings, they also don't care what people think, they're not afraid to be their nerdy, dorky, immature selves. We still do some of this nonsense today. I'm a second year college student, Alex is working at a business in Dallas, Marcus is getting ready for senior year of high school, and Ariel is going into 8th grade. Alex has grown up, 23 years old now, he still has his goofy sense of humor and his childish mind of making fun of us, but sometimes this makes the rest of us realize maybe it's time to hang up the immaturity and grow up. I hate how time flies ya know? If I could go back in time I actually wouldn't lol it sucked. But growing up sucks too. We're more mature now, but stupid games like "ponyboy", "dance contests", and "sneaking on people" are still things that occur to us. We're gonna be fun parents lol.

Thanks for reading!

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!


Monday, June 22, 2015

The New Definition Of Social Media, Likes, Fake Followers, And Getting Unfollowed

I'm starting to really like this blogging stuff. I'll write whatever is on my mind for 2 hours about, work my night shift every night, go hangout with friends, chill, explore, take risks, make memories, being stupid, do the regular, and then write about it on here again haha. It's just another added feature to my life that makes me unique. How many people do you know are comfortable with telling others EVERYTHING about their life? I love it. There is one thing I hate about this blogging stuff though. Sharing it on social media.

"Ok we get it Cheyenne we get it, you have a blog now, trying to be the center of attention again." "Wow here goes this dude sharing more stuff from his blog, he thinks he's so cool." "Ugh if he keeps sharing this stuff I'm going to unfriend him." I haven't heard this yet, but I wouldn't doubt it if people say stuff like that about me. It's all good, I don't care. There's good and bad to this. The good is that when people unfriend and unfollow me, then that means they're filtering themselves from me for me. Does that make sense? They were never my true friends in the beginning if they unfriend or unfollow me. The bad about sharing it on social media is that I'll come off as a thirsty jackass looking for tons of views and attention. I promise I'm not. The whole point of blogs, in my opinion, is to change people's perspectives, help them relate, gain confidence, and how they view things.

"I only have 20 likes in 30 minutes, should I delete my picture?" I literally heard a girl say this to their friend as they ate lunch at the college a couple months ago. Haha seriously? Don't lie to me, most people are like this. Maybe you are too? "OH MY GOsH I JUsT GoT 200 LIKEZ ON MY PicTuRE! I'M SO POpuLAR!" Haha you're probably not. It's weird how some of you seem so cool on social media, but not many people seem to notice or care about some of you in real life...I'll explain.

 Believe me when I say this, I've never been a huge fan of social media. I'm thinking about deleting Instagram. I could definitely live without my phone for a long time. So why do I have it? To keep in touch with friends obviously. But social media has COMPLETELY changed from when I first got involved with it.(2011) In the beginning it was all about sharing your memories, moments, and keeping people updated with your life. "Hmm that seems cool." Then you would "like" their status correct? If it didn't interest you then you would just keep scrolling. Social Media is NOTHING like that now. It's a huge popularity contest for likes and recognition. What makes me say this? Many people on social media nowadays ASK for likes and BUY followers. Thirsty for recognition much?  How do I know? I'd say 10% of the people I follow on social media do this. I've seen some of them comment on other people's pages. "Like my last status please?" "Like for like?" or they're "followers" are spam and were bought. Haha for those of you who get 200 likes, 3,000 followers or whatever, I think no different of you. You're not special or more popular than anyone else. Some of you, not all, bought FAKE followers to like your statuses and pics so you would look "popular" and "cool" haha wow. So I guess social media isn't about how you're doing in life or what you're up to. It's all about how many likes and followers you have and get. How "cool"and "hipster" you're trying to be compared to everyone else. Kinda pathetic. Not all of you care about the likes and stuff though. That's how it should be. Sharing moments, creeping on each others pictures, and appreciating each other lol. But whatever, who is it for me to judge right? Do you.

Some people don't buy followers to look cool though. If they're attractive or pretty enough(mostly girls do this) they'll follow tons of people at the same time frame to get tons of followers to follow them back and then a day or two later they will unfollow them. This has happened to me and my friends quite a bit from the girls at Dallas Baptist University, sadly even some boys did it. That way their follow/followers ratio is widely ranged. They look more popular. Example: They will "look cool" because they follow 400 people but they have 1,500 followers.

Since social media is now a pathetic popularity contest. I go along with it. I mostly only like pictures or statuses of my real friends, worth actually liking, or those that don't get many likes. Rooting for the underdogs, since everyone else is already so cool. Lol I dunno I'm weird.

Maybe I'm just jealous and pathetic for writing this post. Everyone trying to have their best to have fun and take millions of pictures to post on social media. Their lives seem soooo fun don't they? I know one girl who once took 70 selfies in one time frame, just so she could choose the "best" one to post on Instagram. Hmmm.

Social media has depressed some people, they realize half their life is spent in front of their phone instead of actually living life. They get depressed because they see other people having fun. They get depressed because they post things PRETENDING to have fun when they really aren't. Or I also know some people who get sad because people unfollow them on social media. Social media is depressing for some people. It has taken over their actual life. They spend too much time trying to impress people or trying to get that "quality" picture just to see what people will say and to be all like "AHH YeaH I GoTZ 300 LikeZ LoOk At ThaT!"

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are the main ones. I probably use Twitter the most. I got it last year. I think I kinda got the hang of it and I actually like using it and posting what I want. I use it the most because I'm 100% myself and post things I feel, people can relate to, and are awkward, weird, but truthful. It helps you communicate with people who relate to what you are interested in and what you think or feel. It's pretty cool. Facebook is one most people have. I only use it to keep in touch with my REAL friends. Sometimes I'll post statuses but now I mostly use it to share my blogs and keep up to date with what my friends are doing. Snapchat is probably my second favorite. I absolutely hate texting, I'm hating it more and more. Face to face interaction is much more enjoyable, you can see their expression and how they actually feel compared to texting where it's all neutral and boring. I'm a boring texter but a fun snapchatter. Snapchat is like texting but with pictures of yourself. You can send videos too.

I'm glad with what Instagram did a couple months before. They got rid of people's "ghost followers" and "fake followers." It was so funny to see people who had 1,000 followers suddenly drop to 300. Instagram is the app that people use to feel better about themselves. They get confidence and feel good when they get tons of likes. Thankfully me and many others don't care about this.

Every other day people unfollow us. It happens. They got bored of us, maybe a post of ours turned them away from us, maybe not good friends and barely know us, or maybe they're thirsty for that "popular look." that I talked about above. I have an app. It's called "unfollowers for Twitter and Instagram." I suggest you get it. You can see who unfollows you and stuff, that way you can unfollow them back, it's pretty interesting to see some people you know suddenly unfollow you. "WhAT WhY THeY UnFOLLowZ MEEE!??". Getting unfollowed daily can get annoying though for some people. So I came up with a solution for myself for that, especially since I don't care how many followers or likes I get.

I purposely posted an inappropriate picture of me on Instagram to see how many people would unfollow me. I know I'm weird haha, but I like being creative, original, and different. I wanted to filter out all of the people who didn't mean anything to me anyway. And it worked haha, but many people seemed to enjoy me just being myself. That made me feel good. Every other month I'm going to purposely post something weird or awkward on my social media to purposely to filter out people. Quality not quantity. I want friends, not a bunch of people on an app.

That's one thing that will make social media more enjoyable. Just be yourself. Quit being a totally different person on social media compared to real life. Has the amount of likes and followers ever gotten you anywhere in life? Nope. Probably not, probably never will. So why are some of you buying and begging for likes and follows? Social media is a place for keeping updated with your friends. That's it.

You all are just a bunch of numbers on an app, haha it's weird. It's about how many friends and memories you have and make in real life. Not how many followers you have on an app, something that will get you no where in life. Quit worrying about likes and follows, buying them and being desperate for recognition. And start RECOGNIZING your real friends. Live your real life not your fake life(social media) because no one cares how many followers  you have or how many likes you get on an app compared to what you do in real life.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!

College(Dallas Baptist University)

Back when I was in 8th grade my older brother Alex went off to college. At the time, when people would say "college", I would think of freedom, socializing, friends, partying, girls, fun, life, risks, adventures, memories. I was 13 years old at the time. Alex was 17 and he seemed pretty happy to be going on his own, young and free. At the same time, at that age, I knew how fast time was going. Even at such a young age I was thinking deep all the time. Soon it was going to be my turn. I would have mixed feelings. Paying my own bills, worrying about money and my future didn't sound like fun.

After I graduated the plan was to go to Montana State University of Billings with my best friend Rafael. But like I said in my past posts, my family and I ended up in Keller, Texas. Before we moved I applied for University of North Texas. They turned me down and I was upset. I had a 3.1 GPA and got a 21 on my ACT. AVERAGE scores. My mom convinced me to apply for DBU. "There's no way they're going to accept me." UNT's acceptance rate was around 70% and DBU's acceptance rate was around 45%. They accepted me and I ended up going there.

DBU is a gorgeous school. It's a private school, meaning you know the tuition is going to be crazy expensive. $24,000, which was no problem for most kids and a struggle for some kids. Altogether the enrollment at the University was around 5,000 people, meaning you would see the same people almost everyday. This wasn't like a normal college, more high-class, no parties, no stupidity. It was all about God, looking classy, corny pick-up lines, quality instagram pics, tweets about bible verses, and constantly trying to impress your peers. Everyone was forced to attend a chapel service 3 days a week, every week.
2 weeks before college I started getting nervous. I usually didn't get nervous about this stuff. "It's a rich kid school, they're going to judge hardcore." I thought. Nothing I could do about it. "There's always someone more weird than you, you'll be fine." I laughed to myself, I always told myself this so I could feel better.

I left for college and it was just a weird feeling. Leaving my family. I couldn't believe I completed part 1 of my life. Childhood. No more home cooking, no more getting yelled by mom, no more messing around with my siblings. I wasn't happy and I wasn't sad.

I moved into the dorm 2 days earlier because I took a class for English. 1 extra credit. At that class I met Kelsey and Jeremy, two great friends. I also knew Hannah, another girl I was good friends with. "See look, you already have three friends." I told myself.

One thing I'm very impressed and happy with myself for is that I met my true and realest friends THE FIRST WEEK at college. The first week was called "SWAT week" a week full of games and getting to know people. All first year students were split into groups of colors and got to know each other. Every day began with a rally in the gym. I HATED THIS. Everyone was forced to do this dance and play games 1st graders would enjoy. This is where I met my friends. A group of kids who obviously weren't enjoying this either. Jonathon and Bill. They were yellow group, the same color as me. We hit it off immediately and remained great friends the whole year. I also became good friends with a lot of the other introverted students. It really kinda felt like bible camp, not college though, but I changed that atmosphere up for my friends and I.

Throughout the first month I continued to just be myself 100%. I don't mean to brag but I honestly think I was one of the few people at DBU who didn't care about impressing people and being popular. And this made me popular. It didn't matter if I was attractive or not, my personality kinda rubbed off on my friends, and they felt more comfortable and free. I was awkward, but casual with making friends. Every time I would see someone sitting alone, or in their own world I would introduce myself and became good friends with them, which would then lead to me meeting their friends, and so on. I had tons of people to hangout with and enjoy time with. Everything was going great. "Rush Week" came a month later.

I don't know all about this, but what I do know is that students participate a week to try to join a frat and sorority. Tons of people wanted to do this and were extremely excited. I didn't understand what was so great about it. The day of Rush Week there were piles of people in front of the gym where it was taking place. Some of the people I knew and were great friends with and some of the people were people I didn't even try to interact with because I personally didn't think they were my type. They seemed stuck-up and like the "You're not good enough to hang with me" type of people. I took Jonathon with me. I'm not going to lie, I thought about joining, and I still can't remember why. Later on I realized the frats and sororities at DBU is nothing compared to the ones at actual colleges.

We finally got to the door and something told me maybe this was a bad idea. Sometimes you just have to realize who your "type" of people are and why people do the things they do. They have their lives and you have yours. We also found out that we had to pay $100 or something like that. No way, I didn't have that money. That 100% turned me off. "Why did you guys go there in the first place? The people who join a frat and a sorority are the people who don't know how to make friends." said Bill. I partly agreed to this, but I partly didn't. Everyone has a reason for doing what they do. Even though I'm friends with some of the frat guys and some of the sorority girls, it doesn't matter. 70% of them are out of my friends and my league. I had my friends, it didn't matter.

Remember how I said DBU was a small campus and a lot of people knew each other? Have you ever heard of the app Yik Yak before? It's an app that let's people anonymously post whatever they want. Dallas Baptist University isn't as "Holy" as you think. Tons of fake people posting the most nastiest and cruel things on that app. Some people brought it up on themselves though.

I had my friends and adventures but around November I decided that DBU was too boring. Social media was filled with the same frat/sorority stuff, posting and posing for their cliché pictures and what not. I needed fun. I needed an actual college experience. My friend Trevor and I decided to film YouTube videos for fun. This also gave us a reason to visit other colleges and places, where we made tons of other friends. They were kinda just awkward dumb social experiments. We weren't taking it seriously at all. Hitting on girls, messing with guys, meeting people, just going out and having fun.

 My friends and I sometimes went to clubs, we went to South Padre Island for spring break, different colleges, and tons more. But this was only possible because I chose to make it that way. Sure it was DBU, but I felt like the college was holding me back from making and experiencing LIFE.

I wouldn't change a thing I did in college. It wasn't my fault I was having financial issues. Because that is the only thing that made college stressful to me. Classes were a breeze of ease. Except for Old Testament. Everyone was forced to take a religious class. I passed every class with an A or B but I failed Old Testament. Hmmm.

You see, I made friends with different TYPES of people, which gave me different experiences. Quiet people, party people, adventure people, and people who just didn't care and were perfectly fine with being themselves. I was acquaintances and friends with some of the frats and sororities, but I never once hung out with them.  You're going to meet fake people everywhere. I personally didn't like DBU, I only liked my friends. Sure fake people are everywhere, but the thing about DBU is that a lot of the sorority girls and frat guys(NOT ALL OF THEM, SOME) acted like they were too good for the non-frats and non-sorority people, compared to other colleges like UNT and UTA who had nice frats and sororities, they gave everyone a chance. Everyone had their little cliques and everyone knew each other. It was annoying. It felt like a 1 year bible camp of 100 people. They were in their own world with their own people. You weren't "good" enough for them.

College was only enjoyable because of my friends. It was too high-class for me and too expensive, most people loved to judge. Thank God there were a lot of pretty girls who didn't join a sorority though, I made good friends with them. Overall it was a good experience though. It's important that you take the initiative to meet people, even if it's awkward at first, it leads to a memorable time and a long-lasting true friendship. Meeting people will change your life and I still managed to make Dallas Baptist University an actual college experience despite the disadvantages. Saying goodbye to all of my friends was sad. A lot of them mentioned how I changed the way I made them think, and that really meant a lot. "You made me realize that worrying about what people will think of you, will cause you to lose happiness and freedom, it only matter what your true friends think, you've made me much more outgoing and I thank you for that." A lot of people told me something similar to that and it made me feel good. I felt like a leader. I'm going to miss them.

It's currently late June and I still don't know if I'll be attending DBU or not. I'm hoping to transfer to Tarrant Count College because it's cheaper and I'll basically be going there for free, but I'm working for a vehicle currently at Kroger haha. The 10 hour night shift. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading fellas and ladies.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts! 

The Definition Of "Cool"


Our world has evolved. The meaning of "cool" has evolved, but it kinda stays the same too though. It's quite simple. Back then(referring to the 70s, 80, and 90s) "cool" was referred to as being attractive. Preferably those guys with the leather jackets, hair slicked back, or of course the backwards hat haha. You get the picture right? Some girls liked the bad boy "cool" look. Most guys with the small arms, nerdy glasses, with the nervous attitude didn't get far with the pretty girls back in the day I guess.

Nowadays it is MUCH different. What's the definition of "cool?" Well just like "The Real Truth About Popularity" post I did, you may be asking why I'm putting quotations around the word "cool." Haha well hmmm....

- "Wow you play the trumpet? That's so cool!"
- "Dude are you going to that intense math competition after school? It's gonna be cool!"
- "Hey bro there's going to be a party tonight, weed, alcohol, girls, it's gonna be hella cool!"
- "Yeah! I just got back from a trip in Nevada with my Mom!! It was so cool!!."

See what I'm saying? Those "nerdy" kids you see now are cool too aren't they? Wearing your leather jacket, keeping up with fashion, or having your hat backwards isn't really that cool now still is it? Maybe being the new cool is just being yourself. Have you ever thought about that?

Cool, to most people, is referred to someone who is fun to be around with, something that is fun to do, or someone who is attractive. This just goes back to the whole "friend thing." People will think you're cool, some people will think you're lame. It's whatever.

One time my best friend Rafael and I had an encounter like this. It was our third day of Summer Upward Bound in 2012. Already made tons of friends. Computer Nerds, Anime Lovers, Fashion Divas, Party People, Sports Fanatics, you name it. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. I'm an all around lover of people unless they're jerks or stuck-up high class people who love to judge everyone and everything. I'll always be an underdog leader at heart though.

"Hey bro look at those girls over there." said Raf elbowing me. "Dang they're real pretty man." "Haha I dare you to go up to them bro." These girls were hot blonde chicks rockin they're short shorts. Definitely out of our league haha, they were in a circle with other guys who obviously spent half their days in the weight room, wearing tank tops, and of course the backwards hat. "Dude no way they're gonna talk to us." I laughed to Rafael. "Bro you're never afraid to talk to people, you don't care what people think remember? Quit being a baby! I'll go with you."

He was right, I honestly don't care. You shouldn't either. "Ok fine lets do this haha." I said. These guys were all around 6'3 compared to Raf's 5'11 height and my 5'9 height at the time.

One thing you should know about me is that I HATE TALKING TO PEOPLE I ALREADY KNOW I WON'T GET ALONG WITH. The reason we went over there was for the girls though. Good thing Raf and I had that "if they don't like us, whatever." attitude. Always have, always will. I decided to have fun while doing this. I knew I wouldn't get along with those guys, so I was gonna act different than usual. I tucked my shirt into my shorts, took my glasses out of my backpack, put them on, and turned my baseball hat to the side. I looked dumb. "Dude!" laughed Raf. I still don't know what the point of me doing this was. I was the one looking stupid.

We walked towards them. "Hey what's up my dawwwwgggzz?" I said, kinda sarcastically. Everyone stopped talking. It got silent and awkward really fast. "Do you guys think I look cool with my hat turned sideways?" I continued. The guys looked at me like I was mentally stupid, but the girls started laughing. "Hahaha yeah it looks great on you." they laughed sarcastically. "Ok woah hold up, who are you two? You guys can't just come up here and butt in. We were having a conversation. Go away." said one of the guys. I saw that coming. Douchebags. He was the biggest one and was wearing a NBA Clippers hat. Gross. I wasn't afraid though. What was he going to do?

"Well I just wanted to come over here and tell you ladies that you all are really pretty. I just wanted to talk to you, not you guys." I said looking back at Clipppers hat. "I mean it's not like you guys own these girls." said Raf. The girls just stood there awkwardly half-smiling, couldn't believe this was actually happening. "You guys actually think these girls would want something to do with you? You guys are not cool at all." he shot back. "I know, that's why I turned my hat sideways." I said. The girls and Raf hollered with laughter at this one. "Ok you guys better get the f%#@ out of here or I'm going to kick your ass, you're not fu%*#@ cool."

One of the blonde girls started talking. "Well why would you kick their ass? They're being nice and haven't done anything to you guys." said the girl. He looked at her and back at us in astonishment. "Maybe you could teach me how to be cool?" I said, now kinda pushing it. "Whatever, f&*% you guys." he and his friends then left. The 5 girls, Raf, and I just stood there. AWKWARD.

I took my glasses and hat off and untucked my shirt. I was ready to start my speech. "So you guys think they're cool huh?" I said to the girls. "Well I mean I dunno, we just came over to them because we were bored." she said. "Why didn't you go over to those guys?" I said pointing at a bunch of guys well dressed at a table on their computers talking about music and such. "I mean they're not really our type I guess, it would just be awkward, they look ant-social." I hate constantly questioning people but I had to get the point straight.

"So self-absorbed douchebags are your type and are cool huh?" I said. No answer. I looked at Raf and back at them, "Well hey it was nice to meet you guys, I guess we'll see you around." We started walking off. "Well hey! No wait! I mean I think you guys are cool." said one of the girls, the other three shook their heads up and down smiling. "Are you serious? We're nothing like those guys." said Raf. "Yes I know, but there are different types of cool." she said. There's intelligent cool, attractive cool, personality cool, sports cool." she smiled. "Well what kind of cool are we then?" I laughed. All 4 of them laughed. "I guess we'll just have to find out." said another girl smiling. "Wanna go on a walk with us?" they asked. "Haha sure."

True story. What did this experience teach you? Absolutely nothing. People are different, any other girl could of told us to get out of their face too ya know. Those guys could've been nice, first impressions are false sometimes times. We're all "cool." We have our preferences and our different types of fun. Nothing is considered lame if someone else and their friend likes doing it. Haha be yourself. As long as you got your friends, you're cool.

Stay cool my dawwwgggz.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts! 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Believing In Gay Marriage And Religion

One of my friends thought I should write a post about Gay Marriage and Religion. "Why? The last thing I need to do is spark a huge controversy. No one cares what I "think." People will do and think that they want. If you're gay you're gay. Let people live their lives and move on with yours." I told her. "Cheyenne, you're so selfish. You don't understand. I get bullied and get tons of shit from people saying that I "shouldn't" be into other woman, and that it is a "sin." Who the hell are they to tell me that I can't be in love with another soul? Just because we're the same gender? People are people, you tell me that all the time! Why can't I love who I want?" We all live our own lives! Who the f&%# are they to care about who I love and telling me I'm "sinning." This is a bunch of bullshit Cheyenne." I could tell she was getting angry, so I dropped the subject. But I'm writing this to show her that I'm not afraid to express my opinion on something, even if it results in me losing some friends I guess.

I hate talking about this. Sure I'm a Christian and stuff, but geez when people get all religious and stuff, I'll admit that it's annoying sometimes. I'm sorry. Maybe I need help? I dunno. The world is changing. Men getting married to men. Women getting married to women. They fell in love with each other. They had a reason for doing what they're doing. A soul is a soul correct? We all have a soul right? We all have feelings for one another because we're attracted to that person, their personality, how they act. So does gender really matter? Love is love isn't it? Why is this such a huge problem, it should be simple shouldn't it?

You see this subject is so deep. Because it all matters whether you're a Christian or not. I'm not getting into that though. The subject is "Gay Marriage" not "Trying To Be A Christian." Most Christians agree that Gay Marriage is a sin. Rightfully so I guess. People at my former college, DBU, were kings and queens for constantly bothering people about this issue. Including me. I'm not gay, but I do know some gay people who are friends with me. This student wasn't too fond of them and he let me know too.

"If you're a Christian then why are you sticking up for these gay people dude?" asked this kid I already wasn't too fond of. Constantly made people feel bad by using the bible. It got annoying sometimes. Why was he even talking to me? lol(I'm keeping names confidential in this post.) "I'm not sticking up for them, I'm just trying to understand why this is such a big deal. They love each other, why are people acting like it is such a crime? Can you not just love a person? A gender is a gender." I said. "Are you even a Christian? Are you gay yourself? If you truly were a Christian, you would know that gay marriage is a sin. I didn't make the rules, it is what it is. If you want to go to Heaven, you cannot be involved with gay love or marriage." he shot back. "I'm not gay you idiot and are you even a Christian? Are Christians supposed to judge others and put them down? Shouldn't you just move on with your life and worry about yourself? Why is it bothering you so much?" I said. "Cheyenne IT IS A SIN. You don't seem to understand that your little pals are going to burn in hell." "Answer my damn question, why is it bothering you? I want a legitimate answer right now." I said, realizing I was almost yelling. "It's not bothering me!" he said. "Then why the hell do you go around acting like they're such horrible people then, leave them alone if it's not bothering you, live your life and go to heaven pal. If they're going to go to hell then at least let them live in this world with peace, geez they happen to be attracted to the same sex, IT"S NOT A BIG DEAL" I said.

It was silent for a couple of seconds. We both calmed down.

"Cheyenne, don't you care that your friends are going to burn in hell? Don't you want to help change them? You're not a friend. You know what they're doing is wrong and you won't help them. I can't believe you. The bible clearly states it's a sin." he said softly."I know what the bible says, does the bible say "thou shall judge others constantly" though? I asked him. He didn't have an answer for that one. I continued. "I just can't. I will not tell them anything. I'm going to let them live their lives. People will believe what they believe. They will love who they want to love. I will not try to take something away from them that makes them happy. All you people are just making their lives worse by constantly mentioning this stuff all the time, it's not going to solve anything. You've sinned before too haven't you? Did the whole damn world yell it out so everyone would know? Because that's what all of you guys are doing. I understand what the bible says, but you shouldn't be making people depressed and constantly pushing this kind of stuff up on them all the time. You don't rule them. We are all our own people and love who we love" I said. "Ahh whatever man, we'll continue this later. You better hope they change." he said walking away, shaking his head.

He won me over on that debate. Bible worm. Quoted the crap out of me using bible verses. I know what the bible says and what is "right" or "wrong" or whatever. I just don't understand why these people are constantly being bothered by Christians just because they're in love with a person. Is it really hurting everyone badly? A preacher told me something a couple of years that made me think. "Sometimes we were put on this earth to change someone around. God uses us for different reasons. We should try to help the non-Christians and help them change their lives around." It's harder to actually do it instead of say it. Sometimes Christians don't realize how much embarrassment they're actually putting on people when they're trying to "change" them around. I have trouble talking about Christianity and God in public. I'm already awkward enough, that just makes it even more awkward. I'm working on it.

To sum it up? No, I don't agree with gay marriage. I love women and women only lol. I mean I'm not gay. But IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME. If I see 2 men walking around holding hands or doing what they do, I just keep it moving. They're attracted to each other, so what? We all like someone or something for a reason don't we? I'm bothered by the fact that gays are bothered constantly by people, preferably Christians. Constantly telling them that "they're disgusting" or "you're going to burn in hell." Like they told my friend at the top of the post. That pisses me off, some of you "Christians" need help yourself because you don't have the right to tell people that.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid because that kid I had a debate with told me that if I don't try to change them, that they will burn in hell and it will be because of me. I didn't try to change them. The way I see this is that, everyone in this world isn't going to heaven. Some people are going to hell. A lot of people are Christians and a lot of people aren't Christians. One person can't change the whole world, especially if that person is me lol. I'm going to let people live their life and be happy with their lives. I will continue to be friends with my friends, whether they're gay or not. Feelings are feelings. I will not judge a man because he loves a man. It still continues to bother me till this day though, I still feel guilty, don't know what to do. Maybe we should all worry about more important things like murders and poverty instead of what gender a man is attracted to haha.

I understand people are trying to change others. That's good. Be careful with how you do it. Don't bully people for what they feel or the opinions they express. All I'm trying to say is that being gay, isn't hurting ANYONE. Live your life and they will live yours. If you don't like what they think or how they feel, then just stay away from them and keep it moving. This issue should be simple, why do we all strive on making it so stressful and annoying? I hope I hear less about this subject in the future. Live your own life. Stay with the people you're comfortable with. Love is love. Believe in what you believe in. Besides murder, don't murder people.

Tell me what you think, seriously share this and tell me what you think.

Cheyenne Fuller

Follow my blog and check out my other posts!